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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. IDK, I never touch mine and its fine right now with 7-8" on the ground. Haven't checked the dish so I don't know if its covered or not. Whether or not your satellite goes out in bad weather is hugely dependent on the setup of the dish. If its not pointed correctly by someone who knows what they are doing then it will stop working in some weather. If its pointed very badly it will stop working if a cloud is in the way. I set mine up myself because I hear the guys they send out do a crappy job anyway.
  2. The first photo is either HDR or a very odd selection of a photoshop filter was used. The second pic has a not so bad filter used on it. The other's look normal enough. I'd call fake, but who knows.
  3. I don't know much about BBQ, but I love Hoggys. The one on polaris seems to be the best though the 5th ave one is also good. My wife knows the owner and sometimes we get to secret shop for them.
  4. I'll put a plug in for Blue Moon Event Center off stringtown rd since I've shot a small wedding there. Not sure if they cater (website looks like they do some, but not sure how extensive.) Also there's Quest Business Center. I'm in there a lot and it seems like they cater. They've always got a large kitchen looking staff running around.
  5. Thats always been how I see it... Sucks. I'm pretty sure that if the founders were writing the law after the machine gun became the new advanced technology we'd all be carrying those.
  6. Best advice ever is don't carry anything you don't want to lose. With the added security in lots of places these days your likely to end up having to throw it into a trash can at a security desk someday. I see it all the time.
  7. pretty cool. I'd say thats a really good LARP.
  8. Was pretty big coming up in the North East tonight as the sun went down. We got thin clouds though so I ain't gonna open the observatory roof. As for mars, it must be getting close to earth again or something because I was checking my observatory software and it had the brightness at mag -1.3 I'll have to take a look when the moon moves. Not much point in observing anything with the moon out washing out all the stars. BTW we should have a CR star party sometime, would be especially cool for those of us with kids. Or remember Perkins Observatory at Delaware and take your kids there sometime. I don't get over there often now that I live up at Marengo and built my observatory, but I used to go set up a scope there. Really cool and the Columbus Astronomical Society helps out with the program. Its great and Tom Burns, the Director is great. Everyone should go.
  9. When ever one of my relatives complains that they need a new computer and that the old one is really slow I come over and delete the junk from their computer. things like 15 search bars in the browsers, all the weather bug type apps that get auto installed if you aren't smart enough to uncheck boxes when installing stuff. I have no clue how people can honestly not notice that the browser window is half the size it was when they got it and figure out why.
  10. For her an HP would probably be the best thing then. If she don't keep up with the latest FPS games she won't need to upgrade anything for 4-5 years.
  11. Yeah way overkill. I upgraded to a 2.8ghz quad core with 4 gigs of ram, and a nice "last years good" video card. I run dual monitors and typically have several browsers open, a large online game, and when I'm editing photos from a client event I add on top of that 3 photo editing programs, 1 is canon's DPP, adobe lightroom, and photoshop CS3. If its a clear night you can add a 3rd monitor and a remote desktop out to my observatory. She should be able to get a great system for around $600-700.
  12. That would be about the easiest and best way to do the shot. HDR always looks cool for car shots anway. I like using my high power laser to paint things way out in my neighbors yard while my camera is exposing.
  13. Tractor

    I'm a Dad!

    Oh wow that is funny. threads useless without pics BTW.
  14. /voted I agree, everyone should do this and use the left over for the photographer since thats all you'll have after the day:-) Hehe I should raise my rates now. Two weeks ago I photographed a very nice and cheap wedding in the Bahamas. They are going to have a reception at a relatives house once we get a little warmer weather for the people who didn't get to come to the wedding.
  15. You can do it with a DSLR and to do it right you'll probably need an ND filter. The more light you got the heavier the filter will need to be. The trick is to get the lens aperture stopped down so much that you can sit on the car very still, start the exposure, and then when you've been exposed to your liking you can walk off the scene and the camera will not record your movement. You could do it in daylight with a 10stop ND filter. People use them all the time to make everyone disappear from city scenes. Afterwards I'd follow it up with another correctly exposed shot of the car to remove any trace that you moved and to boost the area of the car directly behind the spot you were standing.
  16. Tractor

    Sirius Investment

    I own some of the GM in MTLQQ.PK. Just a couple hundred bucks incase things go bad. Who knows maybe it will be worth something later. I was mostly meaning that if the auto makers pull out and start doing well then sirius will probably move up to where it was around summer of `08 <> $3.50 a share. Its heavily dependant on new car sales at the moment.
  17. That is a good idea. My canon DSLR has a grip that holds 2 of their battery packs and I also have a tray that can except AA's for emergencies. When I used a point and shoot I made sure it took AA's for the same reason as you.
  18. I use engerizer rechargeables "the ones with the green stripe <>2450mahr rated" at weddings and I could probably use only one set for the entire day in my flashes, but I swap between the ceremony and reception just so I don't lose any flash recycle speed.
  19. Tractor

    Sirius Investment

    I play sirius sometimes. I did 100% a couple of times last year. I'm kinda afraid of it this year though. I'm thinking it will move up slowly, but I'd like to see it pull back to below .50 before I buy it again. I guess it will be determined by what the auto industry does. the cash for clunkers has given sirius some inflated numbers that won't be sustained unless the industry is out of trouble. Anyone care to say whether its good to go for the big 3 yet?
  20. Actually I think you just ROFL until the swordsman catches the laughing fit too then you roll away very carefully. And BTW all my sweatpants have pockets.
  21. Tractor

    Tax programs

    Taxcut works for me. Its business and investing version was cheaper than turbotax at the time so...
  22. Banks love annuities. They win, you lose, you'd be better off throwing darts at a wall street journal top 100 mutual fund list. Myself if I wanted low risk I'd spread it across the big brands, Proctor and Gramble, Kellogs, Coke, etc. There all bargains now if you got money to hold them awhile. But I'm not a low risk kinda guy and if you dropped 200K in my lap I'd go all or nothing on a few "what I consider bargain stocks."
  23. Tractor

    Printer help

    Take out the ink cartridge, turn it over and you'll usually see a small silver rectangular area that has ink on/around it. Clean that area, but don't press to hard because you have thousands of tiny holes that you don't want to smash shut. Just touching it a few times with wet towel should be enough. I use alcohol, but whatever.
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