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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I just saw your liver, looked prety pissed. He was muttering something about catching a plane to some place, but I couldnt make out the destination from all the swearing.
  2. The closest thing I got to a BJ was the air blowing out the back of the vaccum. She had to work, I got stuck cleaning. Fuck.
  3. Welcome. http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/indymisc/nOOb_-_Domokun.jpg
  4. You can call one of those water damage recovery companies. It probably wont be cheap, but at least it done right. BTW, and chance any part of this (was the pump bought as part of the house?) could be a home waranty issue? Also, any chance you homeowners insurance may cover part of the cleaning services?
  5. http://nwps.ws/pub/pics/domokun-moderator.jpg
  6. Lustalbert


    Yes, the friendly brown things chasing the kitty in the famous photo: http://pinkrabbitsays.typepad.com/photos/google_images_strikes_aga/domokun_kittens.jpg and being chased: http://www.scrufdog.com/images/domokun.jpg is for sale on EvilBay: EvilBay!
  7. You are probably right though.
  8. For some odd reason they didnt like it when I would bring small, easily concealable cameras to work, so that gig didn't last to long.
  9. I bought it now biotches! I will own all, the seller promised me I would!
  10. Woot! First vote! Not that it matters, at the current pace I wont have a car to take untill 2009.
  11. Almost right.... The U.S. goverment did not give them a tax break. IIRC, Dubai does not have a tax treaty with the U.S. Goverment, so any money that the company generates in the form of dividends will be taxed when they are paid to any investors here in the U.S. If anything this move is a result of the tax rates here being so high. If we switched to a flat tax rather than rewarding sucess with a higher tax bracket perhaps more companies would stay here rather than moving to a tax shelter somewhere over seas.
  12. So they moved thier headquarters closer to an abundant supply of what they deal in. Not seeing the problem here. Seems like a good businees move, and I would expect it, as they are a business and not a charity or a social service.
  13. RIAA = Lawyers out to make as much $ as possible for themselves. I have not heard of a single story where the atist has recived a single penny of royalties from the RIAA suing people on thier behalf.
  14. Retail. Not great pay, but it is something. Kroger, Meijer, ect..
  15. OSU graduation. If I skip it to go shoting the wife would shoot me.
  16. Syncronized shitting. New sport for the olymipcs.
  17. Can we stop riping on each other's campus and just post some pics already?
  18. No love for the oldsmobiles.... DX 350 > * The amount of nickel in the block makes them damn near indestructable, and if you want to go for it all you can get aftermarket 4 bolt caps that will handle damn near anything you can throw at it other than filling the cylinders with TNT.
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