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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I made a map of my HS for the original Doom. Nothing happened. Some of this shit is really getting out of hand.
  2. Keeping eyes out for it. That really fucking sucks, you have my premission to take the thief behind closed doors for at least 2 hours before the police take him/her into custody.
  3. I hope she does something stupid while the appeals process in being conducted.
  4. The army is always hiring, Feel free to PM me.....
  5. Break law = ticket. Running from officer = jail. Trying to drive away with an officer hanging out of your window = lucky your ass is not in the morgue. Cop could have checked with the ER. Cop could have been less violent. Cop could have let her go on her word. Or she could have just followed the law, and none of this would have happened. 63 in a 35. What if she would have hit a pedestrian in her rush? Or caused an acident?
  6. As long as your car breaks down on a desolate road where there is little traffic....
  7. Very nice. It is good to see the classic iron still out and about. Mine may make it out yet this year. Just a 350? Weaksauce. Is he intrested in upgrading to a 455?
  8. They pay you to test the adhesive qualities of thier liscence plate coatings when exposed to insects at excesivly terminal velocities.
  9. :nod: So much jailbait I need to visit on thier 18th birthday, and I am tired of waiting.
  10. Shot the guy delivering the newspaper? Why? Was he swiping the cupons or something? Glad your family is safe Bucky, that shit is nuts.
  11. I am glad that it was vetoed. The politicians on the hill have no business telling someone 6000 miles away how to fight a war. The comander in chief is just that, the comander of the armed forces. Congres does not hold that title, and I am glad they don't. On a related note, the amount of pork that they lined that bill with is absolutely sickening.
  12. This thread is delivering content similar to the buritto I ate last night.
  13. Damn, you are still alive. I was just talking about you yesterday. How thick of copper, and how prety/structural of a weld do you need? If it is sonething small, use plumbers solder (hardware stores carry it) it is lead free, IIRC it is mostly tin, with some antimony and a touch of silver.
  14. Lustalbert

    Wife 1.0

    Classic. Always worth another read.
  15. They would never find any traces of the bitch.
  16. I have not used the B&D firestorm stuff, but I have had good luck with the Craftsman 19.2 kits. If you keep an eye out on the craftsman adds, you can get them on a good deal. FWIW, the Craftsman cordless saw with a masonary or cutoff wheel does a wonderfull job on frame rails.
  17. $3500? Thats it? No privilage of beating thier asses?
  18. Quck, go buy a rusted out shell, ship that to his ass.
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