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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. And Ben, Faigley's ass and your ex girlfriend's penis do not count here. ^^^^^ Oh shit don't sure how many people got owned right there. Good one. Evan
  2. I have heard several people over the years mention that when an insurance company totals a car you can buy it back??? Thats odd. My family has had cars totaled many times and have always just had the thing towed back to our house and waited around for the check in the mail. I've never heard anything like "buying it back" happening. Why would you have to "buy it back" anyway? Isn't it yours. Just because you wrecked doesn't mean they now own it. I could see leaving it at a garage and never picking it up or something, but shit. please someone enlighten me. Evan
  3. I just got home. If you need it towed still I could do it tomorrow after 5 pm. If you need to stall them you could probably push it to another part of the street and tell them you drove it. If that don't work I guess they'd have to trust that you will get it moved. You could always hook a chain or something to it and move it somewhere far enough way that they won't bother you about it until you can get it moved. Sorry I didn't make it back home in time. Evan
  4. Yeah I went north on westerville rd. turning onto shrock rd the guy thought I was spinning my tires. I think he left me alone mostly because I was in a beat to shit truck and he wouldn't have been able to tell my plate is from franklin county from his car anyway. Evan
  5. If nobody else has offered I have a car hauler and truck. Evan
  6. if its in 4wd on pavement it will definately do it, but you cannot put my truck in 4wd on the road. the first time you took a 90 deg corner you'd blow out a u joint or axle or something.
  7. Had a pretty good conversation with a cop today in westerville about squealing my tires graemlins/bsflag.gif I was in my offroad truck and he didn't like that my truck squeals its tires around corners. I didn't get any tickets since I explained the truck has a spool in the rear. They squeal even at < 2 MPH around any corner. For some reason I don't like cops attitudes most of the time. I really hate how they go harasing people for stuff like this, but never seem to be around when the assholes in the minivans run through lights after they've been red for 5 or 6 seconds.
  8. Definately a repost, but its always pretty good. I especially like how just as its comming to an end the chopper 4 camera picks up the police helicopter in the camera flying lower and in the opposite direction. I'd think the TV guys could get into some trouble flying so tight in an airspace during something like that. Evan
  9. I'd say fuck Israel too. Fuck the whole region, but we can't really do that if we want to use there oil instead of ours. Don't say that shit is bushes idea because its not. We drilled for our own oil over the last 100 years and for some damned reason we capped all the wells and we let OPEC sell us theres at a price they are asking for. I guess this could be because once they run out and China and Mexico become bigger powers running automobiles around using gas we will uncap our wells and make off like bandits with the worlds money. Don't believe that part about capping our wells. Give me a call sometime and I'll take you out in my truck and we will see vast fields of gas wells that are not being used, but are being maintained all over southern, OH, west virginia and I'm sure about any other state in the US. I say fuck the democrats and republicans. about the only difference really is that the republicans support business in there politics and the democrats support mostly minority groups. Of course they support business too, but try hard to seem like the adverage joes. That shit is just politics and theres not alot we can do about it. I know it sucks. I'm all for the republicans though since there votes are least likely to effect me in my life where as the democrats votes will do things like make a national or state level E-Check, increase taxes, and probably try to stop outdoor motorized recreation to help out there ecowacko buddies. I can't stand the dumass jerks on here who actually think that Bush being president caused a recession. Look at yahoo stocks you assholes. Go to a graph of about 10 years back you can cleary see a recession starting a year before Bush took office. You will also see that the stocks have nearly doubled there lows from the recession. My stocks are doing great I have a job better than I've ever had. Shit I started out making 4.75 as a programmer/PC tech at a small firm and now I work for a great company as a field service engineer making around 18.00. Stop blaming other people for your problems and start doing something about it. I'm about as adverage as you can get too. I came from a home where my dad worked as a mechanic. I didn't even go to grade school, high school, or college (Yeah it usually shows in my spelling too.)When I was having trouble finding jobs in my field I went to work in a warehouse making 9.50 while I waited out the recession. While I worked there I bought a +100K house in the middle of Westerville, got a loan for a decent truck and am quite comfortable. Fuck all this "Bad Times Crap" Evan
  10. My job said Rally Car Driver. don't know about that but it nailed my wife's job as a Professional Shopper:) Evan
  11. Thats how Jared lost all the weight graemlins/puke.gif
  12. Does anyone know if a company is making any more star trek games? I always liked them and have about all of them, but for some reason they quit making them right when designers are getting real good at making them. Anyone seen Klingon Academy or Bridge Commander. Awesome games. Evan
  13. Tractor

    Hey kids!

    Sucks that shit ain't on no more. I really liked 90% of that stuff. Evan
  14. Heard of it about 15 to 17 years ago. My dad bought some off of an infomercial. Too young to remember if it was any good or not. Evan
  15. wires are very easy to cross. I always had them wrong until I started labeling everything.
  16. I was 1 car back from the troopers that stopped traffic on 270 S after 161 today. Saw a guy on a crotch rocket get owned when he decided he'd pass everyone. Evan
  17. Its the one in Gahanna that got me to worst of all so far. I had a relatives car break down down in Marietta Ohio and we called all over trying to find parts. Well the Autozone in Gahanna said they had the part. We asked again and the manager went back and got the part and held it in his hand while he put it on hold for us. So I drove the 120 miles to get it and when I got there the fucker was like "Duh you must have called the Advance across the street because we don't have that part." He pissed me off pretty bad because the guy said that while he was looking right at the screen that had my name on it with the part number of the part that he put on hold for us that day. Fucking assholes Evan
  18. Cats really hate being on leashes like that and they always go crazy when they figure out there on one. You'd think the guy would know that and have a better hold on the cat. Oh and the way that cat got wrapped around his leg it was going to hurt when he clawed him. I once had a big tough body building friend come over and try to pet my cat Spike (Yeah should have guessed by the name) Well the cat didn't want to be bothered at the time and actually sent him away crying. Evan
  19. If its low enough that it will not come on it'll take at least 2 cans, but yes like everyone else said the compressor is just cycling so you'll have to hot wire the clutch or unplug the low pressure switch and put a jumper in the connector. Evan
  20. I agree nearly all Autozone employees are total "check out girls." No offence to anyone who happens to work there that frequents this board. I'm sure I've just never had you help me find something. Evan
  21. The people who set that shit up are fucked in the head, but its pretty funny
  22. I almost can't see how it would run much hotter unless you put the 302 in a mustang with a smaller engine in it. I even ran my 350 on my toyota 4 cylinder radiator for over a year without problems. Eventually I busted the radiator on a tree though:) Maybe your getting to much flow or air pockets. You could go with a colder t-stat and you could put a restrictor plate in to keep the water in the radiator longer and cool it more. Does it run hot at idle or on the highway? How about sitting still and running at say 1500RPMs Evan
  23. Tractor

    rear end gears

    Stolen 5.0's right that is the easiest way to do it. You will want to lift both tires off the ground then rotate it. You should probably do it a couple of times to get a good adverage. If you know you have a limited slip or spool or other traction device you should get a very actuate resault. For some reason open diffs tend to read a little off though. The best way to know is to open the cover and count the teeth on the ring and pinion gears and divide the pinion gear into the ring gear ie (ring gear teeth / pinion teeth) or (41 / 10 = 4.10 to 1 ratio) Evan
  24. You could drive it up onto a trailer. Maybe put some extra ramps on it also.
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