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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. The $10 Rampage CD player in my beater decided it liked a certain crap CD so much that it wasnt going to give it back so I'm looking for an el cheapo CD player if anyone has one, it just needs to play burned CDs and have 1 set of RCA outs. Thanks
  2. you got it, ill call ya tomm.
  3. I got 2 tickets good for any day in 2005 Tickets to Cedar Point for my birthday and never made it up there. if anyone is interested, the park is still open every weekend in October for Halloweekends and the park is about dead so you can ride the dragster, millenium and the new ride all day long. Tickets are $41 apeice I'd like to get $30 for both and I deliver
  4. http://wheelspacer.com/default.asp The guy that runs wheelspacer.com is a racing legend and is cool as shit. He'll contact you the day you write a price request and he will custom make anything you need for a great price.
  5. Here's the hidden minigame that got GTA:SA pulled from the shelves a month ago. you need a gameshark to "unlock" it or just a download for the PC version. http://www.collegehumor.com/movies/1597046/
  6. I have a porcelin Dale Earnhardt SR. Bear it is about 9inches tall 7 inches wide. It's holding a Number 3 NASCAR that is about the size of a hot wheel. It's brand new still in box. Perfect for any fan's of #3 the corner of the box is creased but the actual bear itself is 100% perfect. http://i22.ebayimg.com/03/i/04/d9/3c/c8_1_b.JPG $15, I deliver
  7. Whenever I click on a link posted by someone on CR or any forum for that matter, rather than taking me to the page all I get is a blank screen in a new window where the page I wanted should be. Putting my mouse over a link puts the address in the tool bar and i can go to the page by cutting and pasting the link into my browser. Any idea how to fix this wise one???? Thanks
  8. DAMMIT, im already a member and pay $30 a month If there was anywhere for a member already to take it over i'd do it, but i doubt it
  9. Ya, all i could think of is on the back of every cop car you see it says to call 1-800-GRAB-DUI if you see a drunk driver. I had no idea to think of what jurisdiction i'm in or something first. Just this person is going to kill somebody and they need pulled over NOW. It's a shame the perosn on the other end was more concerned with what number i called, how i got the number and my information then, getting this person off the road.
  10. So last night at about 12:30am I'm driving down 270 East from Hilliard to 23. In front of me is a Black Toyota Camry Liscense plate [A BRAT] and it's swerving all over the road. i call my friend who is following me, and he says he was about to call 1800 GRAB-DUI. I tell him i'll do it and call them. While I'm on the phone with them the Camry makes a B-line from the left lane over 2 lanes to the right, heading right for a Fuel Tanker. I'm actually on the phone with GRAB DUI in the middle of tellnig her where I'm located and i'm like "HOLY SHIT" in the middle of the convo cause i was expecting a huge explosion. At the last second the Camry slams on the brakes and another car it almost hit does the same and the tanker swerves a little. From this point I'm keeping back about 50-100 feet while this Camry swerves from one lane to the other, rides the wall on the left. etc. Finally [A BRAT] goes to the far right lane and I throw it in 4th and gun it to get in front of this fuck and put some distance. My friend does the same. As I go by i look over to see if this is like a 5 year old or WTF is going on. It's a 16-17 year old white trash looking chick with brown hair, by herself, it looked liek she was hugging the steering wheel. I get off on 23 North (i usually get off on 71) to get off the highway. Granted by this point there is serious distance between us. I can see the Camry in my rearview swerving from side to side going about 60. While on 23 turning right on Polaris I look in my rearview [A BRAT] is doing about 80 swerving through cars, runs the Red on 23 north Polaris intersection and speeds off toward Delaware. Damn bitch went the same direction I did and somehow caught us. She almost side swipped me flying through the light. It pisses me off that she got that far without getting caught. 1-800-GRAB-DUI sounded mad that i called them and seemed uninterested. Ladies just like ya, uh huh, ok i'll tell the columbus police etc. I really hope [A BRAT] didn't injure or kill anyone but themselves cause this was by far the worst case of drunk or high or something driving I've ever seen and I was defiantely shaken up after seeing it. If anyone knows a teenage girl that drives a black or dark blue Camry (left tailight out) no less with the Liscense plate [ A BRAT ] please beat her to within an inch of life. Thanks
  11. http://photobucket.com/albums/y78/knotfan/?action=view&current=Picture077e.jpg
  12. I think it's called a pitman arm puller but it's to pop a ball joint out of a control arm. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid94/p24ebe703d87aa2dc47b6c352f3f8f9ce/fa3c37e4.jpg looks like the picture. just need it for friday if anyone has one i can use pweeze. it'd be much appreciated. The non adjustable ones are everywhere for $10 but i cant find the kind that grabs like a jaw like the one in the picture, anywhere. Thank you. -Chris
  13. Price Lowered $20 for both. Just announced Chapelle Show is DONE no season 3, get these while they're hot
  14. Still for sale. Come get Rick James Bitch
  15. My garage that the banner is in, is on Polaris pkwy. Lemme know a time to meet there and it's yours. Thanks
  16. lol, i have a box of 8 of them will sell em for $35. Perfect awards for a car show.
  17. Camera is a Fuji 160EZ http://www.fujifilm.com/JSP/fuji/epartners/Products.jsp?nav=0&parent=PRODUCT_CATEGORY_547419&product=4024360 Site says its the worlds smallest and lightest 160mm camera smile.gif
  18. When is good for you??? I close there the next 2 nights.
  19. I recieved a very untimely ticket and decided to sell just about everything I don't use on a daily basis to pay it since I'm broke. Pictures fro everything can be found here: http://www.kodakgallery.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?&collid=504989885205 PM for the login and password if you don't have ofoto or cant view the pics. -160mm Fuji 35mm Camera (never used) bought this because my digital camera has no zoom whatsoever and I figured i'd use this for far away shots but never have. 160mm zoom is HUGE if you don't know. It's the biggest you can get on a compact non SLR camera that I know of. SOLD -4 foot long blacklight fixture and blacklight. Works (see pic) has GE blacklight bulb in it. This thing is huge and expensive. It's in it's orignal box and was put up for like a month. $20 -(2) 16x6.5" Brand new 5x114.3 Steelies. Never had a tire on them, still have peel off before using sticker etc. (see pic) was going to put drag radials on them, but havent had money to buy drag radials. They fit DSMs, Preludes, Accords, pretty much any Japanese car with 5 lug wheels. $15 - Evolution 8 Rally Car remote control car with charger, used once havent had time since. see pic in perfect shape. $5 - 3 different garage signs. Acura CL Dr. , Acura CL Parking only, and Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owners expense (official sign) see pics. ( $5 apeice) - Rotora Brake Company HUGE garage banner. SOLD - Box of 8 Automotive trophies, never used, nothing plauqed on them. Wanna hold a car show or something similar here is 8 HUGE $35-40 a peice trophies to use. Have steering wheel top, aprrox. 2.5 feet tall. (must see pic) (Whole Box $30) - ultimate PS2 Light Gun set-up.... 2 PS2 Guncon2s with the connector to connect them both and shoot 2 fisted John Woo style. 1 GunCon1 for use with any PS1 Gun games on your PS2. (I recomend the (Point Blank) series) 4 of the best GunCon games ever released. Time Crisis 2 Time Crisis 3 Vampire Night (from the makers of House of the Dead only 10Xs better. Endgame All games have original cases and instructions. Defiantely see the pic on this one. SOLD For EVERYTHING PRICES LOWERED - SOME STUFF SOLD
  20. Whoever wants em, I'll bring them with me to the Target on polaris, I'll be there until 10pm tonight. 1st there with $$$$ they are theirs smile.gif My name's Chris and i'll be at the front lanes.
  21. Both seasons on DVD with all the discs the cases etc. Both watched once each. $25 for both. Each has like 10-11 episodes of the funniest shit you'll ever see. Rick James, Lil' John, etc.
  22. Ummm have you heard of EB games, GameStop, Video Games Express etc. for all that shit you have there, you could get like $400 dollars in store credit to buy an XBox and a ton of games.
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