WTF do you mean "I know a very few catholics who are saved"? Do they have a special armband that they wear that denotes them as saved, or are you giving yourself god's supposed powers of final judgement to help out your argument? Are you blaming the millions of catholics who werent involved in the child rapings or past wars for the mistakes of the catholics who were? I'm actually confused here, and I think anyone else who thinks for themselves would be too.
The problem with christianity is that there are so many different variations, interpretations, and grey areas that it makes it completely ridiculous for anyone to claim that they are "correct" or "saved"...
By the way, is it just me, or does it seem like every time I make a good point you just say something about pot? Kinda like any time anyone brings up something that could possibly disprove the existence of god, religious people just cover their ears and yell 'YOU HASTA HAVE FAITH!1!!1!"