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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I recall the thread you started about Thorne; I think it got above 10 pages, didn't it?



    I dont even remember the thread, there were so many of them. Mayhaps a moderator could indulge us and dig it up.

  2. two of the finest of cr traditions.


    for old school rivalries, see tilley vs supramark; eli vs. chris green; jeff yetzer vs. anyone with a lick of common sense; marc stock vs. his own gay nature.




    Me v CR's Clown Brigade

  3. Doesn't matter what I post little bitches like you will always have something to say about it.




    ....Uh, no.




    If you stopped throwing yourself a pity party long enough to form a logical thought, you'd realize that you could do away with everyones animosity by simply stopping your incessant post-whoring, and maybe trying to actually contribute something other than mindless chatter once in awhile.

  4. While living in Texas, I've never met more annoying fans than UT fans. Hook em' my nuts, I loved hearing them think the longhorns were the best thing that God invented.



    The only thing God invented was a support/suppression system for weak-minded people.


    You cant possibly say that any other NCAA football fans are more annoying than we are, you just cant.


    As far as carson palmer goes... He's just angry that in the year they could have (easily) won a title, He breaks his friggin leg on a million yard pass for a touchdown, and then the single worst NFL champs in history go on to win. I'd hate everyone for the rest of my life too.

  5. Okay, so...




    1. You aren't funny.


    2. Every time you post something, everyone but Thorne cringes or rolls their eyes.


    3. You seem to take enjoyment from the fact that you annoy the shit out of everyone, so.... Why on earth should you be allowed to continue to access Columbus Racing?

    • Upvote 1
  6. Go see this movie.

    I can't even figure out what to say about it.

    There will NOT be a better movie this year, and there will NEVER be a Villain that can even come close to topping Heath Ledger's Joker.

    I can understand why they say that role killed him. My skin is still crawling.



    Exactly what Ive been saying to anyone who will listen. Got to see it last night in a theater that's in the friggin neighborhood they were shooting the movie in. They had all 16 screens showing the movie at midnight, and we bought our seats for the very last theatre that wasnt sold out.... two days before the movie actually released. Un-frigging-believable.

  7. No mod is or ever will be any more obnoxious than Jonez used to be. If anyone remembers his "arguments" witht he guy with the turbo ranger... I've never been more embarrassed for someone else in my life. Comparing them to watching retards humping a doorknob would be disrespectful to the doorknob.


    Ben isn't such a bad guy, he just has the personality of a middle-aged white male.




    PS: Making threads like this makes you look dumber than a week old bag of shit... The clown shoes in your sig fit you PERFECTLY. Someone change his username to Clownface.

  8. Sorry fellas, I only get one the internet a few times a week at most. I wish I was still completely worthless and had time to peruse the forums degrading people in spectacular fashion... but between the career that Im passionate about and the fact that insulting the inbred mongoloids on here is like trying to kill people in a video game who just respawn ten seconds later, it really isn't worth it anymore.
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