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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. You're just upset I found that old gif of you.
  2. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/41/eddie_murphy.jpg
  3. Alex is better... http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/1268190553398.gif
  4. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/staleface.jpg.gif
  5. Really... bragging about your box versus TWC's is like a parent barging that their autistic kid is smarter than the other parents kid who's retarded. All of the cable companies boxes suck.
  6. If you can't build it yourself, buy one. Building one is more likely to have issues, and if you can't build it you'll be less likely to be able to fix it. Then you'll be calling whoever built it, waiting for them. Not a good situation for a PC you need for work. One you buy should be more stable.
  7. http://www.funnycorner.net/funny-pictures/5605/Sarcasm.jpg
  8. AIDS, maybe even the super kind.
  9. Let me know what you've got. Just need some regular old tires in good condition with a decent amount of tread left. If someone has steelies to fit a 2001 Hyundai Eleantra 4 door (GLS) that would be great too. Looks like they should be 4*114.3 with a 40mm offset. TIA
  10. Your first ride on your bike... I borrowed Berto's dads bike. That ride kicked my ass too, but it was fun.
  11. IIRC that was the trail we did qutie a few years ago. Me, Berto, Phil and a friend of berto's. It's a nice trail. Google maps has bike trials now! And you can do directions with them too. On Google maps in the top right go to More>Bike Trails and it will overlay them. Then in directions you can drag down the menu below the "To/From" entry fields and select "By Bike" to use those trails and 'bike friendly' roads for directions. This could show you some trails you don't know about or give you some ideas for routes. It will not use sidewalks or parking lots. So it may take you on an inefficient route sometimes. Find your own ways by riding around, find shortcuts on Google maps with the satellite images.
  12. Who give s a flying fuck? Seriously, get a life if you care about this shit.
  13. About what time would that be? May be a lot easier for me to swing by there as I don't think I would have to get out of work early.
  14. Triple post. It's easy because it's 2AM, but this is important. OM fucking F fucking G this is funny shit. I love Jalopnik. http://jalopnik.com/5491543/bankrupt-runaway-prius-driver-owns-adult-swinger-site
  15. Alex, if he will add in his mullet and a six pack of PBR, I think you should make the deal.
  16. Your asking price is outrageous. I can buy the same thing on craigslist for $21.95 and a jar of belly button lint. I'm not at all interested, I just wanted to shit in your for sale thread and seem important. http://s2.buzzfeed.com/static/imagebuzz/web02/2009/9/15/19/i-am-outraged-336-1253057980-53.jpg
  17. And this... http://www.autoblog.com/2010/03/19/feds-suggest-driver-error-may-have-caused-runaway-prius-in-ny/ This one happened right after the California one. By the way, if you hadn't already figured out that the likely situation with these two cars was people making shit up for whatever the reason may be due to the media attention due to the unintended acceleration situation, you're more dumb that the drivers of these cars.
  18. I'm sorry, I know that trying to brake a car without power assist is alot harder but get your fat ass off of the couch and stop eating potato chips. Also, grow a set. 'all of your strength' is not actually all of your actual strength. Your're just a pussy. Oh, I pushed down as hard as I could, I put a little more strength into that I do walking my lard ass around all day. No, fucking grab onto that steering wheel, push your back into the seat and step on the brakes.
  19. That's kind of sad. The amp I was talking about I bought off of a guy who did lots of big stereo stuff. He sold me that amp and a bunch of other stuff to go much bigger. His new setup was all Lanzar and it was loud and sounded decent for that type of system. I was under the impression that at least at one point they made quality stuff. This was a few years ago though.
  20. Two houses in the same place with more pics to see what the inside should look like. http://dshaffer.vflyer.com/home/flyer/home/2933098 http://hotpads.com/search/listing/0C246BAE-A64D-F6AA-D87E3B220B998000_Z57#lat=40.005221&lon=-83.167057&zoom=20&previewId=0C246BAE-A64D-F6AA-D87E3B220B998000_Z57&previewType=listing&detailsOpen=true&listingTypes=sale,newHome,foreclosure&pricingFrequency=once&loan=30,0.0525,0&visible=new,viewed,favorite
  21. Like the video says, Highway. There is a Road, IIRC closer to the city that goes into Hollywood, nothing special. I've driven on some roads around there full tilt a few times. Also ridden along Mulholand Highway. Lots of fun roads around there.
  22. Lucky he didn't get a bar end into his car at the very least. Most who ride around any city on a regular basis are very defensive from almost being killed many times.
  23. Sorry DJ. Luaralee was a really nice woman. Hope I can skip out of work early and stop by.
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