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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. They are posted there from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm weekdays. I see at least one car pulled over, sometimes 2, every day on my way to work. They also prowl 270 in both directions at that exit. That 2 mile stretch of 33/161 is 55 MPH. Do yourself a favor and don't speed there.
  2. Orion (DJ) will have all the info you need. Nuf Said!
  3. Try adding vinegar to cold water the first cycle you wash your new shirts. It will help set the color. http://www.vinegarbook.co.uk/Caring_For_Your_Clothes_With_Vinegar.shtml
  4. Damn Shawn, thats a pretty bold prognostication. The say the Steelers will have the game won by 7 o'clock is predicting that they will have scored enough points early in the first quarter to....... Oh, my bad. You meant Steeler's win by 7 POINTS!
  5. http://ackerman.tv/racer_math.html#pipe_size http://www.zilvia.net/f/archive/index.php?t-19582.html
  6. http://www.dumpalink.com/media/1138180596/The_Wrong_Bank
  7. You have legal rights and some leverage. These may help: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/membersonly/employment.pdf "Every covered employer must keep certain records for each non-exempt worker. The Act requires no particular form for the records, but does require that the records include certain identifying information about the employee and data about the hours worked and the wages earned. The law requires this information to be accurate." "Many employees work on a fixed schedule from which they seldom vary. The employer may keep a record showing the exact schedule of daily and weekly hours and merely indicate that the worker did follow the schedule. When a worker is on a job for a longer or shorter period of time than the schedule shows, the employer must record the number of hours the worker actually worked, on an exception basis." "What About Timekeeping?: Employers may use any timekeeping method they choose. For example, they may use a time clock, have a timekeeper keep track of employee's work hours, or tell their workers to write their own times on the records. Any timekeeping plan is acceptable as long as it is complete and accurate." http://www.dol.gov/elaws/esa/flsa/hoursworked/default.asp "The amount of pay due an employee cannot be determined without knowing the total number of hours actually worked by that employee in each workweek. An employee must be paid for all of the time considered to be hours worked and all time that is hours worked must be counted when determining overtime hours worked." http://www.dol.gov/esa/regs/compliance/whd/whdfs21.htm See: four criteria which must be satisfied.... If they are violating State or Federal Law, you have a case!
  8. Ryan (Radkins) will be on my list when we're both broken in and tuned. Prolly at the Revolution?
  9. Bobby told me that he's opening a new club on the 7th planet called THE POLYP! The grand opening is next sunday and all CR members will be welcomed into the VIP section. So, if you are going to be in the neighborhood, feel free to at least poke your head in to check out THE POLYP, on Uranus
  10. The design of the manifold and the size and shape of the ports were carefully thought out in an effort to keep low/mid-range power and maximize the top end, resulting in a large difference in the area under the curve than the typical monster port/big single rotary power curve. (i.e. 12.50 @ 130mph )
  11. All occupants will be required to wear: http://shop.com.edgesuite.net/ccimg.catalogcity.com/220000/228600/228690/products/24257741.jpg
  12. Um, anyone know WTF he's talking about?
  13. Eat a dick, Stillman! With special thanks to Rob and Greg from LaSota Racing, Kelly from Creative Custom Choppers, The guys from Starfleet Automotive, and of course Jason and Zavier from The RX7Store. Here you go bitches: http://www.personal.kent.edu/~gwheelan/Movie.wmv Moderators, please feel free to move to Pics and Vids section if needed!
  14. I'll ignore that last part Kristen. Sure, your welcome to come. I'll be the one wearing the t-shirt that says "It's not gonna blow itself!". Feel free to come over and introduce yourself. Seriously, I prolly will not be attending. It seems I've been invited to a wine tasting, then late dinner. Not that I don't enjoy all of CR's company, but IT"S FREE!
  15. It is within the realm of possibilities. I will know more as the week progresses.
  16. Chris, Shawn, and I will dismember the next fool who makes reference to how "far" travelling to the west side is. We dragged our asses out to Krogers and Hooters in R'burg, and up to the Polaris area, for 3 freaking years. So put on some vagisil and make the trek to the West Siieeeeed and shut the fawk up about it already!!!!!!11111!111!!11!1!1111111
  17. Actually this is partially correct. It is about cost. During the production process, the fruit is "injected" into the cup by a machine that has multiple nozzles. each fruit having it's own supply. Then, the plain yogurt is injected on top of the fruit. This way you would only need one large refridgerated plain yogurt holding tank If the product is mixed with the fruit first, the production would require either multiple machines with large holding tanks (One for each flavor), and/or the cleaning after each flavor "batch" is run, which would neccessitate stopping production for short periods of time.
  18. So let me get this straight. You are posting on here to find a doctor to prescribe you a narcotic cough syrup, so you can mix it with 7-up and drink it to get buzzed? ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT? Do you actually think that a doctor would risk his license, and livelyhood, to give you a buzz? Kidding or not, the only joke in this thread is you.
  19. And the 32 yards rushing the entire Michigan team had, on November 19th, was an incredible display! Go drink some cough syrup, clown.
  20. Fox Sports: Chris Wells was the dominating player all week for the east squad, during Saturday's U.S. Army all-American Bowl it was Wells who continued to show his dominance as he earned the games MVP honors. Wells scored three touchdowns to lead the East to a 27-16 victory over the West. The 6-foot-2, 230 pound, running back from Akron, Ohio., he ran for more than 60 yards, perhaps the most astonishing play of the day was when Wells peeled back and delivered a devastating block on Anthony Lewis of the West. Wells is headed to Ohio State University where he is expected to compete with Antonio Pittman for playing time as a true freshman.
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