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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I don't see any of them as likely to win so I guess any of the 3 could win. More likely either McCain or Obama unless the Clintons have something sneaky they can pull at the convention. Evan
  2. What I can't believe is some people spin out, hit the wall (rear of their car) then proceed to sit and wait for the ticket. If I didn't hit anyone else I never hang around if I can get the car to move. I've hit the ditch plenty of times in the corolla and when I'm in on of the 4x4's I don't usually even slow down I just get to where I"m going and worry about the damage later. Evan
  3. 6000x6000 nice Brian, but kinda makes it hard to look at even on a 51" monitor. What I really want is to get a nice picture of M51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy." At least good enough that I can frame it on my wall. Look that one up on yahoo to see some nice shots of it. Evan
  4. Umm, most people I grew up with owned guns when they were < 10yrs old. No one not even the police would have thought anything of it, but then again I grew up in redneck country:-) Evan
  5. Not to many other Nebulas this time of year that can be photographed from Central Ohio. If the moon ever leaves I'll try to get Rosetta Nebula and at least make an attempt at Horse Head, but I'm pretty sure I can't pick it up unless I'm at a dark location. I did pick up the Whirlpool Galaxy near the big dipper that night, but the sky fog was to high to get anything except the galactic core in the image. I use a Canon digital S2 IS and my Celestron 8" telescope acts as a 2000mm F/10 lens. Evan
  6. I got a much better picture using a modded eyepiece adapter and much better computer guiding of the scope. Only drawback was the moon being 20 degrees away making the sky very bright. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/M42shareable.jpg Evan
  7. I don't think he said he was concealing a gun. Its not illegal to carry a gun in Ohio BTW. Evan
  8. News reports had me break my 38" boggers from the frozen spot my truck has been parked in for 2" of snow. How fucking cute. I need a couple of feet to be happy. Evan
  9. Can't wait. I fired up the trail rig in case my tractor gets stuck plowing my driveway (well I"m hoping it gets stuck anyway.) Evan
  10. ^BINGO Though we run into people all the time who think we are riding on their property. At least until we pull out the engineers maps and show them we are on a legal road. They always hate that and it usually ends when the engineers office mails them a letter informing them that they have a 200 yr old road running through their property that is still collecting tax revenues and therefore still a legal right of passage to anyone. Evan
  11. I do it every 3,000 or so. Car runs good still, but sounds a little loose. Evan
  12. If you believe that then you shouldn't have been on that road. If he didn't have signs you shouldn't have anything to worry about if it was a branch off of a legal road and you "thought" you were continuing on the road. Now if you were back there rutting it out spinning tires and playing on his property then he has a right to be upset, but it sounds like he's taking it way overboard or your not telling why he's so upset about it. Also what was the road name that you thought you were on? Evan
  13. Some call it Luna. I know there are a couple other "scientific consensus" names, but can't remember them right off. Also many cultures around the world have names for it as a god. Evan
  14. The general rule when walking has always been if you cross into someones property that does not have proper signs posted at the proper spacing from each other then you are not trespassing. You could be told to leave, but you could not be charged with anything. Now that is walking. In the case of driving you could be liable to fix his grass or other things you might have damaged with your vehicle. Was this "trail" a road at some point? If you let me know where you were I can look it up and see if I can give you some defense in the matter. My 4x4 club runs in to this sort of thing from time to time with land owners and we always end up educating the land owner and the Judges when it comes to legal rights of way. Evan
  15. If your not able to itemize >= the standard deduction then there is no point in itemizing. Your better off taking the standard deduction and dealing with it. Home owners don't always get money back just because they own a home. They can claim their mortgage interest and some other things if its >= standard deduction. It works out best if they are in a loan that puts them in a high debt/income ratio as far as tax returns go. Evan
  16. I've had no real problems with my Razr or my wifes. I did take it in for the firmware update and really didn't enjoy signing that waiver that states "IF WE BREAK YOUR PHONE YOU GET TO PAY UP $70." Thats the first I've ever heard of something that stupid before and if I tried that with my customers I'd get the boot. Of course every time I take a phone in to verizon for any updates or anything I always end up with a battery that won't hold a charge for more than 2 hours afterwards. I wonder if its a side effect of something they do in the shop? Its happend on 2 company phones and my personal phone now. Evan
  17. Hoover Grill is a nice place up in Westerville on the water of Hoover Res. I know the owner (nice g), but the food is to fancy for me even though the prices are really good. Evan
  18. Everything is original except the waterpump and lots of brake parts. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/300000.jpg Evan
  19. Tractor

    Its a girl!

    For a while my 4x4 club's members were having multiples. I think there were 4 or 5 sets in a row. It was scaring my wife:-) Evan
  20. You could post some pics of your welds so far. I know on weldingweb they critic them all the time for people. Maybe someone on here could point out something easily. I learned to make two pieces of steel stick together and thats about all I'll say about my welding abilities. At least nothing important I've welded has broken yet, but I melted a lot of sticks to make up for not knowing what I'm doing. Evan
  21. That nebula can be easily seen in 50mm binoculars or a 40-50mm telescope. Actually if you were out on a ship or other place away from light you could see it without a telescope, but the lack of any magnification makes it look like a red/blue area in Orion's sword. Orion Telescopes and Binoculars sells lots of stuff from starter telescopes to professional grade stuff. I've been wanting to have a look through those Meade scopes they sell in Walmart. Meade and Celestron have always been the big names in lower end professional gear and now Meade sells cheapies for everyone. Some of them even have computerized mounts which I'd like to see work. Evan
  22. Ah sorry. The Orion Nebula is a cloud of gas/dust in the constellation of Orion (right at the bottom of the sword.) Mostly hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur for the gases. had I done a 30 minute shot of it with true white as the balance I would have gotten red, blue, and green colors all over the nebula. The telescope is a Celestron C-8 on a CG-5C mount. Similar to this http://www.celestron.com/c2/images/files/product/11026-XLT_c8sgtxlt_large.gif The scope itself is about 19 years old and I've had it since I was 10. The old mount was pretty unstable and the computer system was from the 1980's so you can imagine how weak it was. The new mount is awesome in comparison and the computer can guide without perfect polar alignment and point to over 40,000 objects with just a few button presses. Evan
  23. I'm using the free photobucket and its good to 1MB picture sizes. The paid version is only good to 5MB files so I'm still way under the even the smallest images I take. I checked out flickr.com. They are pretty good 10MB filesizes for $24.95 per month and unlimited space. I could probably deal with that, but more is always better:-) Evan
  24. I'm way up in Marengo about 20 minutes north of Polaris, but most things move across the sky and drift into Columbus's skyglow. I get the best shots of objects in the South-Southeast. What I really need is to get down to a star party in West Virginia again. Evan
  25. Took 10 30 second frames through telescope and FINALLY got the stupid stacking software to work. Took the shots under tungsten light balance to reduce the background light from the city lights. The undesired effect is it turns the image much more blue then it would normally be, but I think it brought out a lot more detail that I would have otherwise had trouble getting from Central Ohio. Now can't wait until I learn how to not overexpose stars in 5 minute shots:-) http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/M42resized.jpg Evan
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