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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. I think everyone must believe President Obama was able to manipulate everything starting from the constitution to Vietnam and finally ending with the coldwar with how people use NO LOGIC AT ALL in pinning blame on him. Do people even do any lick of research about this stuff? This same thread popped up over on columbusDSM and many of the same sentiments people are sharing here were there, until proven that this program is pretty much an emergency number only or for small important calls. It's like 68 minutes a month and installing a landline now a days is more problematic than setting up someone with a cheap ass cell phone. Plus the majority of people getting these are older individuals also.
  2. Veritas

    AT&T Uverse

    I pay 87.80 for our roadrunner premium (whatever the highest shit is for 10 bucks extra) and our digital cable without any premium channels. I like our bill right where its at.
  3. So many things people are lacking common sense with this past year has been made painfully apparent to me. The age should be 21 for females to get covered for their females parts period. The earlier you can detect something the better. Some people will not make it to 50, as the case with Mrs. Spielman
  4. Oh yeah, and this. Lets support a fail hockey team but not you know, kids getting normal busing for schools or sports and god forbid.. health care. Mensan's got it right.
  5. I wouldn't support something like that. It doesn't yield the money to support itself let alone do I nor my family benefit from it what so ever. Why should my tax money pay for someone elses failure that wasn't mandatory to begin with? No thanks.
  6. Pissed?? How could you even remotely get mad at such a sweet fucking kill like that? I'd sit there stunned for a while like "Did that shit seriously just happen??" I know I giggle like a school girl when I toss a nade way acrossed the damn map to a zone that's being contested in domination and pick up a kill let alone some shit that i've thrown from the polar opposite side of the shit and somehow coming up with a badass kill to clutch the round. lol
  7. I can go link to the post where you made your asinine correlation between the two. Please do not try the sophist approach; your lack of a higher functioning memory and logic filled thought process is painfully apparent. :|
  8. None. This is the guy who said that the hassan thing was some how obama's fault also. Birther's/conserves. are just plain scary.
  9. Yeah... I'm good about singing on the bubonic plague.
  10. What the supra lad said, lock it on up.
  11. No and I wish it had of though, when I got my other one I didn't find out until later that I could contact microsoft to order one of the kits free. :/ Ant, check your PM's as I still need your number for the wheel of time stuff.
  12. Not a single interest? I'll work with the price, slightly, but seriously its a really good deal for a brand new hard drive also. You can install games directly to it to cut down on load times like crazy as well.
  13. I think i'd like to pick that up... I gotta get someone to buy my hard drive tho lol
  14. Well title pretty much says it all, I've got a new 120 gig hard drive from an xbox 360 elite system so the casing is black on it that I'm getting rid of for $80. They sell new in the store for 139~49. PM or post if you're interested.
  15. Dude I'm thinking you're saying the fridge Perry dude passed away. >
  16. Gimmie one to play with and i'm up for it.
  17. Sigh, that's extremely frustrating. Well then, I guess ill sell it for $90.
  18. Here's to your father recovering quickly Dan :/ My own father had a stroke a month ago, so I can appreciate the close calls.
  19. I'd say 360. They have a far more solid support for their multiplayer network than the ps3's free network as well as a crap ton of marketplace things to pick up for the games you'd like. The ps3 has the blu-ray and what not but is a lot more expensive. Go check out that thread where walmart is selling (or was) a 360 with a 100 dollar gift card for 199. That's a stupid awesome deal.
  20. Not quite. No keyboard, no care for quite a number of folks and having the iPhone on varying networks doesn't make the OS any less restrictive nor appealing to me personally as I would assume others feel the same as well.
  21. My friend Manny Vargas works over at the subaru off billingsly, that's the byers right? I haven't been up there to look at cars in so long I've forgotten the name. Regardless he's in sales if you're wanting me to drop your name to him(provided its the same subaru place I'm thinking of).
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