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Everything posted by DKilbourne

  1. No better way to meet people than a track day! Welcome.
  2. Corn, corn, intake, then more corn.
  3. "Grudge racing" to be cool like that super real street outlaws bs.... Or street racing for "street cred" Hell, I dont know. I wont be there, but I also dont have a car to race right now.
  4. Very nice. 10.4s in shit air is very impressive.
  5. Nice car. I'd have to have it in a stick though. I'm sure the DCT or whatever tranny is in there does a good job, but for a quick car I prefer it to be a manual.
  6. I guess you will just have to de-burr it before you use it. :gabe:
  7. Looks like you will have to go to the track more than once. Haha.
  8. I got mine from Summit way back when. Check there.
  9. Tell Charlie to have his business partner to get some of his friends at the rental. Talked to a few of them at NMRA this past Saturday.
  10. Yep. That was from Bowling Green in 2016. Car has a stock magnum in it now. Definitely a solid option for a 6 speed. It also has a 10pt cage and a few other updates and tweaks, but the basics haven't changed too much since then. He is on holeshot wheels now instead of the bogart's. Oh, he will be at the Kilkare track rental too.
  11. Your work is on point as we now know to expect. Someday I will use you to bring my shadow grey paint back to life.
  12. Russ, what is that new motor combo? Or is that the one you had done just before you moved south?
  13. Doc, I am honestly envious that you are able to do this each year. Very cool. That's a lot of torque out of your car too. That has to feel good.
  14. So, a good friend of mine took his "old school" 86 mustang to the track this weekend and rowed gears to a true street win. We are fairly certain that he is the 1st stick car to win an NMRA true street event as well. Really cool to see a friend who has worked so hard to get where he is with the car to win it. We knew he needed a clean 3rd pass to have it and it was hilarious watching all of us be nervous for him. There is a good pic of his car lifting both back up going into 2nd on NMRAs site. http://www.nmradigital.com Congrats again Mike. You deserve it.
  15. Borrow JPs Z and break his replacement axles :gabe:
  16. One 10 second pass and done, huh? Riiiiiight...haha
  17. And apparently her boyfriend :gabe: All jokes aside, that's awesome of her. I'll call it a great anniversary gift to you.
  18. I will have to bury my nose in said seat before committing to buying....
  19. No shit. It's a love it or hate thing at this point. Guess which side we are on? :gabe: Car looks good though.
  20. Passing morning shower at 8am was last nights forecast for today.
  21. It better sell out with the move. If my car was mobile I'd be there for sure.
  22. She scooped and threw what appeared to be every last gram of her shit. If she shit on the floor in the open, what the hell did she do in the bathroom before that to be banned from it? I'm sorry, I'm not grabbing shit, even my own, with a bare hand. She was nuttier than a squirrel turd.
  23. It looked effortless. In a good way. Are you trying to bump it up each time you go?
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