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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I want to see her make real porn in peron.
  2. Wow,I remember those. They also need to leave the mcrib on the menu permantly,
  3. Why am I not surprised Eric is teaching his son to build a snow survival fort?
  4. Nice. That has got to be a hell of a trip inside as well.
  5. A storage device within the chargin station would make it more plausible. A capacitor would be to expensive to make in that capacity. A second battery pack with similar capacity to the cars pack would be possible. the next fun one, that much energy flowing through a connector would make a decen gaus field around it. Every compas in a 3 block radius would know every time you pluged in for a quick charge. I am sure any unshilded electronics in your garage would appreciate it as well.
  6. If refering to the ouput horsepoer, then the input would need to be even higher due to losses in the motor itself (I would imagine it, like every other electric motor produces heat in the coils, wich is wasted energy) Iregardless, a common 110 outlet can only deliver 2hp of energy with a 15 amp breaker.
  7. Both of ours are farm cats. If the number of cats exceeds the number of adults in the household, file for crazy cat person status.
  8. I was just going to post this story. My question: Was this the most important thing we had going right now?
  9. Best of luck, hope you stay on. BTW, they having a fire sale on any of the 3.9 common rail motors to clear out the inventory?
  10. Mmmm, white death. Bring it.
  11. I got mine (the wifes) for well under 25K
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___2005-CTS-V-400HP-6SPEED-RED-ROCKET-15K-FACT-WRNTY-25495_W0QQitemZ330302935566QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item330302935566&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A317%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  13. Cummins is cutting 800. Hope snowflake isnt one of them.
  14. S&W 686 in .357mag when I was about 7. I fell in <3 IIRC, 8"bbl, wood grips, still play with it once in a while :nod:
  15. You GRAP'n son of a bitch....
  16. Seeing a stong pull for 1 7/8" Kooks. We will be talking Brandon. Souds likeI may have just found a place to spend the tax refundage.
  17. Shock collars are more effective. She is free to roam about to do housework, and a little zap will remind her she needs to pick up the pace. The burried wire in the yard keeps her from trying to get away. ADD moment: Jet Li - Unleashed Good movie
  18. Origins of sapper http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapper 100% certified bad ass engineer. When you going to be back in Columbus?
  19. http://www.wood.army.mil/sapper/BSC/ Grab some guys from your unit and go run this shit!
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