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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I always did think pam was kinda manly though she did look a lot better 15 years ago, but who wouldn't. Now she really does look like a tranny and after looking for awhile she looks like Stifflers Mom too who was also pretty manly:-) Evan
  2. Very nice. I'm starting on finishing my basement this week too. Phase one make me a computer room to hide from pregnant wife in:-) Evan
  3. Tractor

    Dog talk

    Animal cruelty would be cutting the dog until it finally died from blood loss. Or maybe starving it to death because you don't give a shit. Shooting will kill it within a few seconds maybe minutes if its a small gun. I guess your saying a dog is = to a child. Some people think so, but they need to think harder. Evan
  4. Tractor

    Dog talk

    I agree with that. The part I hate is that I could go to prison or at least be put through the mill if I had a dog that was sick that I decided to "put down" the cheap way. That sort of elevation of an animals rights is something I really don't like being pushed my way. Recently a lot of people have been getting into this type of trouble in Delaware county. I'm sure some of them were truly being cruel to an animal (though I completely don't believe there can be animal cruelty), but the law is the law and the law should be obeyed. Is there truly laws that would prevent me from shooting my sick dog if I had one? When and where I grew up that was completely normal. Shooting someone elses dog though would get you into trouble either by ass whooping or having the law called. Back on topic though (sorry.) Do invisible fences work? I like smaller dogs like Beagles myself. There cute little guys. I used to have one that must have been mixed with a small pit of some type because he was built like a tank. He had this really annoying "Honk" sound he made instead of barking though so he got stuff thrown at him from the house in the middle of the night a lot. Evan
  5. Exactly I believe government jobs such as those shouldn't be free rides. Same goes for all government paid jobs. The people have basically no incentive to do anything right or fast or to even give a damn about what they are doing. Especially jobs such as Social Security fraud dept. We've tried turning my father in-law in several times for continuing to steal social security payments for his dead wife after he remarried. He's always been a SS fraud kinda guy though. They basically tell us that they don't care that he's stealing money from us all. Back on topic. He should be compensated for sure. 250K per year is nothing. Only around 6.5mil. Add at least a 0 to that number and take it from the DA as Eric suggested. Evan
  6. Tractor

    Dog talk

    I'm just bored lately and its winter so I"m playing along with the usual CR winter time stuff. Now I think I was mis understood about dogs. I love them and had many of them while growing up. Dogs and cats were part of my family for 24 or so years of my life. My parents didn't allow animals to live in our house and I won't either. Its totally not a question of patience since I have more patience than probably most of you on here and most anyone that knows me personally would know that. Of course that can't be realized from threads on forums and I know that so I don't take much wrong on the internet. Also I'd never "pay" for a dog. To me thats just crazy. Hell I might pay up to $25 for a really nice one, but my family has never paid for any of the animals we've had. We've even had a fully trained English Setter for use as a bird dog. Nice animal, but wow was it dumb. Birds was all it knew and it was great at that job. Don't take this wrong, but I was raised in farm country and consider animals very replaceable though missed when they die. Evan
  7. I think you think that tranny is hot:-) I'm married you can't have any. Evan
  8. I think that chick is the tranny that Dr Rick now hates. Evan
  9. What would you be wanting that place for? From what I can tell there are houses around already and your only talking an area of 5 to 10 acres. The Peninsula(sp?) itself is not even 1/4mil long. It would be a very nice place to own if you owned it all though for sure. Further more the sat image could be from 1998. Even that would be considered a very new map as far as the US GS is concerned. The tag on the image says 2007, but I'd be willing to bet those are just credits for the entities that provide the data and sort of a copyright more than a date tag. I could be wrong though especially if Alpena is a fast growing area. That would mean the US GS is taking a more active approach to charting that area. Evan
  10. Hot? Not possible their eyebrows are painted on their fucking heads. I know exactly what he's meaning. That just wrong. BTW my wife has a great aunt who bugs the fuck out of us all the time, is a damned 60yr old dike, lives with another 60yr old women "just friends though they've been together for something like 40 years," paints her eyebrows on, and is the most annoying person I've ever met. Needs to die soon so I can enjoy life. Evan
  11. I love that dogs coat. I need to come back over and take some pictures of your dogs. Animals are fun to photograph since you never know what will happen. Evan
  12. Tractor

    Dog talk

    I keep thinking about getting a dog, but I may wait until I my kid will be old enough to enjoy it too. I just hate having a dog tied up in the yard all the time. Anyone know if they can actually be trained to stay in the yard? I've heard mixed info about invisible fences. I got 5 acres also so its at least a little room to play in. I grew up on 160 acres with free roaming dogs all over. No way in hell am I having a dog or cat in my house. Initially I like the thought of getting to play with it all the time, but the first time it damages something of mine it will be killed. End of Story. Evan
  13. I tend to be of the camp who goes into a store. Sees something I remember from TV and walk right on by because there commercial was stupid. I'm actually 99% commercial free in my life I skip all of them on TV and turn the radio. I've been thinking of trying satellite radio for just that reason. Even WOSU 820AM is starting to have businesses slip commercials in. Its really pissing me off. Evan
  14. I can't imagine it being worth it for McDonalds to continue to advertise. Hell Coke really shouldn't bother. Wasn't it stated a few months ago in a survey or something that Coke is 99% recognized world wide? To me continuing to spend money on ads for something that well known is just a waste. Especially if we're talking about a super bowl commercial or movie theater ads. I'm pretty sure everyone in an area that has theaters or that can watch the super bowl would already know about coke. Evan
  15. Lol fuck salt I want the roads to stay covered. Makes my driving around town more exciting. Evan
  16. Correct the Counties court house should have that information. Also if you happen to have an address you could possibly find the tax information which would also tell you who owns it. The tax dept may also have online search function for maps called "tax plats." these will show all the land in an area and who owns it. My club researches this stuff all the time though we usually have to send a guy down in person to do a search at the court houses since places we go aren't developed enough to have online stuff. Evan
  17. I wouldn't even make statements about me vs a dog if I wasn't positive I would win. If its between killing the dog or becoming lunch the dog dies. Also I ain't a kid from westerville talking out of his ass. I'm full blood southern ohio hillbilly and spent my days as a kid playing around all kinds of animals. I didn't weigh over 110lbs until I got married at 24 (it happens when shes a good cook.) I was also into martial arts heavily from about 14 to 21 or so. I used to beat the crap out of my uncles 250+ lbs Alaskan wolf looking dog. Can't remember what it was called, but it was hairy and as big as a large man. Living were I did we had neighbors who thought it was funny to have big mean dogs and have them chase people. If your not a pussy you learn to stand your ground and fight because any dog (especially a police dog) is in its element when chasing a fleeing, scared victim. I also didn't say I'd be in very good condition once the fight was over, but I'd definitely not let the dog win. As for ever being in a real fight yes. I used to go 10 rounds at least a couple times a month with all sizes of opponents. From 100 lbs up to 310 lb guy that hurt like hell the time I made him fall on top of me (hehe I still won though.) Also as any kid in highschool with way to many hormones raging I used to enjoy being a bad ass that couldn't find anyone who could take me. That was only because I didn't fight other martial artist for sure or it would have been much different. We were always ganged together messing with the rest of the populations youth who didn't have formal training and certainly didn't practice to the degree that we did. Damn those were good times and yes I am now a major "has been," but oh well this is the internet so your dogs have raptor blood and I"m a keyboard ninja. Evan
  18. To bad all those vids are of a police dog being used as cannon fodder to distract a criminal just long enough for 20 cops to pile on him. Great tactic for sure and way better than just sending in a human to do the distracting. I really like the last one where they fire tear gas as the dog is inbound. There has got to be some underground blood sport vids of human vs animal somewhere on this sick planet. Or is german or jap scat vids about it? Hehe the black kid fighting the little dog was funny though. I love playing with them like that. Heres a case where a guy killed a pit bull in a sort of accident. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=local&id=4988044 This ones just kinda funny:-) http://www.atheistpeace.com/2007/12/mike-huckabee-kills-dog-threat.html Evan
  19. I know for a fact that on at least 2 occasions in Vinton County a man fired at and at least one time hit ATV/dirt bike riders. He has also threatened to shoot my 4x4 club and we ride on a township road (very unimproved) that goes through this guys property. He considers us trespassers even though he's been confronted with deputies and the county engineers have sided with us over the route of the road. The most that was done to the guy firing the weapon the time he actually hit a rider was 2 or 3 days in the jail and released after the judge heard his case. Nothing more has ever been done and as far as we know he still feels he has a right to shoot us for being on that road. Technically he's in violation of ORC just having a loaded firearm on that road though that would be an extreme technicality since the road is only mud and we can only follow it with snow on by using our GPS's. Just figured I'd throw that out since we are on the whole guns/laws/property thing again. Evan
  20. I totally agree guys. I turn off my radio during commercials and only watch TV that has been TIVO'd. Wow that is a great invention and worth the $5 per month to keep my sanity. I guess we are a growing demographic and producers are working to keep bombing us with ads. The investment forums I read have talked about shows putting items (ie coke products) in the TV shows to make sure we see them. Oh well as long as they don't make it really obvious I can live with it. You know like this; 1st guy "I sure love driving this GMC Suburban out to our archaeological dig site." 2nd guy "Yeah its so nice I think I'll go buy one when we get back." That would piss me off and I'd need to go buy a new TV. Evan
  21. Yeah that is a really nice looking dog and picture now that you pointed it out. I'm an animal lover also guys so don't think I just go around killing things because its fun or something. Though I do feel they are animals and don't deserve to be treated as anything more than property. Evan
  22. Hehe okay okay. I wouldn't want to fight a large aggressive wolf. I'm sure I'd win, but I'd take some serious damage killing it and if I'm way out in the wilderness I could likely die from infection or bleed to death. As for domesticated dogs. Come on unless they seriously out weigh you they are domestic animals with the mental capacity of a 4 or 5 year old human. First thing I'm gonna do is see if I can choke out the animal and/or dislocate its neck or arms. Yes I studied dog anatomy when I was way to far into martial arts and I also used to test nerve points and have even choked out my own dog. Little guy though so no match for a human. Secondly if that doesn't work and/or its a particularly nasty dog and gets its mouth around my leg/arm Its gonna loose both eyes real fast or maybe just get its skull fractured. Or snout. If that doesn't work then it gets my arm rammed down its throat. Really guys its a dog. You think it will show you mercy? HELL NO, if you lose your its lunch so be vicious. Mikes right about dogs in packs. Though that normally only applies with wild dogs, wolves, and dogs in homes where an alpha male has been established. Same thing when fighting a human. You better give it your all or the enemy might be willing to end your life when you've given up. Thats the most important lesson in self defense. I'd be much more afraid of an 80lb cat then a 200 lb dog. Much smarter and they have many more weapons/tactics to kill you with. Evan
  23. Well your "Fila Brasileiro" is a nice dog, but I hope you don't mine when its guts are pulled out of its mouth. I'm even a dog lover, but I'd kill one that was attacking me without any trouble. I force a coyote to back down the other day when I stepped under my garage door and was literally 2 feet from it nose to nose. I was prepared to rip it to pieces. True though the dog owner would be something to have to deal with, but nearly any dog that actually was intent on protecting its territory would live a few seconds and the owner better be tough or they'd probably piss themselves with surprise at how fast the dog gave in. I still say he did the right thing. 2 Forced entries happened in Westerville at my old place the exact same way. One right across the street from me. 2 or 3 guys knock on the door in the evening selling something and when you open it they push in with a knife/fire arm and rob you. I do hope someday someone wants to try a knife with me again. I have always enjoyed untrained assaults from scared idiots. Too bad out were I live now they'd require a gun to rob someone because nearly everyone out here are probably nuts enough to shoot anytime. Evan
  24. Having a gun in hand is the best course of action if 3 guys some to your door in the late evening. Dogs ain't shit against a person (especially a crazy one) and I'll go head to head with anyones dog who thinks otherwise. I''d definitely be leaving though if you had a gun in your hand. Besides they are on your property and you told them to leave. On the other hand the fact that you don't know what they were doing at your door means you didn't ask or can't remember. Maybe you could have asked? I mean if all they really were doing was selling they are dipshits so taking precaution was the right thing to do 100%. The cops obviously didn't see a real problem with you having a gun with you and didn't blame you or they would have done something to you. Evan
  25. When its rainy downtown I find it funny to hit puddles with people standing around on the streets. I figure everyone needs a bad day once in awhile. Sometimes I have them and I even enjoy them a bit because to me its just nuts to take little shit serious. I'd never throw at someones face though. That could turn not funny to easily. I think it would have also been funny if they tore out of the drive-thru only to hit a car pulling in or something though. Evan
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