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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. No, that's not the balance im talking about. But alas everyone is entitled to their opinions. If people took a more active role in their community and those not linked to them, there wouldn't be people going on mass murdering frenzies and folks that knew them saying "Oh he seemed so well adjusted and normal!" without some sort of a red light going off and people being concerned with whats going on in that person's head. Go to any major or minor news site, newspaper what have you and try to pick out the positive articles and compare them to the negative. Which will come out on top? Why will it come out on top? Why does that type of story sell instead of the opposing sides? Also let me make clear that I don't think EVERYONE in the human race is horrible and bad. Obviously that's not the case, my fear is that we're on a decline and there's a lot more people who aren't cool than who are or at least the tables are switching slowly but surely.
  2. I have only seen it done a couple times. Most of the people will continue to drive by. Trust me, Its happen to me plenty of times and there's only a select few who do things of that nature. I keep my eyes open plenty, I have to with my line of work. The balance is skewed and not in the positive direction either. For every positive thing you can mention, I can give you a decent amount of counter-points for the same thing. Also, a lot of where my issues come from are the up and coming generation. Kids that are tiny today and the people from say 9~16. These kids get to see the sterling examples of people like this persons mother or the father who executed his son in sight of his entire neighborhood. These things leave lasting, unchanging impressions on kids and people in general. It's disturbing and a lot of folks are growing completely desensitized to it all and in a lot of cases that's due to the lack of caring.
  3. Earth itself is paying for our technilogical advances. As we have became more "enlightened", our environment (by proxy of pollution and what not and yes, I do run a high flowing cat too) no, the damn world we live in is going to shit and you can see that in humans too. There was a reason why our brutal society sucked way back when - we didn't know better for the most part. We do now. People are increasingly concerned with only themselves and not anyone or anything else outside of their own little world and sometimes that is even skewed to for just me, me me. I challenge your idealism of the world being more apathetic and more caring over the next five year span. Provided we're still living and bsing on this god forsaken forum (<3 ya ant). Lets just see how things go. Will it decline, increase or stay as it is. I think personally the social climate is ever decreasing and stories like this are all too prevalent without the flip side being out there for us to see. You have to do some investigating but things still aren't equal, you have more bad then good. And I count apathetic action as being bad because the lack of action to me is the same as actively perusing something since you did nothing to prevent nor uphold said activities in question.
  4. Deadmau5 is fucking badass. I wish I had been able to see him when he was at BoMa not long ago. The next time he or Buuren stroll thru cbus im seeing them regardless. TerRon
  5. Oh yeah, i'll put up something for gaining faith in humanity also since the media doesn't like to show both sides of the coin that often.
  6. On another board I'm on we're having the discussion about the decline of the human race and the degradation of the earth that keeps occurring due to our influx of technology. Here is one of the links we were discussing. http://au.news.yahoo.com/queensland/a/-/latest/6535110/mum-encourages-daughter-to-assault-girl/
  7. I did that, its not budging and I can't see what or where I need to get this part off from. C'mon rob you're better than that, give me something real to work with.
  8. I'm about to replace the door handle on my eagle talon but I can't find any site that has info or pictures for MY year of car or at least the first gens period. The links are either dead or the forum posts that did have pictures have dead links to the images so I can't see what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. Anyone have any advice they could lend? Terron
  9. Well title says it. It's used obviously, has no box and was one I picked up from a neighbor kid of mine a bit ago but now I need cash so I've gotta part with it. It will come with all the hookups, but not a controller or hard drive. I had to replace the bottom plastic part because he had some god aweful case mod thing and messed the original up, so I put on a regular bottom without the hdmi plug but it's got hdmi so I'll have to take care of the opening for whomever gets it. It's completely fine just old, I never updated the 360 to the nxe either. Also if anyone has been following the 360 underground scene lately and worries no, this is not banned either. I'm in a tight spot at the moment cash wise so if someone was interested in getting it like today, let me know asap before I go take it to a gamestop or something.
  10. What he said with a twist
  11. Seriously this guy here is one tiny ass mofo. lol
  12. Thank you regardless. I have been wanting to take the woman there since I haven't been to the zoo since 1987 or 88 and my fiancee hasn't ever been to one.
  13. Wow dude keep you and yours together over there man alright? Be as safe as you can.
  14. Have a happy and SAFE thanksgiving people. We don't need to lose any members this holiday season. And you know the kinda member I'm talking about. :|
  15. Ah I forgot to do that man hold up lol
  16. Veritas


    Hopefully no where near where you can get your gene pool involved, at least in its current iteration
  17. Ya know this thread has lost its damned focus a tad. Might we get some redirection onto the subject at hand?
  18. Yeah to the person calling whats his face racist, he did say white trash AND crap blacks so he was equally fucked for em both
  19. If he doesn't I can. It does cost though, very cheap like 3-4 bucks for half a year but its well, WELL worth it.
  20. What he said. Newzbin is the ish.
  21. It's not about having others raise your children but from your comments you find investing in them a meaningless endeavor while supporting something that doesn't concern anything but our entertainment value. THAT is where my issue stemmed from. If you're recanting and saying that's NOT what your intention was, then fine. But arguing that tossing money at a school system is crap while a sports team is pro will tend to yield these kinds of responses.
  22. Then I would argue that your sister should have joined up with the other employees and DID something of worth to fight that kind of in-justice since that's affecting more than just their income. Also, you have a lovely way of shutting out any other reasoning or critical thinking in this debate as well since you refuse to address what will be done differently even if this tax were to go through (which it really, really should not) to offset the failing income the team is making? Why should we invest in a company that has shown a history of NOT yielding results and no, you can not use the argument that the surrounding businesses yield to fruition from the bluejackets being there as they DO NOT GET MONEY FROM OTHER BUSINESSES REVENUE. Something immediate that would rectify the situation and would not prove itself to being another money pit as the team already is. Also, the children of today are the caretakers of tomorrow. Don't be a fuck and think that just because you won't take time to invest into the future of someone else s child that they won't have to invest into your well being and future at some point in time; because they will.
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