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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. NYC probably figured out how much money annually was returned by good citizens and decided they need to train the population to pass by lost stuff so that the city can steal it. Evan
  2. Yeap tried all programs that were free from cloudynights.com and also tried registax. I can't seem to get them to work. I have used one a long time ago that was very simple that did work, but it was a free trial and cost $40 to buy it. I hadn't seen Samir's site yet. Thats some very useful information on that page. Really explains a lot in technical terms that I can use. Thanks. Evan
  3. Tractor


    Honestly she's on a 2 year green card so that means she goes back home after 2 years. I could be wrong, but it sounds like she's here, loves it, and now wants to stay. I'm betting there is a process she would need to do back in her home country or maybe can apply inside the US. Any other way of staying and I think she'll turn into the same type of person all us illegal bashers want out. Evan
  4. I'm into astrophotography a bit and would be much better at it if I could use photoshop and similar programs more effective. Anyone have any suggestions on how to learn. The most important part of astro processing is combining say 50, 3 second exposers into a single image of 150 seconds of light exposer. I've even downloaded a number of image stacking programs that are suppose to make this process easy, but I can never get them to work properly. Any ideas? Evan
  5. I'd prefer they actively capture known criminals. I have a family example of police slacking off that I'll try to make very short. My father in-law married a very young (ugly too) women who is not a very good person. She has kids she abandoned years ago, has stolen cars, robbed an old women, and even has committed check fraud and ID theft. Well the police came to my father in-laws house, busted in with a warrant and hauled him away. When my wife was talking to the detectives at a later date they were very surprised to find out that the women with him was the person she turned out to be. He even said they have been looking for her for quite some time and she gave them a false name at the time or they would have hauled her in as well. So... Think they went back there and got her ass? Hell no they still ain't picked her up and they know where she lives. She'll likely kill my wifes Dad at some point and claim any possessions he has (probably amounts to about 500 bucks anyway, but still.) The systems ignorant ways make my head hurt. Evan
  6. Fixed the darn thing. I found that the software version on my phone was bugged. Updated and it works now. Evan
  7. lol I'm always tired as fuck when I'm reading on here and also have 6 other windows opened (not to mention usually playing EVE-Online) so I'm not putting 100% into my posts. Hehe I guess that also says I might be a retard so someone tell me what I"m doing wrong with these little wireless devils. I was gonna get my wife a blue tooth dildo, but fuck it. Gonna go get the 120volt unit instead. Evan.
  8. Cool I might give it a try before I say fuck it and go buy something for my telescope. Though while doing research on google for the problem I'm having I saw the same problem with the Jabras. Evan
  9. Okay I gotcha. I've tried two now and they both have the same problem so normally in my troubleshooting path I'd think the problem ain't with the headsets.
  10. Hate to hijack my own thread, but how was that link going to be helpful? Yeah I'm one of those 1% too. I am in my car and on my phone nearly all day long for work. I just want this damn thing to work so I can be even more effective at field service (though I can't service anything since I"m on the phone helping the other techs all day.) Hehehe Evan
  11. Are the motorola ones truely junk or am I just a retard? I've tried two of them now and both have the same problem. When someone calls me and I answer they can't hear my voice at all. It works fine when I call out though. I'm a total noob at cell phones and wireless devices so after two sets I'll accept that I'm just dumb and need help. I have a RAZR V3M btw and yeah I've heard bad things, but its worked perfectly for me (about 2 years) and was free with the plan. The headsets I've tried H500 and H670. I've searched google and found that I'm not the only one with this problem, but haven't seen any solutions except one in broken English and it wasn't very helpful. Evan
  12. If you really wanna move to a bigger house then go for it. In this market I'd suggest just listing it yourself and trying to sell it. The reason I say this is that for a price you can put your house on the lists too and you won't be in as deep as having an agent. Besides it will probably take you 6 to 12 months to sell anyway unless you get lucky and then you can look around and pick out a nice house. DO NOT get yourself stuck with two mortgages. That is the fastest way to ruin. The agent will cut 6% from yo wiggle room/profits too. I know an agent that is up to his neck in sales still due to all his rich clients buying up depressed properties and holding for the turn around (which most people expect soon.) Look at builders stock prices over the last 3 months if you don't believe that. There making some headway now that bad reports have slowed in the news. Evan
  13. Lol wow okay its afternoon now. Damn I seem to remember trying it both ways too. Evan
  14. Fixed it Brain:-) Evan
  15. It might be the blue truck, but I like this one. Crazy thing, I thought I did it when I beat it. Haha theres more levels though the next few are easier IMO. http://www.flashgames247.com/play/754.html Hehe just figured out I didn't put in a link. I gotta stop doing this shit at 2am. Evan
  16. "The couple are among a growing number of illegal immigrants across the United States who are starting to pack their bags and move on as a crackdown on undocumented immigrants widens and the U.S. economy slows, turning a traditional Christmas trek home into a one-way trip." WOW! That last part is just stupid, "turning a traditional Christmas trek home into a one-way trip." That shows how bad we are at stopping them from moving in and out of our country. You'd think if your illegal you'd stay very far from any boarder patrols or other places that might cause you to be ID'd as an illegal by a proper authority. Thats just wrong. Evan
  17. I'm even having to deal with more and more Mexicans working in IT departments. Not as help desk either. I can think of several (won't mention where since they are customers) that are sys admins. These aren't 3rd generation guys either they can barely understand what we're telling them. Evan
  18. I agree with a stuck thermostat, but I'll say double check your coolant level. Gotta keep it simple and thats the first step. Oh and listen for a bubbly sound coming from around the heater core. Do this when the engine is cold and just turned on with the heat selector on maximum. Also push the gas pedal down a little to see if it makes the noise then. That would mean you have an air pocket which in Toyotas also means you usually need to add fluid. At least thats how I remember to add it to my Corolla. Evan
  19. If your friends a friend then he was driving at the time and will admit to it and take the fine. If not then he don't drive your car no more. Pretty simple really. Evan
  20. 19220 first try. Got so fast the deer had terrible FPS before I got bored and shot santa to see what happens. Evan
  21. He's back? He has been on the fitness commercials for years. Looks like he's been sick to in the last commercials I've seen him in. Evan
  22. This is bullshit, "She always answers yes. But she cautions that the point isn't to sway the students, only to teach them a little empathy. "These kids will become our leaders, maybe even the people who make the laws," she said. "At the very least, they'll certainly be the people who vote on them. Shouldn't they learn something about it all now?"" Empathy for what? Illegals who are criminals of the US, Mexico, and international law? My child will never go to school and deal with that BS. If by some chance they do the school will hate me more than they did when I was a student. Evan
  23. Sorry I didn't help diagnose the problems your having. I gave up reading the tech area while back. Theres just no point anymore due to all the shop owners that bust in with "Oh thats easy bring it to my shop." That ain't what the tech section was intended for at all. I think I've even saw Anthony post something about that at one time. Can't remember. Evan
  24. Suicide the cowards way out? Gotta explain that one to me sometime. It has nothing to do with being a coward and everything to do with mental state and current situation. If your friend truely wasn't on any drugs and still tested positive what the hell is he going to prison for? Ain't the system better than that? CR cops help me with that. Hell help this guy out if you can because this again points to why I have no faith in law enforcement and am actually terrified of what could happen when cops have a bad day. Also if I were faced with a prison stay and record I don't think I'd have trouble ending my life either if I was innocent with no way to prove it. Evan
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