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Everything posted by DKilbourne

  1. Have you already picked up the kit to spray it?
  2. Kind of like a fox body with an LSX........
  3. Haha. I would LOVE to see that.
  4. PM me your email and I'll send a pic to you.
  5. Shit. I guess I'm just not cool and should stop right away
  6. Wish I knew that before Kilkare. I have one dent, from an un-named source, that I can't seem to stop looking at. Rather annoying.
  7. I thought that I had watched a video of you guys and you were out front, but I couldn't remember.
  8. That's an awefully big intake..........
  9. Definitely need to load up the intercooler box with ice and cool it down plenty in between runs. I'd be curious to see what kind of 60's we were getting yesterday. What suspension work do you have?
  10. Definitely. I was a little pre-occupied with trying to see what happened to the Vette. You need to find some smaller wheels for the front too. Those weren't helping you at the track. Low 11's the first time out isn't too bad at all.
  11. There was more? Haha. Did you see Mike's plug? He pulled the valve cover and all of the springs were intact, so it must be damage to the bottom end
  12. Do you want to see the white one from that run I may have gone a little red. Tried to launch higher and spun though. I knew I had to do something to get an advantage. Beat him to the stripe by .043. Really close.
  13. Not too many cars there today. Had a new best on dr's of 11.19. Only problem was my seat went all of the way back going into 4th and my foot came off of the gas for a bit. May have been a lower teen pass, but oh well.
  14. Just one thought here and I'll move on. He not only saw this shit in '02, but he had to have seen this Sandusky douche again using the PSU facilities between then and a week ago. How did he not kill him? Hmm.......money? Who knows. Definitely on my list of who gives a shit now.
  15. I hope that you picked this up already and are putting it on.
  16. I guess we will find out at about 1000'........hopefully not.
  17. Just buy it. Car needs exhaust.
  18. Real bottom end or another stocker?
  19. Mood will change if there is no estrogen replacement therapy/pills. Depression is somewhat common as well with this. Just keep an eye on her and ask the doc questions about it.
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