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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I am trying like hell to remember why I stopped living on campus. What was I thinking
  2. Fuxing tease. She need beat into submision with a strong pimp hand.
  3. Linn, can you edit this to a link? Just in case some one is absent mindly clicking away...
  4. Cousins? http://www.fearfullyhuman.com/photos/haiti/tight_turkey_0311.jpg
  5. Be glad they are offering pets to others rather than taking them to the pound. When my Dad got a dog there several years ago, they told him to take 5, and shot the 4 He didn't want. BTW, He only took one, and she lived on the farm for 17 years.
  6. 2 posts in a row that did not require a :NWS: You are slipping.
  7. Even autozone has individual sockets. EvilBay is bound to have all sorts of crap, shiping could suck though.
  8. Thats it. I am getting a new birth certificate so I can go back to HS. I am going to be the freshman from hell.
  9. I sit in my drivers seat and stare at the rest of my car, wishing it was back together so I could drive it.
  10. Hell yes. No arms to get in the way, and she cant run away from you after the 20th time you have put it in her ass that day.
  11. That would suck to get those. Any chance we can turn some bot flies loose in the prisons that house child molesters?
  12. What motor, and what would you be looking for the engine and tranny?
  13. Added to the collection Has this been added to official sticky sticky in the pics section?
  14. Lustalbert


    He is certinaly going to get an education...
  15. Every time I am at my shop, I sit in my Plymouth for at leaast 30 minutes, just to take in the aroma of classic steel and aged ruber from burnouts. Fuxing radiator piece of shit rebuild unit leaking coolant into the tranny cooler &*%$ $%# &%#@........
  16. M-920 FTW. It is funny to see some people that just could not grasp the semi auto transmission trying to drive the thing.
  17. Can you find out the bolt pattern? 5x4.75, or 5x5?
  18. :Stands up: Hi, my name is Andrew, and I am an addict. :Sits back down:
  19. The only part worse is when they decide that a phone call is more important than actually paying attention to where in the hell they are driving.
  20. Bliping the throttle = removal of both head gaskets without the use of a wrench. Well, that is just fucking fantastic. I want. :nod:
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