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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert

    High Risk

    ill hafto come back and read this on a daily basis graemlins/popcorn.gif
  2. wonder if i can get one to put in my yard over here be a good laugh
  3. maybe ill hafto make a pit stop on the way home from here......
  4. my satelite unlocks the door when i close it, so it is imposible to lock my keys in. the fact that some ass punched the lock when they broke in also makes it imposible to lock my keys in (if i ever find him....)
  5. i use a garmin rino 110 over here. It dosent have the detailed streetmaps, but it is acurate, and the 2 way radio is nice for staying in touch with the rest of my guys on convoys. the 120 is better, but is always sold out at the px, and the 130 has very good maps. if i could find one, i would own it. Also you can get the cable to use you computer to uplad new maps and nav points, also save old nav points
  6. where was the reception hall? the eatery? fugin pathetic
  7. ill race them in a bradley for slips. if they get in front of me, the lose their car anyways.....
  8. it can be made to fit...... i do have a sawzall and bondo
  9. dont knock the cr whore, its still running (just got a video of it running from my brother)
  10. dont knock the cr whore, its still running (just got a video of it running from my brother)
  11. just for grins, is it the same bolt patern as the mazda engines (for example 1.6l or 1.8l dohc from an escort) pm me thanks
  12. enlist in the army. we are always hiring
  13. We Lost 2 soldiers from our company on friday in a roadside atack. 1LT Charles Wilkins PFC Ryan Martin Both where soldiers that I had become good friends with while serving with them over here, please pray for thier families. Thank you Sgt. Andrew Lust A Co. 216 En Bn
  14. so wrong, but feels so right
  15. 292 chevy straight 6 there is a good aftermarket for them, especialy in circle track also 4 bbl intakes, so you can put holley 4di system on it, and you cant help but fall over a gm trany just by walking into a junk yard
  16. i like icp, and i think i am prety mormal. i dont do the face makeup or any of that stuff, but i do like the music, and faygo is always on tap one more note, speaking of asociating with white trash, heard of a rapper called eminem?
  17. pushrods or dohc, dosent make a bit or diferance to me, as long as it goes fast and i can aford it. but i am partial to the hemi for some odd reason.....
  18. finaly got espn over here, hope to catch some games if im not busy geting shot at O-H
  19. a buddy of mine had 2 "W"s on his ass, one on each cheek. It say mom when he stands on his head.....
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