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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Solitary, no contact with anyone other than a few guards, 23 a day in his cell, 1 hour a day for excercise. I couldnt be a guard, id end up getting arested.
  2. Soft? No. Just not enough coffe yet this morning.
  3. I wonder..... That turbo + 60 shot to help spool it....... Anyone got a 20K generator head laying around so we can do a proper stress test on a 8 hp brigs?
  4. I tried camping, but they frowned on the grenades and where less then pleased when I mined the perimiter of my campsite.
  5. Man up and use a wheelbarrow. Good excercise.
  6. Trust me on this. I had to do it on a motorcycle for the same reason.
  7. Run the vin at the title office, see if you can contact the person that the title is still issued to. They can then get a title re printed and signed over to you. If you cant find them, you can take it to a judge (probate maybe? ask your title office) and present him with the bill of sale, he can then order it titled in your name.
  8. Cover at gentlemens club: $20 Several watered down drinks: $75 Lap dances from same girl in VIP room: $200 Meeting up with her after the club closes for a "Good Time": $400 Never having to talk to the dumb cunt after you are finishd: Priceless.
  9. So you are offering it for free?
  10. Yep, that little 2-cycle tiller. The wife is in love with the one we borrow from her parents, she wants one of her own. I think it has to do with the way it vibrates. Not sure. Anyways, who has one and wants to get rid of it? Looks are irelevant, hell, even if it is all the parts in a basket, let me know and what you want for it.
  11. Rumor says its about 300 for a round at one of the smaller operations out by Las Vegas. The variety where you get to pick from the lineup, you get a good time, but nothing to wild. This is second hand knowledge, as I never have to pay. If anything, the ladies pay me for the privilage.
  12. Wow. I feel like an idiot, how did I miss the LBJ one? :doh:
  13. http://www.vidilife.com/index.cfm?f=media.play&vchrMediaProgramIDCryp=2E4D6762-CB06-428F-B4F9-5&campaign=155
  14. The japs show the french why they continue to suck. http://www.dailysixer.com/frogheart.shtml
  15. Lustalbert


    Hi. I had that ugly assed white heap that parked next to you at jegs sat night. Enjoy your time here at the funny farm.
  16. Lustalbert


    The most the oil companies can lower prices is 6-8%, that is thier profit margin. Just so hapens they sell shit tons of it, and due to the volume, they make a large amount. To expect a company to take no profit for thier product is insane. (BTW, Coca-Cola has an average margin of 20%, a dollar store usually has about a 5% margin.) Want to drop gas prices? drop the taxes we pay on it. The gov takes on average $.69 on the gallon, and dosent even have a hand in the prodution other than regulating the makeup and giving the EPA a set of teeth to prevent exploration and any new refineries from being built.
  17. nutritious and delicious
  18. That is a proper education.
  19. Nothing a shot of Jack wont cure.
  20. BTW, what truck is this going in?
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