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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Contribute less to society? I feed 500 people a day, I'd say that fulfilling one of the needs essential to life is contributing just as much as somebody who cracks backs for a living. What else do you bring to the table? Sweeping generalizations, stereotyping, and the incessant need to control the way other people live? Thanks man... Thats awesome.
  2. I'd just like you to know that there's an entire generation of people laughing at you, all around the world. PS: I'll go ahead and post your possible responses for you: "And I'll be laughing from The big special happy super fun place in teh sky while youre burning for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in a giant pit of fire that has all your worst fears in it!!1" Or, you could play the "holier than thou, I pity you" card, and say something like "I feel bad for you because you refuse to accept TEH WORD OF GOD! Im here if you ever need someone other than politicians to fill your head with complete bullshit!"
  3. They should START at 26 mil... Take it from the Nat'l defense budget.
  4. Did anyone else actually enjoy seeing colt brennan limping around like a nancy during the UGA game?
  5. This is the reason why gas prices are so high in the first place.
  6. Way too many angry people on the internetz. Smoke some pot and everything will be okay.
  7. It Annoys me when Glorified Pizza Jockies talk down to others... KARMA, BITCH! PS: How many times did you masturbate while thinking of the girl in HS?
  8. IF SUM1 SED IT AT KWAKER STAKES, ITS TOTALLY TROO!!!! It baffles me how there arent more people as smart as me out there.
  9. Your definition of pretty contains some shemales, you dont count.
  10. Theres even a Mcdonalds commercial that uses our horrible economy to push the dollar menu. Makes me sick to my stomach.
  11. Sweet Mother Of God. /Ramathorne
  12. The forums are on fire tonight, me likey.
  13. Devils Advocate


    Do you REALLY want me to quote all of your posts? Oh, and thank god you got "tindall" to post in support of you, he's been here a whole 2 MONTHS!
  14. Who doesnt have any defense?
  15. The only thing Im less interested in than keeping you happy is anything a politician has to say. Ya Buttface.
  16. Devils Advocate


    So does this Phil person have any actual worth in person, or is he as big of a douchebag IRL as he is on here?
  17. I would pay money to see Musberger get trampled by a horse.
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