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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Yes, that's it. It's Obama's fault some random dude went psychotic and started shooting people. I wonder what your explanation of timothy mcvay would be? That one was probably Obama too. Oh, and this is what the guy looked like: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/091105-hassan.standard.jpg
  2. Yes, it will have no issues playing this game. It will be more intensive but not so much so you couldn't pull it off fine with that rig.
  3. They're still avail yes? Did you get the pics done by chance?
  4. Whatever... so not a fan. To each their own though, I just hope the funds aren't misappropriated.
  5. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    Maybe I'm thinking of another one of the earlier android phones... boo. I'm running an older version of the MLIGN build and have been meaning to reformat and pick up the latest one but I've been super lazy lately. What phone are you using? I'd like to see the speed difference between what I've got and the droid to be honest. Like I said, i'm a fan of a keyboard with a pda phone so motorola doing that up is +1 in my book. Something else i've come to realize is that the iPhone really is going to get pushed to the wayside with the Android OS being as dominant as it is now. It had a small following at first, though slowly but surely people are making the switch and finding out theres no reason why anyone should use such an overtly restrictive OS like the one that the iPhones tout. Should prove to be an interesting competition to see play out.
  6. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    Then I would use that argument with them as I didn't have to sign up for a contract for our internet package. We have two g1's, I have the data package and the woman doesn't but I'm the one who's on the go more often than not so it made sense. When I called and asked it took a while but the rep did finally concede and tell me that no, the phone does NOT need to have the data plan to operate. Imagine if you just suddenly lost the ability to have your data ability out in the middle of nowhere but could dial and text. That's basically what you get.
  7. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    Well I know that Tmobile doesn't REQUIRE you to have the data plan but they say that the phone requires it to use it. They may try to say "but you HAVE to have the plan!" You don't unless they physically require you to by a contract or something. The phone can use a wifi signal to work just as well.
  8. I'll take em both. The woman loves my grilling and Im going to eventually drop a few hundred on a silly charcoal grill so if no one has picked them up, let me know.
  9. Did he pick up the steamcleaner? If not I would like to get that.. we need one here
  10. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    Ill post up a screeny if you really need me to, but it runs fast as hell for me and I like the hero rom SOOO much better than the stock rom the g1 from tmobile uses. I want to see how that motorola phone does though as the screens effin huge and wouldn't it be neat to have a N card installed on the phone? Alright, my geek is showing now
  11. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    I'm using my G1 with a Hero rom installed... I thought the hardware was the same between the hero and g1 processor wise and what not just a bit different screen? I personally can not use a phone without a keyboard on it if i'm going to have a PDA phone. I don't do the onscreen typing thing too well since I have stupidly large fingers. I want to see eclair out on the forums already optimized but it will be a bit before that happens I guess.. And wtf did you do run over the phone???
  12. The screen size for the phone seems a lot larger than my G1... booo
  13. Veritas


    Yeah... share, i'm outta the loop though that would probably mean this needs to get moved then
  14. And this. Especially when they don't know how to stfu on the mic.
  15. I lolz'd. Welcome back and congrats!! Who are you again?
  16. I look around me being of decent health, a sound mind for the most part and a new family I've created and I thank Jah that I'm alive to experience it. I've had a very trying life starting from an overly physical mother who liked to poke me with sharp objects at a young age so keeping positive was hard to say the least but... I manage. I don't even think on my end its so much being positive as being thankful as hell that I've got what I've got. Anyone who knows me and how I grew up or was 'raised' would understand. I remember times when things got really dark and I draw comfort on knowing that I made it though that (with or without help) alright and that whatever is testing me now will pass also. There is just too much in life in my eyes to be thankful for to look on the negatives. Life is just way, way too short.
  17. I just got a new HP laptop thats replacing this one so I'm putting my old d610 laptop up for sale that has 1.5 gigz of ram expandable up to 2 gig and is running the Intel pentium M 750 processor. Here's a link to the tech specs: http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfh/notebooks/latit_d610/pd.aspx?refid=latit_d610&cs=22&s=dfh It also has the ATI mobility x300 processor if it matters to anyone so playing videos isn't staggering. Also, I put my belkin wireless pre-n card on it so it has n/g/a/b wireless capability. The only problem the laptop has is with the power cable and it does not charge the battery anymore due to a short in the wire itself. You can pick up a new power cable/charger combo over at microcenter for 50~60 bucks or cheaper if you feel like buying it used from any number of places (or if you have a dell laptop power cable it will work if its one of the new kinds). If interested post up or PM me. Thanks! And no I don't have pictures as its pretty much akin to the photo in the tech spot and outside of a few scratches on the case itself from time, its in great shape.
  18. It's a useful program to use too since you could give that number out to telemarketer types or to people you just don't want having your "private" line number. You could filter out when the google # is calling you and you'd be able to differentiate stuff like that as well as unify all your phones to one single number. It's useful for people who have a lot of phones or the like and need to cut down on the random.
  19. Thanks for the headsup. Sometimes, its just fun to do stupid shit and get a free meal outta it when you can be stupid with friends. It's halloween and the company is being festive, jesus people can find any reason to bitch about stuff.
  20. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    You can go to microcenter and get a class six for super cheap too..
  21. Veritas

    Android peeps!

    So that was one random review from someone I could care less about personally. The iPhone is an alright phone, but the Android OS is what makes any phone that can run it so much better. Why would anyone want to deal with a slower, more proprietary system when they could have the freedom to do whatever they choose with their phones OS and the apps and what not? The latest iPhone JUST got some of the goodies the first gen Android phones had from the start. After using both phones too I would much, much rather use my G1. They don't make an iPhone with a keyboard either ;P
  22. Get it man. It's far better than the 2nd.
  23. What pics do people want? I have this game "aquired" already also.
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