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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. I'm suddenly reminded of the movie Stand by me and the blueberry pie eating contest.
  2. Im apart of columbusDSM but I haven't given them my latest fees/dues yet. The main guy there just asked for them this past week but I don't get paid until next week so it'll have to wait some but that was one I used to be really active with though it has gotten a bit quieter over the years... I don't know, I used to be apart of a couple different car clubs but honestly the columbusDSM was the only one (save this board) that had a real active community that you felt vested in to begin with.
  3. I like the college thing. It gets me home to be with the woman and kid-to-be pretty frequently right now ;D
  4. Oh and I completely forgot about emulators... had I thought about it I would of done that
  5. A quick update, that link to retagit with the calculator at $30 dollars was a system faux pas but we purchased it online anyhow(I had $30 just not $100+ to spend right now) and then called the place to find out if we could pick it up when they pointedly told me that they were actually on sale from anywhere between $95~100. BUT, since I already had purchased the thing online they couldn't really do much about it so tldr; we got a $130 calculator for $30. Ah CR saving me money yet again. Thanks people ;D
  6. Veritas

    I'm A Dad...

    Aww congrats dude I've got an announcement myself to post up in the seniors area here soonish. Little persons going to get spoiled rotten I can tell already ;D
  7. Thank you Just2SWeet and everyone else who replied, I'm going to get with J2S today I believe to either pick up his or hit up that retagit place. That price is just too sweet to be real.
  8. Yes, they would. Also keep in mind that she is 31, a telling from her own behest. The lingo isn't too off for a female and seriously that shit sums up the majority of how my female friends (and those i've dated) have felt or expressed things to me from one aspect to another. You're young yet, give it time Bahnstoermer. ;D
  9. Oh plus the tax thing, that's something I'd like to know too if it even applies.
  10. I'd be up for it. Does it matter skin tone?
  11. Ah an 83 would work perfectly too, it just has to be one of the two just not an 85/82 or 91
  12. Well if this one in that site pans out I'll be good and can just use that. I don't care how it looks as long as its an 84 or 83, lol
  13. I haven't ever heard of that site before, thanks man.
  14. Yeah dude they're like 100+ usually, I had one before and sold it thinking I was done but I found out I had to take one more math and its all on graphing. What's your # wna i forgot it
  15. I'm needing to use one for my math class this quarter and I don't have the cash to pick one up right now but I NEED to get access to one asap. Would there be anyone on here who A. has one and B. doesn't need it so I could use it for a few weeks until I get my paycheck in to get one myself? If so, that'd be super. Anyhow, /random off now. TerRon
  16. Hmm alright, I didn't know it was that bad off (i'm not too familiar with dealing with fmic stuff or the like yet). I know the piping is good though, very good so I figure if I lower the price to $110 someone should be able to see the deal in that.
  17. I would like it if they haven't bought it. Where about are you at to meet up for it? I know some folks who could use either the hard drive or other stuff i'd pull from it to make use of.
  18. Ty beer, lol She wouldn't sell it, I was just curious as the prices for them lately and giving you a free bump ;D
  19. Hmm... the girl has an 04 with 54k miles... 5 spd of course with the exhaust and intake done. I wonder what they're going for now?
  20. To the question of a cheap motherboard/processor combo no unfortunately. This post can be locked and I'll put up a pic of the 9800 GT I have and selling with all its bits for 60 still too. The girl took this one and put it with the other one we had to sli them together in her rig instead of just buying another 9800. And no this card will not sli with a GTS, It would have to be another 8800 GTX.
  21. I've gotta find one for us also...
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