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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. And your keyboard has not melted?
  2. Congrats on walking away!
  3. Wow, I havent played that for a while.
  4. My main rig is due to be upgraded, this might just hafto be tried on it.
  5. F the video camera. Give me a un-choked 10 GA and some #6 shot.
  6. I wonder what a money shot looks like at that speed.......
  7. This sunday maybe, following sunday the army>me.
  8. Send them anyway. If they get out of line, I have experiance running a platoon.
  9. What kind of shape are the seats in? In the one pic, it looks like the wood in them is starting to mush. Also, a 56K warning, or links on the pics would be appreciated.
  10. Im not sure if I will come out alive, but I will venture into them and fight the good fight. Self sacrifice for the good of all.......
  11. When I had the 307 in the pontiac I got my ass handed to me by a saturn.
  12. Lustalbert

    New Job!

    Used to work at the shrock rd one and the billingsly (sawmill) one. Its ok, make sure you invest in some good mechanics gloves. The save your hand from the exposed steel from people running the tires till they literally fall off. Also, they make cleaning up alot easier, so your hands arent permanantly black.
  13. Future upgrade for the brick.
  14. The studs where loose when you took it apart?
  15. Youz be medium pimp'n :thumbup:
  16. Did it have spinnaz? I think I saw that same one!!!!!!!1!!one!!!
  17. I went out in a canoe once....
  18. O'RLY? Well shit. Guess it will now die a firey death.
  19. GOAL!!!!!!!! The point of the game it to get your ball in the net right......
  20. Is this the 4 link type of rear end? Also, what is the length? Might be intrested, thanks
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