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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Anyone got a case of JB Weld? http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/HPIM0376.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/HPIM0375.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/HPIM0374.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/HPIM0373.jpg Thanks to IPS for dropping in a new unit, and thank heaven the wife only beat me half to death.
  2. Pickups plus. Look for Scotty2Hotty on here.
  3. Replaced the rear diff in the V. Well, not yet, but it just left parts of the case imbeded in sawmill road, so I will be replacing it.
  4. As long as the Gov't keeps bailing out and buying banks, it will continue to drop.
  5. http://www.angelstransport.com/home.html Did a good job on my caddy, quite reasonable transport time, and beat most shippers I looked into at the time.
  6. Throwout bearing, or input shaft bearing. The latter makes for an awesome sounding transmission. Kind of like 5 pounds of ball bearings lose in a washing machine.
  7. "And now, he is the story" His voice will be missed.
  8. If you fart, and then raise your arms, will it vent out the sleves, or will it still manage to vent aroud the neck hole ans envelope your head?
  9. Or for about 45k, you could get a CTS with the DI V6, 304HP 3800lbs, manual trans, and not be in a ford. I think the 400lb diet will compensate well for the 50hp.
  10. Google lacks the input of members of this board, and thier experiances with said schools. I would be curious on this as well, as the wife is driving the V as the daily now, and I would like for her to be able to actually blow the carbon out once in a while. Yes, I am drinking, forgive the spelling.
  11. Don't worry, it is just the nany state doing what is best for you.
  12. I did like the old beetle, cant say I was in love with any of the others. A+ for quality.
  13. Lustalbert


    The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?" -Sigmund Freud
  14. I detect a thread full of win.
  15. Get a proper sized Back Up to handle the start surge of the sump pump. I run a APC 3000, ran both fridges, a freezer, and the sump with no problems. I also have a 48V bank of deep cells wired in, run time forever.
  16. Sunday 2/1/2009 Evening 4,0,9 $167,893 You have got to be fucking kidding me.
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