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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert


    Stop anding out welfare, people will eventually become employed again. As far as sending them home, all 12 million of them, is worthwhile. Its more than a line on a map, there is also a river there. Also, easy oil is not on the decline. We just have the EPA in our way. Mexico is finding plenty of oil in the Gulf, and ANWR hasn't even been touched. To bad we cant drill either without a tree hugger getting bent out of shape. BTW, you seem to be an expert at saying what is wrong, what is your plan to chage it? And dont say voting out bush. Thats not a plan, and he cant run again anyway.
  2. Wendy must have walked by.
  3. used oil would take alot of filtering to remove the contamination to prevent damage to a high pressure pump and injectors. The lower pressure wate oil pumps can handle a little sludge alot better.
  4. Sweet f'n jesus. I just got a stiffy.
  5. http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html reading material.
  6. The lye process is a little more comple than droping it in your tank with the oil and calling it done. Ill post up what I find, gimie a few minutes....
  7. Great in the summer. In the winter, depending on wich fuel variant you use, it can set up in the lines and then you cant drive it till it warms up out. If you go for a dual tank system, and run it on regular diesel till the bio fuel warms up (in tank heater) then you should have better driveability in the winter.
  8. A good detail, rims that are classy, not loud ultra designer rims, no spinners, a mild body kit is acceptable, no fangs or any holes big enough to consume anything larger than a squirel. Ill post more later.
  9. Eric, do you have a highly acurate scale? Like for masuring grains of powder for reloading? If so, make a 1 cm3 block of CF with the resin of choice, and see how many grams it weighs. You may be able to adjust the consitency and see what it does. If you get it to weigh .9 grams or lower , it will be boyant.
  10. I have a wheelbarrow ill trade you for it. Its smaller, and it belongs in a garage.
  11. The second link got me an acess denied via "pornography", posibly a NWS on it? Where where these teachers when I was in school? I would have been paying alot more attention with teachers like that.
  12. Also, see if you have any DSP effects enabled, or have it set to run the DTS or 5.1 audio output. If the disc has a audio choice, go for 2 channel audio rather than 5.1
  13. Are you flying solo, or going with a group? I had good luck with the rino line when I was deployed, they are prety damn ruged, and having the 2 way that you can boradcast your position with is handy. Battery life leaves a little to be desired, but we where getting ~8 hours on a set of batteries.
  14. I will be @ camp perry playing with my boom stick and drinking heavily.
  15. To rephrase the question: what is the specific gravity of carbon fiber when cured vs. the constant of 1 (distiled water) http://www.kynol.com/NewFiles/carbon%20fiber%20with%20pics.html specific gravity, g/cm3 1.5 Novoloid 1.4 1.6 Pitch 1.5 1.8-1.9 Polyacrylonitrile 1.9-2.0 IIRC 1 cm3 of H2O is ~1 gram, so no, CF will not float. This is just the carbon fiber, not taking into acount of the resin. That would be a function of the volume of the resin used, and its specific gravity to the volume of the carbon fiber in a given cm3. It make sense when I think about it, but I cant think of the formula (should be very simple, like an average) Hopfully this is what you where looking for.
  16. Pimp shit! I designate our resident benz guy to go make a better vieo of it in action.
  17. Paintball gun. Hide in the bushes, have some fun.
  18. Damn. That district manager is gona be hunting a new job.
  19. Sound like a bunch of pissed off bumble bees.
  20. Anti personel mines are against the geneva convention. Just like the m-2 is not alowed to be used against enemy personel. It is designated as an anti-material weapon (can only fire at equipment) Last I checked, a uniform and a helmet are both considered equipment......
  21. That would be awesome in a bigass parking lot.
  22. Black smoke clouds rule. No device has ever been engineerd that is more efficient at turning #2 fuel oil into smoke and noise than the 2 cycle Detriot diesel.
  23. Metal detectors are worthless for a good mine. No metal to be detected. Next.
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