The first thing to do is search engine optimization. Google it, read how google identifies and classifies web pages, and then set up your sites, tags, text areas, site maps, etc...
The next thing to do is get your site linked with other similar sites. Since its a sewing machine repair shop, you'd wanna get linked on sewing forums, and other sewing related
sites. This will help google validate your site as related to sewing.
After that your pretty much where my site is now. To move up the list I'd have to buy ad space on other wedding related sites.
You can do the ad words program, but from what I've read it gets expensive quick. It might just be a wedding photography thing, but $900 per month seems to be about normal for my field. And that might not even work. I'd think for something as specific as sewing machine repair you could do well on google just by following my first suggestions
and also by mapping your company on google maps.