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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Oh. My. God. Funniest shit I've read in awhile, comments 2 and 3 of the lunk you posted: # Edward says: February 27th, 2007 at 8:45 am Clearly being anti semtic is way more important than being anti black. I dont know how wealthy Jewish people have to become before they stop complianing every time they are identified. It seems like only Jewish people can call anyone jewish or speak about anything that jewish people commonly do. Black people in America are the biggest victims of racism not Jews. Jews are rich and powerful while REAL minorities are poor and struggling. The Jewish people should enjoy there success and SHUT UP ALREADY. Enough of there damn whining for the sake of Israel and the Jewish cause. There have been a lot of holocaust and you dont here the whole world stop every time a bad word is said about all the other ethnicially cleansed populations of the world granted they were not nearly as powerful and influential as the Jewish community at the time. Who cares if someone is anti semitic whats he gonna do in a country with a HUGE NUMBER OF JEWISH PEOPLE in the ruling class. Better to just hate muslims because the Jewish community does not have a problem with that. # Jewy McJew says: April 8th, 2007 at 6:55 am Hey, Edward is really on to something. I mean there were a few holocausts, like the one agianst the…no wait, that was the Jews. Or that time they put the whatchamacallits in the gas chambers, oh wait, that was the Jews too. But still, the Jews were in charge, right? But all that really matters is how much money you have. Good thing Jews have their Jew gold. Hold on, I have Mel Gibson on the other line…
  2. You cant play Halo 1 on live. There is a program called XBC that was created by H1 fans, but the lag makes for an unfair game. If you're willing to play me for ten dollars a Kill, Ill stop by your house. Copies of Halo 1 are around 10 dollars at places like EBgames... Whats this about a mouse and keyboard?
  3. If his Producer tells him to be racist, the both of them should be fired.
  4. Can someone take away Big Steve's posting ability for a few weeks? At least in the classroom.
  5. Wow.... Wait..... Did Thorne just dominate a side of an argument? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!?!!?!??!?!
  6. I havent ever really played anyone from CR, but like I said, I'll play any of you clowns (except Marco!) for monies. And yeuh, I'm really friggin excited,t his city is awesome. Thanks for the good wishes.
  7. Swedish techno > Metal All day son... All day.
  8. Not on a nationally syndicated radio program? People with that kind of exposure are paid to succumb to the higher levels of scrutiny they are under, and utilize a more strict sense of discretion. PS: Rutgers isn't an all girls school? They have a football team? And the joke was based off the fact that they had a lot of tattoos and such... so..... what?
  9. Ballin, do it. You're out here alot, arent you? The drive isnt that bad at all.
  10. I'll play you 1v1 in Halo 1 to 50 kills for 10 dollars a kill. We can play on Wizard or Chillout, your choice.
  11. Dunno where Gurnee is (I'm a chicago Newbie), but hit me up Broham.
  12. ...... It's a quote from F&F.
  13. More than you can afford, Pal.
  14. I'll be working at a place called Glenn's. I didn't graduate, an english degree isn't going to help me be a chef.
  15. You'll make a great... what do you do again?
  16. Nah man, Since I'm really cool, I'm staying with my mom until I find my own place. The job I got was with a kitchen that I spoke to fairly extensively on the phone before I moved, and theres more future in Chicago for aspiring chefs than nearly any city in the country.
  17. I'll be in OU tommorrow for a short period of time, on my way to Charlotte North Carolina for a Halo tournament... Maybe I get handjob, yes?
  18. ROFL. Kevin is easily my favorite poster.
  19. Uh... nobody is angry that he made fun of women's basketball.
  20. I've been moved to Chicago for less than a week, and I got a job today working at a place that works with 16 different kinds of fresh seafood on a weekly basis. It's a great place to get training with a type of cuisine thats kinda hard to get, so I'm pumped. Next on the list is finding my own apartment to move into, and working on starting classes at culinary school. Just figured I'd give anyone interested an update.
  21. It isn't one mistake, Imus has a history of similar incidents and indiscretions.
  22. You're saying that it's alright for someone to call a bunch of women (women that are in the national spotlight at the time) "nappy headed Hoes" on national radio and keep his job? Wow.
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