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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Tractor

    Worst Show on TV??

    I agree all reality shows cancelled. All creators should be executed.
  2. I had the overqualified problem too. Actually the Job I'm at now thought I was way over qualified, but there out of Mansfield and understand when I guy says he wants a job in field service and doesn't expect to be overpaid and just wants to settle in and worry about things other than a career. They hired me. I'm glad they did and they keep saying there glad they did so I guess its all good. I'm 25 now and plan to be there until I'm pretty damn old. Evan
  3. I live in Westerville. Just south of 270 exit. Just moved there about 1 year ago. Very nice place. The Neighbors are all cool too. They'd have to be to put up with all my trucks and hillbilly shit Evan
  4. Tractor


    I have 1 electric fan from the 90's model chevy cars. $5 at a junk yard. Since I run it 99% of the time on trails only going 3 to 5 MPH at the most you don't need to worry about much air flow. Besides the creeks and mud holes keep the engine running at <150 degs most of the time anyway. Evan
  5. Tractor


    It keeps the radiator out of the mud and water. And out of the way of sticks and rocks and front end collisions with trees. Evan
  6. Tractor


    I used 2 10 foot sections to relocate my radiator to the bed of my truck. I used exhaust piping though. You may want to try another route first. I check on the price of 20 feet of flexable radiator hose and Marietta Ignition wanted $350 for it. Evan
  7. 34.714% - Total Geek being honest as possible:)
  8. Does the clutch pedal have a good feel to it? Did you say you bleed some air out? If so maybe the clutch master cylinder got air in it. In that case it should be removed and bench bled. If all this is done and you still don't have a good feel try adjusting the clutch pedal travel. If this all doesn't work take the slave cylinder off and start it in gear. If that doesn't help the throwout bearing or throwout arm could be seized in the disengaged position. In that case you pretty much have to pull the engine or drop the tranny to fix it. I once had my slave cylinder piston flip on my truck. couldn't do anything just like you. Evan
  9. Carbs need to be adjusted a little everytime you start them if your going to run at optimal performance everytime. EFI and TBI does this for you. My Yota has a 350 with a qjet and the thing actually has better throttle response than fuel injected engines. It does run pretty rough on a cold start up, but I don't have the choke hooked up because I haven't gotten around to it. If you say all this started after the t-storm I'd take the dist cap off and make sure you don't just have water in it. Especially if you opened the hood with water on it it would have dumped right onto the distributor. Evan
  10. I understand completely what your going though on that one. I'll call myself an expert in looking for IT jobs. Since I looked for about 2 years after moving up here. I did find a great place. TekSystems up on 23 about a mile north of 270 on the northend. They are also part of Maxim group, Aerotek, and On Site. They tried real hard and I got probably 10 contract jobs through them. I tried others and they wouldn't even give me a chance. Brian at teksystems had me doing everything from IT to CAD work to installing lighting and sound systems in the Polaris mall. He sold my ass to his customers like there supposed to. If your into fixing copiers email me. I hear my company still has an opening. We had some guys, but one backed out. Evan
  11. battery alternator is not a bad idea. You didn't mention that you've checked the fuel pressure. I can't imagine a problem with on around 60K on it though. Mine's a 94 7A2E with 190K on it and no parts other than a starter contact for 11 cents. It could be that you have a messed up fuel filter maybe by putting dirt in the tank from a gas can? Evan
  12. Almost sounds like its low on fluid or pressure. Evan
  13. I agree 2 quarts in a few days would be a very tired engine. This would be indicated by alot of smoke comming from the tail pipe. If thats not the case check for leaks and check the coolant for oil. If theres 2 quarts in it it won't look to good at all. Evan
  14. I'd suggest finding out how the inside of the boot got wet in the first place. You driving around in 2 feet of water with the hood open? Thats kind of the type of problem my 4x4 clubs runs into sometimes so its kind of funny to hear about a car doing it. Evan
  15. Tractor


    Shouldn't be a tough job. If they connect anything like the ford trucks do it can be done in an hour easy and shouldn't cost more than 10 or 20 dollars for the part. Evan
  16. Tractor

    Need Advice

    I agree if its a feature of the unit then they should install it or make you happy. If its just a clutch override that would be a very easy circuit to install. I don't understand there problem with it. If you never get the problem resolved let me know and we'll get some specs and bypass it. Evan
  17. Well its all good, but the people now more than 15 of them I've seen in the last few weeks were not rich young kids. they were a mix of people over 25. Of course I could have just been in all the right places to see this. I've been pulled over lots and lots of times and have never been searched or asked about it. Oh one more crazy fact. The a few of the cops had nice bins for the people to put there shit into. Just like they are out there just doing random searches. Evan
  18. Don't know if anyone noticed or not, but I'm on the road around 4 to 6 hours a day and lately I've been seeing alot of cars being searched. WTF? Did a new law pass or something. Is is something to do with the counter terrorism shit? If so why search some moms minivan. I've even seen them do a search on westerville rd at rush hour. right in the damn left turning lane. Seems like there looking for reasons to ticket people pretty badly. Just today I watched an ST going all over a guys car. Wasn't a POS either. Evan
  19. hehe. that should do it. Seems to run pretty good. Took it across rt 3 burning the tires. Didn't even get into the secondaries. Didn't wanna get them stuck open. I'll have to hose the carb with PB blaster tomorrow. Evan
  20. Back when I was into the martial arts very heavy I used to study chinese history and stuff quite abit. Used to meditate daily. I always liked astronomy so the study of all the worlds mythology kinda goes along with it. I really like the science of the acient world. Its cool to see how they devised math to prove there incorrect understanding of the motions of the stars and planets. Hell it all worked out in there math and calendars still share very similar methods. Evan
  21. Not that I can think of unless there's something wrong with your hardware profile. could be a virus screwing with you. W2K is usually pretty reliable. Have you downloaded the latest drivers for your vid card. Evan
  22. My truck runs again. Thanks Mark and Mike for helping get the tranny back in. I got to drive it a few miles tonight and the engine still runs good after being down for like 8 months. Just have to tune it a little. Evan
  23. dude get a warehouse job. I had 7 years IT experience a few years back when the market took a shit here. I worked at a warehouse for almost 2 years and it was actually fun and relaxing considering all the harder jobs I could have been doing for about the same pay. BTW what is 50 cents to a dollar more an hour just to work your ass off in construction. I waited out the slow market in a warehouse and now I've got an awesome job. I'd get you in on it, but they wouldn't want someone that will leave after the summer. You wouldn't even be trained by then. Evan
  24. I don't think I'd have been doing it in a building. I wonder what happend when the pressure ran low? Did the fire travel into the tank and blow the shit out of them or what?
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