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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. A little late to the party, ran a 14:36 @ 73.10 Powell to Camp middle of the ghetto, TX. Speed average includes time for pit stops. Maybe ill make the fall event.
  2. gorilla mask A "sexual act" involving a handfull of shaved pubic hair thrown in the face of an unsuspecting female who just recieved a facial "I brought that bitch home from the club and got her ass ready for Halloween with a gorilla mask"
  3. Lustalbert

    Suicide Girl party

    For some reason this made me lol.
  4. It appears they would probbly kick my ass. And I would most likely enjoy it.
  5. Curious, how did you come to the concluion that the swing arm is damaged? If you can hear parts inside the case rattling round, she is boned. If it is mechanicly intact, there is a chance you can use R-Studio to recover data, but if a R/W head is toasted or the plter is scrached, no dice.
  6. Lustalbert


    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over. [right click, save as]
  7. I sent those to my wife, and then the fight started....
  8. Lustalbert

    Sad Day

    No one is going to jump on this?
  9. I picked up a Super160 on Evilbay a few years ago, the 160 amp tig works great, does arc/ma well, plamas cutter section leave a little to be desired, but I gave less than 1k for it with the foot pedal and torch. good learning machine, does ac/dc, still works fine. Sure it is not a Lincon or a miller, but a good entry level machine.
  10. Of the 17%, did they ever get a breakdown of how many of those where weapons that we sold/gave to the mexican army for them to use to fight the drug cartels, then the mexican army deserters took with them for the better pay of the cartels?
  11. 20 spot on. I glare at the people who pass me.
  12. Does delivery involve you wearing them, then removing at delivery site? Bump
  13. I am planing a bonfire at my place, anyone who wants to bring over some styrofoam or a couch to pitch on the heap is welcome to. Just doing my part to keep the place lit up since we are suposed to tun off the lights or some shit.
  14. Memories. I think the person behind Kyle was about to pass out from his exhaust. It was about to burn my eyes out.
  15. http://www.shopsar.com/v/vspfiles/photos/Emblem-CADCH-2T.jpg
  16. I want to go, but it cheaper to let the tax payer fuel my autmatic fire addiction.
  17. http://s33.photobucket.com/albums/d64/strumble/th_Norris_Approved_big.jpg
  18. Surprisingly, just one good bang and then the motor was on the rev limiter. The force of the parts coming apart but the pinion far enough away that it cleared the ring rear, so I could coast into a parking lot. Get some support around it with the quickness. Wheel hop is the death of the rear end.
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