I saw it last thursday at Lennox (midnight) and saw it with a group of people. I never saw the trailer or knew anything about it until about an hour before leaving. If I had seen the trailer, the movie wouldn't have been good at all to me.
I actually thought the acting in it was pretty good and they seemed like a legitimate couple. I don't believe in spirits haunting homes and people or anything, but it was good to see another movie that scared me like the Exorcist. I was a little disappointed the night I saw it because I wasn't scared when I got home, but the next night, I was scared of the dark like I was 9 years old again. Some parts in the movie just freak me the fuck out every once in a while. The sounds and knowing it's a force that you can't physically stop were the worst
And to add, I thought a good part of the dialogue was pretty funny.
What would be ideal: Don't watch any trailers for it, don't build it up into a gorefest, try and see it when the theater isn't sold out, go alone.