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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.



    I'd just like you to know that there's an entire generation of people laughing at you, all around the world.



    PS: I'll go ahead and post your possible responses for you: "And I'll be laughing from The big special happy super fun place in teh sky while youre burning for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in a giant pit of fire that has all your worst fears in it!!1"


    Or, you could play the "holier than thou, I pity you" card, and say something like "I feel bad for you because you refuse to accept TEH WORD OF GOD! Im here if you ever need someone other than politicians to fill your head with complete bullshit!"

  2. i too would like to know abot this ncar as well ...alll i heard and im not talkin crap but i heard an i quote "mommy doesnt let him take it out cause its too fast for him" thats just what some one at qsl said






    It baffles me how there arent more people as smart as me out there.

  3. do companies actually see a return from the money they put out in advertisements as much as they think, to me it just seems like something the could cut out of the budget or at least greatly reduce and save money/offer lower prices to boot. Because most people i know don't buy products due to dumb advertising



    Ive wondered that myself.

  4. so im a douchebag? how is that can i ask?



    Do you REALLY want me to quote all of your posts?



    Oh, and thank god you got "tindall" to post in support of you, he's been here a whole 2 MONTHS!

  5. Why did you tools have to post in here on this thread, it would have been Legen.... wait for it.....dary if there were no replies. I was so hoping that it would stay empty. *sigh*




    The only thing Im less interested in than keeping you happy is anything a politician has to say.




    Ya Buttface.

  6. I'm going to go batshit.


    Im not going to buy anything because of these stupid ass commercials, because theres so many of them nowadays and theyre so obnoxious that it just makes me hate whatever product is being peddled. Maybe I'm not used to it because I dont watch TV that much, but jesus fucking christ.

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