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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I wonder if I could get away with this one at the armory. Working on ordering.....
  2. My wife never drove stick before, the shiny red caddy motivated her to learn It was a very effective motivational tool.
  3. Offend them? Thats about laughable. I was out training some of the Irai Federal Police a few weeks ago, those fucker have more porn on thier cell phones than they know what to do with. They also go out and get plastered regularly, had one offer me some booze after training. We are just worried about offending a select few, so we cater to them. Odly enough, it is usually that select few that causes the problems and does stupid shit.
  4. My open carry: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/DSCN0377.jpg The wifes open carry: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/HPIM3868.jpg
  5. I leave the country and look what happens. I will gladly sign the petition on this.
  6. Drink several for me, ill return the favor on leave Any chance you are swinging through BIAP on your way there?
  7. Very nice. I have a spot resereved for the 1st ID, 1LT Wilkins, and SPC Martin ance i get back from this tour. I will be taking Christopher into consideration, has he sone any military work?
  8. Will be safe as can be. Seems I am a a medic this time, so we will see what kind of shitty missions I can get into this time.
  9. 80 is tops on the V in city settings. Out in the middle of BFE though.......
  10. So, he effectively killed a 69 to make that abomination? I would much rather see a 69 with the LSx based drivetrain swaped into it.
  11. Methinks this will be ordered while I am deployed, in hopes it will be waiting on me when I get home.
  12. I would have no problem with that being in my stable.
  13. Epic Win, with a healthy dash of sex.
  14. I wonder if the Soldier will get any sort of a finders fee out of it.
  15. Give them to this guy: http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=4534625
  16. Wow. if the wife did that, she would be riding a bike to work.
  17. http://www.toytractorshow.com/plow.h6.jpg
  18. I think 11 seconds is a fair trade for heated leather seats and the ability to clear a speed bump. And the ability to afford to drive it.
  19. Yes, I enjoy the alcohol (be it a beer, wine, or some Titos and cranberry) and the a good cigar. That is part of my motivation to excell at my job and make sure I dont become unemployed, rather than do the minumum to keep a job, and run the risk of becoming unemployed. Also, If I where to become unemplyed, i wouldnt expect anyone to support my habbits. If I am broke, I can go without the finer things in life. In the mean time, I still stand that if you are on welfare, you should be subject to random screenings.
  20. I have heard Anaconda is nice, but I was never there any longer than it took to fuel and roll back out the gate. Last time we had to wear our OTV and brain bucket just to go take a shit, I hear that has changes a little since then. Definately glad I am not going to Asscrackastan, although that will probably be the next stop after this tour. Thanks for the well wishes, I plan to make it back and hopefully put some deployment money into the house mod, or some nice bolt ons for the V.
  21. It is CSM. And, yes, she is going.
  22. I have heard the living conditions have improved, last time we had the water cooler bolted to the wall for our shower, rumor is that places like Liberty and Victory now have wireless internet.
  23. I leave for mobilazation site the begining of September, should be in the Bagdhad greater metro area by mid October. Should be fun to see what has changed at the waterless beach since my last "vacation"
  24. I am for the drug testing. Not a fan of my tax dollars going to some one elses habbit. If someone wants to spend thier own hard earned money on a bag of smoke, that is thier choice. As far as increased theft, allow citizens to shoot theives on sight. Also shoot the lawyers that get sue happy when someone is injured while commiting a crime.
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