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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. I am viewing them in person shortly. You try and snake in, and I will make sure that your car NEVER starts, BEOTCH!
  2. I could be all over these. Could you please measure width of the seat bottom and at the widest part of the shoulder "wing", Or I could stop by and do it myself tonite or before 2 tomorrow?
  3. Alright, I 've had about enough from you cockbags. I'll state my piece and then bow out of this pissing match. I work(ed) for a shop in direct competition with IPS. Yes, we specialize in a different vehicle, but there is overlap. I do know Jeff, Brett, Mike, and Greg from IPS on a social basis. I am also familiar with their education backrounds, Business sense, and personal ethics. You, jackass, cannot be further from the truth in the foul stench you are spewing. If I wasn't capable of doing my own work to my car, IPS is the first place I would take it. As any human with one iota of business experience knows, you perform the work that your customers ask of you. Should a customer have handed you the keys to their car, and the money, with a request for an 150 mph trapping car, it would have been built for that purpose. But I am quite sure that there has never been such a request made to IPS. yes, the good Dr. has entrusted them with a car capable of such feats, but it surely had nothing to do with beating the Colt. They are in the customer service business and not the race business. how hard is that for you to understand? I still, suprisingly, have respect for what JP has accomplished, yet I would have absolutely no interest in waisting my businesses money to prove to you, or anyone else I can build a cheap, incredibly fast, shitbox simply to have chest thumping rights over a bunch of whining bitches such as yourselves. Get over yourselves and get a fucking clue. Bring your businesses and try to put IPS out of business. You are in for a sad reality. With all due respect, get fucked!
  4. It's Hachi-Roku foolz! I R Teh Kewlnezzzzzzzzzz!
  5. I could be down for this. Sorry if it's a "maybe".
  6. I guess you didn't get it......... joke (jōk) pronunciation n. 1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line. 2. A mischievous trick; a prank. 3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation. 4. Informal. 1. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke. 2. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.
  7. Does Dijon or Spicy Yellow Mustard go better with sausage?
  8. http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/4456/ampandspeakersinstalled4ba.jpg http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25939
  9. I know Kyle (Nocab/Driveright) had it several years ago and was very satisfied with the results. As far as cost, dunno.
  10. Gotta bump this for DJ. Yet again he hooked me (actually da missus) up with yet another great RaZr deal (yeah pink, so what?). He even delivered it to her office! Uh, wait a minute......... Why would you go to anyone else? I won't
  11. http://www.ivyhall.district96.k12.il.us/4TH/KKHP/1insects/cecropia.html
  12. If the tuning gods smile upon me, I'll be out running low boost.
  13. My self-imposed exile has ended. Date of last WOT pull: 7-06-05 Date of next WOT pull: VERY, VERY SOON Severe ownage to follow I know how the good Dr. feels. I hate you all.
  14. Not intending to bring a bummer to this thread, but in 1999 my father was perusing some Vietnam web pages when he happened across a thread started by a son who had lost his father in a plane crash in Thailand during the war. The gentleman was seeking answers as to the happenings that killed his pilot father that the Air Force had classified as pilot error. My father recognized the last name and sent the guy an e-mail asking for his father name and was amazed to think that the father was possibly his roomate on a US base in Thailand when the terrible incident occured. A bit of history: My Dad was a navigator stationed in Thailand with a squadron of 13 unarmed reconnaissance B-66 flying missions over North Vietnam. He had flown over 100 sorties. 11 of the original squadron were shot down in combat. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c2/RB-66B.jpg/250px-RB-66B.jpg After being sent the son's phone #, dad called and verified that this was indeed his former roomate's son who was pleading for more information about his fathers death. Dad proceded to fly to Oregon, with all of his memorabilia (including candid pictures of his father), and proceded to explain that the was standing on the runway when his father, limping a severly damaged B-66 back to the base, was killed. The engine was emitting a large volume of black smoke and it was apparent that it was barely generating enough thrust to keep the plane aloft. He watched in horror as the plane slammed onto the tarmac, on the apron of the runway, and exploded. All the crew members were killed instantly including the pilot, my father's roomate. The Air Force in thier infinite wisdom had sent a letter to the family stating that their beloved had been killed in a plane crash in Thailand atrributed to pilot error. 20+ years later, my father brought some clarity and peace to a family who had mourned blindly, questioning what really happened. R.I.P. LtCol James E. Ricketts Jr. and the crew of Tail # 53-0498. Recently reclassified to KIA
  15. Me...neither....It's just to...hard...to understand!
  16. So, You don't want a permanent grin then?
  17. Ya, and here is Easton photoshopped over the Tokyo skyline:
  18. This guy? Everyone is buddies with him! If you are as hot as the car, I'm sure he'd be glad to give you a drive.
  19. I could facilitate this happening. (R33 GTR V-spec) Oh, and welcome.
  20. Are you kidding? No one could convince me that there is anything funny about a bottle hitting a car. It would take most of my friends to hold me back, preventing me from seriously injuring the guilty party.
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