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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Will the new A3/S3/RS3 only be a sedan in the states?
  2. We couldn't get the box springs up stairs in our new place so we just got an ikea frame with those wooden slats that have some give. So we don't need these anymore. Free if you come pick them up before Monday. Otherwise bulk pickup will get them.
  3. TheBussman bought the washer, both items have been sold! Thanks again to Not Brian and TheBussman for taking these off of my hands!
  4. You need to be back in town! First snow flakes of the season might be seen soon. :fuckyeah:
  5. Water cooler sold to (not) Brian, thanks for taking that off of our hands! Washer still for sale, come take it from us!
  6. Yes, I will be at Stillmans, want me to bring it? Let me know ASAP, we plan on heading out of here around 4:15.
  7. You can do either (pickup or delivery), but these are from Krogers, not that it probably matters. They have a bin outside you dump these into and it spits out a ticket for the deposit. Then you pick up new, sealed, full ones up at the front of the store. It's filtered water, some have salt, etc. for taste and some don't, just like smaller bottles of water so you have to figure out what you like. Not every Krogers has them, some other hardware and grocery stores have them. Some places have refillable ones you can buy and fill up in their machines which have some sort of filtration on them. These ones have a screw top for transporting them. My parents use those, but they are a pain to put on the cooler without spilling the water, but since the water isn't transport on a truck I think it's cheaper. The ones you get from Krogers or delivery has a circular plastic piece inside of the part that goes into the cooler. It keeps the water from spilling out, and when you put it on the cooler there is a plastic piece in the cooler that pushes that out of the way. One of the 3gal things would usually last us a week or so. We typically go to the grocery store every 2 weeks and get 2 or 3 of these, however many were empty. If you only wanted it for cold water and didn't care about the filtration I guess you could just fill up these bottles and put them on there.
  8. At these prices, come pick them up. We live on the NW side of town. We may be able to work something out for the water cooler but I don't have a vehicle large enough to move the washer. I have a charity coming on Tuesday and bulk pickup coming on the 31st. Sorry about the short notice post but I'm going to try to see if the charity wants the washer if no one busy it before then. This is the same washer that Smokey was selling http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=105700 We bought it when we were in between the new house and old apartment to have a washer at both places. We are all moved in now and our old washer doesn't make loud noises so we don't need this one anymore. Worked fine despite the noise for the 2 months we used it. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=755&pictureid=6689 We are going to get an under-counter sink based water filtration system, so we don't need this water cooler anymore. We have 3-3gal empty bottles that will be included for the bottle deposits. The hot water side broke due to a stupid safety spring putting too much tension on the plastic when you used it. So I removed the handle, sealed it up with silicone and turned the heating system off. Only cold water comes out of the right side now. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=755&pictureid=6687
  9. You've obviously never drive/ridden in an AWD car in the snow with winters on. It's like your a demigod around the plebs with 2wd cars with all seasons.
  10. Worked there 7 months, never opened an account. 5/3 has been good to me for almost 20 years. And god damn i feel old being able to say that.
  11. In pending seeing how my knee is when the season comes around. After having been to PNS (perfect north) a few times, that could be fun. Not as big as HV or Snowshoe, but much better terrain than around here, and it's much closer AND there is a big casino there. Edit: Does Snowshoe really have 1500ft of vert? I thought it was more comparable to HV or Seven Springs (both around 750ft). 1500ft is well into 'real' ski mountain territory. That would get my vote. How's the tree skiing at Showshoe? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Springs_Mountain_Resort http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_North_Slopes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowshoe_Mountain http://www.holidayvalley.com/HolidayValley/info/the-mountain.aspx
  12. My dad works at Emerson, what do you guys do there? He's in design with critical cooling, or whatever they call it there (AC controls side). EDIT: n/m, just saw your post. Just sent a text to my dad, letting him know about it in case traffic is bad. He said that you guys were allowed to go if you wanted.
  13. Ya, that's what they will tell you over the phone too. But, at least at 5/3, it's only a debit card and not a 'credit' card. IIRC you can't use a debit card at all POS places right? It's complete BS that you have to wait 10 days or go in to get a card for their fuck up. EDIT: Maybe it's not Chases fault in this case. But I've had 5/3 replace cards more than once with something that was their, or their suppliers fault. Every time same run around, won't tell me what happened. 10 days to get a card. Have to go into all of my bill pay stuff and change numbers. :fuuuu: Hey, maybe since this happens only all of the time you should make your systems more secure.
  14. Keep in mind you will be in post PT rehab for a few months. Mine were billed at $300 per visit, insurance rate was about $100/visit. Go see Cory Southers at Banyan Tree Rehab just north of Tuttle for your PT. See him, or some other very good PT, before your surgery (ASAP) and see if he recommends pre-PT rehab. He's supposed to be one of the best in Columbus for ACL's and I had a very, very good experience with him. If you get the surgery done shortly after the injury you normally have to get mobility/strength back in your leg before the doc will do the surgery. Mobility and strength before translate to what it will be like after. I waited 2 months due to life (big vacation planned) before the surgery and went into pre-surgery PT half a dozen times, starting pretty soon after my injury. On the other side of it a coworker had a doc tell him he had a partial tear and to stay off of it, then ended up needing surgery. Before my surgery I went hiking in Hawaii, and was off of crutches within a few weeks. My coworker had his quad atrophy 100% and was on crutches for a month or two. It will obviously be a different situation with you, since it's an old injury. But going in and getting established with a PT won't hurt. And they can suggest if pre-PT surgery will help. Another thing that will effect this is how many PT visits your insurance covers in a year. Mine was 60, which I guess is a very high amount, so it was a no-brainier to do a few pre-surgery sessions. If you go to a big place for surgery they will recommend you go to a specific place for PT, maybe connected to their facility. I was warned away from those places because sometimes they are very big and busy and you will see a PT sometimes, but often you will see a PT assistant. A bad PT is not good, and there are plenty of bad (and good) PTs out there. An assistant is just asking to at the very best delay your recovery imho. It sounds like your company has good benefits. Check to see if you have some company paid short term disability. Mine did, I was off for 2 weeks. I took FMLA and claimed the short term disability. I took 3 days of vacation and got paid my normal amount over that 11 days.
  15. Get a hold of me sometime too. We've only been there once staying in Kona the whole time, but we went literally everywhere on the island. I highly suggest making it a longer trip and visiting more than 1 island if it makes sense. For us, with all of the places we want to go it was a likely once in a lifetime trip (as are most places). With the time and expense of the flights and overall trip we wanted to make the most out of the trip. We spent 6 nights on Hawaii in Kona and 5 nights on Maui, 2 in Hana and 3 in Lahaina. I really liked that we spent so much time there and stayed at different places. Every one of them had a much different feel.
  16. You guys usually go to Hawaii right? Have you ever been to Maui? If not, remind me the next time I'm over there and I can tell you about some of the stuff we did there that we really liked.
  17. I'm 90% committed to come. At this point I've got nothing going on, but I've been so busy lately I'm starting to go into hermit mode and I don't like committing to anything when I'm in this mood. I really want to come check these places out so I will very likely be there. :megusta:
  18. Parking in the short north in is fucking horrible in general. My rage face comes out when I try to park down there. Very poor city planning and I can imagine almost no thought put into the parking situation down there. I kind of get the parking permit areas in the short north, but they need to make more public parking close to the area. Grandview on the other hand, is out of control. I went down there for some festival, probably their busiest day of the year. And I walked a few blocks past way too many open spots in permit areas.
  19. Was yours a proofreading business?
  20. OHMAGAWD this might be the best picture I've seen all day. http://a3.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/29/0aa490a1b79b95695f8090b33cb47afd/l.jpg
  21. I thought WASP were the ones that hated taxes. :gabe:
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