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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. VC3, although I am not familiar enough to know if that is the same as a V3
  2. Thanx DJ. You da shiznit! I'm getting a gunmetal Razr! *sticks out tongue through shit-eating grin*
  3. DJ, The wife and I will be due for phones and renew in Feb. We have been very happy with Verizon so far. I'll be contacting you when we are ready to pull the trigger. Me wants Razr!
  4. Ah yes....the baseball cards, crafts from summer camp, the powder blue liesure suit, your first Pert bottle............ACK!
  5. Nope, Berto was fogging for mosquitoes in the black 7 by then!
  6. Ya that was before we ended up having 30+ people leaving Ritters only to have a few of the newbs in slower cars start doing stupid things like ricer flybyes on the berms. And remember that moron in the Accord that merged with us, driving like a freaking lunatic?? The best was when we hit 270 from Ritters and see a Supra in the distance. We all sprinted to catch it for some fun runs, then saw that it was The Pikey....... The cruises were fun, until it just became very unsafe.
  7. "Get your clothes on and get the fuck out" always worked for me.
  8. Ahem....uh.....nevermind! We now return you to you regularly sheduled e-thugging.
  9. I hope it's not Triangle that you are dealing with. 10 years ago the BBB told me they have the most complaints against them of any Mgmt Co. in the area. Not that the BBB did anything about it though......
  10. It was directed at no one. Ok I may have been a bit premature in using the term "didn't" instead of "won't". I also made no prognostication as to the outcome, or competitiveness, of the game. Regardless of the outcome of the game itself, the hype, pomp, and circumstance leading up to this game will rival the actual on-field antics. Yes, this one is directed at you. Go Bucks!
  11. Like we didn't see this thread turning to crap considering, for the second game on a row, OSU is now pitted against a team with a huge and rabid nationwide fan base who have never set foot on thier favorite college campus, let alone in the same state.
  12. Please tell me that means you'll not be posting here, or anywhere else on this sight, again?
  13. I'll be there, right after my friends and I get done with the 12 year old girl I have chained up in my basement. I get to go first tonite!
  14. Most jewelry stores can do, or will be able to arrange, engraving for you. One thing to remember is that jewelry stores mark up gold (gemstones excluded) pieces up to 1000%. The price on the tag is their disired "rape the unknowing" customer's price. If a salesperson will not barter with you on the price, then move on. Get what you want, at the best price you can.
  15. a cordless drill a mannequin's arm from the elbow up KY jelly extra large tampons
  16. Ben, Isn't that a pic of 1460's Stat Girl Emily? She used to bartend at the Polaris Texas Roadhouse?
  17. Built for speed: Racer’s world is all things cars Monday, July 28, 2003 Alayna DeMartini THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH JAMES D . DECAMP | DISPATCH Kris Waters’ license plate advertises his passion. In the near-empty parking lot, a car stereo blasts a pulsating bass and young men hover under car hoods, talking horsepower. With a pen flashlight, a guy scans the engine of a 1991 Honda CRX and considers the $5,000 that Kris Waters invested in it so he could race on a quiet stretch of road. Waters doesn’t know how fast the car will go. The speedometer can go to 120 mph. It has been there several times. His license plate reads WNA RCE. ‘‘People will pull up on the freeway, rev their exhaust, and they’ll look over," he said. ‘‘They’ll scoot their seat up and put both hands on the wheel." Those are the signs Waters has come to recognize, the signs of someone ready to race. Nearly every day he street-races with someone, but he has never wrecked a car or been arrested during or after a race, he said. To Waters, that’s part of the thrill: not getting caught. It’s not simply luck, he said, but ‘‘survival of the fittest." ‘‘All you’ve got to be able to do is outrun the guy because the cop is going after the slowest car." Speeding tickets are another matter. Now 25, he figures he has racked up 40 to 50 tickets, many in other states where he has lived, and $3,000 to $4,000 in fines. More than the adrenaline rush of racing, Waters relishes the challenge of taking a car like a Honda Civic with a standard engine and beefing it up enough to outpace a sports car. ‘‘Any toothless redneck with a Jeg’s (High Performance Center) catalog can make a V-8 go faster," he said. ‘‘It takes intelligence to build a four-cylinder engine just as fast or faster." When he loses a race, Waters goes home and tinkers with the car to achieve more speed. He prides himself on what he has done with the CRX he bought for $7,000 in 1996. The car is on its third engine and second transmission. Next is a roll cage. ‘‘I can’t even begin to tell you how many hours have been put into that car," he said. He also has a 1990 Chevrolet Caprice, a 1990 Honda Civic and a 1998 Ford Ranger. He says he spends more each month to improve his cars than the $300 he pays to rent a small apartment in Millersport. Sometimes that catches his dates off guard when he invites them in. ‘‘They’ll think just because my car is really nice that I live in a really nice house and have a lot of money," he said. His apartment also serves as a garage of sorts. He often rolls out a tarp on the living-room floor, then spreads out the parts of an engine. Sometimes, when a car problem stumps him, he takes inspiration from the tattoos on each of his forearms. Scripted in black, one says ‘‘focus," and the other ‘‘faith." The way Waters sees it, any challenge can be met by applying both. Cars are his world. Owning a car-customizing business and working part time at an autobody shop, Waters spends most of his waking hours working on cars. And several times he has fallen asleep working under them. On weekend nights, he meets other aficionados in empty parking lots to check out cars. Some race from there, but Waters refuses to do that. The crowd draws police attention, he said, and the risk of being arrested is high. These days, Waters mostly races on freeways, on city roads between stoplights and in shopping-center parking lots, mostly in Heath and Lancaster. Although he occasionally comes to Columbus to hang out and check out cars, he doesn’t usually race in a big city where, he pointed out, it’s easy for a police cruiser to hide in heavy traffic. Police concede that it’s tough to nab drag racers. ‘‘The only way we’re going to catch them doing it is if we’re seeing them, and they watch for us as much as we watch for them," said Sgt. Steven Mahl of the State Highway Patrol. Waters knows that many would consider him a hazard on the road, but he distinguishes himself from reckless drivers. He’s confident about what his car can and can’t do, so he can drive fast without losing control, he said. But that doesn’t take into account obstructions on the road, other cars along the way and how those drivers might react to his high speed, Columbus Police Lt. Jeffrey Blackwell said. ‘‘Take it on a private course that doesn’t have a minivan with kids in the back seat," Blackwell said. Waters wants to do just that. He plans to compete in autocross racing sanctioned by the Sports Car Club of America. But first, he’ll have to squirrel away some money and attract a sponsor to help cover his costs. Until then, he said, the highways and streets suit him just fine. ademartini@dispatch.com
  18. The only Supra I remember Brian (TrboRex ) racing in "Pauls turbo car" was Jake's red Greddy T04 Supra, which pulled Brian. I think that video may still be on flathat. Scott (Pikey), who owns the imfamous black supra you describe, isn't a little bitch and doesn't talk shit, PERIOD! In fact you couldn't be more wrong in trying to describe him. Thanks for the run-on sentence though. It gave me a headache. NEXT!
  19. They are mildly amusing in small doses, but I'm wondering if it's not something related to the water, or inbreeding. Ackrun has da fastist curz on da planit!
  20. I'm looking for guys that form coherent thoughts, that demonstrate some form of literacy, and act half as mature as their age. Obviously something in short supply in the Akron area. It's They're or they are, not "there". Fast is a relative term. Stating what you think is fast in regards to a type of race (1/4 mile, 40roll, etc..) then asking if anyone would classify themselves as that fast or faster, would be a more logical question. I too, like Ricochet, would say you might want to introduce yourself prior to starting the chest-thumping. Then again, you've already shown everyone who might have read this thread everything they'd need to know. Most will choose to ignore you, the others will show you how to wear your own ass as a hat.
  21. Unless you are at the track the same time I was, I would say this isn't gonna happen. As most of the people on this board already know, I choose very carefully with whom, and when, I race on the street. I have seen too many near misses, and completely insane idiocy on the street, running with a crowd of people whom I can't account for. I don't need to stroke my ego by being king street racer. I didn't build my car (yes I have done every bit of the work) to be the fastest drag , street, road course car ever. I built it to challenge myself and also to scare the shit out of myself. Plus, It doesn't hurt that it is a chick magnet.
  22. Quick, but you'd have reached aroun...er... come around me hard at about 115. I had no top end then.
  23. The twin GT28Rs pulled like a beast. I could not get them to stop surging at light/medium throttle which made the car almost unstreetable. I dumped them and went with a T4 GT35/40R single. I was trapping 117 - 118 on street tires, but the ET streets seemed to knock a few mph off for some reason.
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