Joke or no joke, you and the others on here need to understand how the law works. Street race, foot race, drifting, parking lot tom-foolery if you instigate by simply bringing up the suggestion of, or participation in an act that injures person or property you can be held legally and civilly liable for not only your actions, but the actions of others.
Now granted, I have participated in some racing. I understand the risks that I have put myself and others in, but have ALWAYS tried to minimize the liability by doing it in very small, trusted, company and under my terms.
If you, or anyone on here, posts in a thread about trespassing on a snow covered private parking lot to race, drift, doing doughnuts or otherwise, is inviting people you do not know, who may not have common sense, or just plain shouldn't be driving. Not to mention that the Columbus police now know of your intention. BRILLIANT MOVE!
Also, Didn't anyone learn anything from the guy who wrecked his truck last time? Yeah, lets get a LARGER group together and see what happens.
If you wanna go out and play, just play a bit smarter and do it with a few calls to close friends. You'll never be risk free, but you can control the circumstances much better.