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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Give it to me, ill hang on to it for you.
  2. I didn not see it in the story, might have jmust mised it. Was the SUV an unmarked, or was it markend, and did it have lights?
  3. Good night till the rice boys ruined it, still had some fun after though.
  4. Dont run from the cops. If you are driving at a high rate of spped to evade the police, and you cause an accident, it should fall on you. Should not what the police where chasing you in.
  5. Thanks, you made me feel all warm and fuzzy All in good fun, just the internet As far as the leaders we have, yes they are making a retarded amount of money. Coruption abounds. Problem with anything big, gona be a few bad apples. I dont agree with everthing my Comander says, just seems to be better than any other option that has presented itself. At least they are doing something produtive to earn it,(our country cant be to bad if we have that many people hopping the border on a daily basis) not just running a dictatorship and keeping the country poor.
  6. Has your father tried to go through the VA? there are a host of programs that can help. I think it is dispicable the way soldiers where treated when they returned from nam. The goverment dropped the ball (wasnt a popular war, cant expext a politician motivated by the popular vote to stick his neck out and help people), also, the media did a bang up job of beating on the returning veterans. Since that time, there have been many improvements in the VA, and they are taking catre of the soldiers much better. I have been to a few conferances for returning veterans, seen some of the things that have changed, and it is getting better. As far as losing a friend in combat, it does affect you. No denying that. The nightmares never really end, but at least are a little less frequent after time. If you ever want to talk about what the VA can do for him, see if there are some avenues that he was not aware of, feel free to PM me.
  7. My first 3 posts I was just being a dick. Just something to bring out the itelectuals without having to put in much effort. Sucsess. As far as fighting unemployment, unemployment is not bad at all right now. We where right around 5% unemployment. Not to shabby when 3.5% is considered full employment (everyone that wants a job has one) Not all of the jobs are executive 100K+ a year jobs, but they are jobs. Not every job is meant to support a family and buy a mansion on the lake. Some of them are starter jobs, to sustain yourself while you further an education, move up the ladder, of invest back in youself somehow.
  8. Was this directed at me? If not, read no further. If it was: What conflict was your father in? I personaly was injured while deployd, it slows me down, and I will never be the same. Would I so it again? Yes. There is a point where we need to help other people. When they have a sadistic dictator in power that wants to secure nuclear weapons, meanwhile giving the rest of the world the bird and killing anyone in his country that disagrees with him, fixing elections, and only looking out for his own power, he needs removed. For the amount of oil they have, vs. the living conditions that the mass of the people live in, something is fucked. Eric: That reason: The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to stand by and do nothing. The UN is corupt. Top heavy and back door deals galore. Sadam needed to go. We are not forcing a regime change, we are promoting a democratic system in a country that has not ever had it. It will take a while, and it is imortant to stay the course. As far as the WMD that no evidence has been found, we acted on the available information. You may not like it, but dont make Sadam to be an inocent man. Everything lined up, and it was decided to act. The senate agrees. Now we are finding out who the spineless ones are that wont stick to thier decisions now that it isnt popular. War is a messy business. It is no where as messy as it was a few decades ago, and casulties are far less per persons deployed than in any other conflict, but it still requires us to have the ability to stomach a certian amount. If there where a way to controll this type of situation without war, I would be in favor of it, but sanctions didnt have an effect other than starving his people while he continued to thumb his nose at the world. Also, if we pull out now, what is the effect? nothing good will come of it. Once we have the iraqi forced trained and capable of supporintg thier own goverment, then we can withdrawl. Till then, stay the course.
  9. I belive we had reason, and still do have a reason.
  10. Iraq has continued its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of UN restrictions; if left unchecked, it probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade. Baghdad hides large portions of Iraq's WMD efforts. Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information. Since inspections ended in 1998, Iraq has maintained its chemical weapons effort, energized its missile program, and invested more heavily in biological weapons; most analysts assess Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. - Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs, CIA Report, October 2002 If I am in charge, and my intlelegance agency tells me they have WMD, then it is in my best intrest to act on this information for the security of my country. Perhaps you shoule be questiong the CIA There are link for iraq and the towel-a-ban. Ill post them later.
  11. I dont know if I would really call a F-Body a sleeper. If that was stuffed in something a little less performance oriented, then = sleeper.
  12. War creates employment. Can I assume you are in favor of unemployment? Not all about the money, its just a handy incintive. Also good for people who want to make conspiracy theories. Im not pissed I did my job.
  13. you spend to much time clicking on p0rn. Im going to go practice now.
  14. Old but good :thumbup:
  15. So you are mad that the war has not directly benifited your cheking account?
  16. a bird....... I should have the brick out. Still slow for now.....
  17. 55K for a DIY kit. In a few years I will be accepting roll races.....
  18. more important: can I mount it to the front of my car to take care of traffic?
  19. The guy made some $. So what?
  20. A Piper Arrow with a 200 HP lycoming redlines at ~ 3K, normal crusing is at 2.5K If anything, a LSx is going to spin the wee out of a prop without a gear reduction box.
  21. I would love to see the originating site for that project. Be interesting to read the buildup, and what it cost.
  22. Based on? Appears to be a variable pitch prop, and an engine with a good broad torque curve.
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