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Everything posted by Mattsv8

  1. Is thaa deamon e85 carb. No way u should need any 100s jets have u tried to drive that thing your part throttle afr would be like 5.5. That's way too much jet and id bet 100 bucks that's not a e85 carb. To run e85 your entire circut system needs enlarged in the blocks and booster. Fyi my 1000hp bt e85 carb runs 80s.
  2. A import should have this plate Y I'm gay
  3. My old eclipse had a custom plate 2lv8etr but the trans broke about 23 times so I sold the pile of poo I have 5 v8 chevy cars now and 0 custom plates. 1 historical tag on the s10 though and in 2014 one on the blazer.
  4. nope but ill be damned if id put a plate on a car that cant brake the speed limit in a 1/4mile. ok use this plate IMSLOW IMGAY SWATCH ok this one is my actual recomendaion SLID WYZ for slide ways
  5. How about don't pay 120 yr for a custom plate for a car that can't go 13s!
  6. Progressive timers require a extra nos noid fuel noid and they pulse the first noid open and shut. This kills them very quickly. Nos cheater noids suck upgrade to a big shot I left on 225 off the brake big tire and it helped a lot having the instant tq. If u want top end u need 2 kits prety much Nitrous works best at low rpm because the gobs of tq And it falls off power very quickly It costs more in the long run than a supercharger or turbo system 550 big shot plate single kit 4150 1 bottle at 225 is 3 passes tops 10ln bottle To be consistant u need bottle heater And jets to change the tune for weather A simple plate kit can cost as much as 3000 a yr if u spray a normal amount including the kit It does make tq and hp very easily most simple bolt on outside a air filter In 4 yrs of spraying I never hurt a single part or plug If you want to know more get the nitrous book from jegs and read it cover to cover If u want 1000hp with spray build a motor that can easily hold 1200. I personally like spray but I won't ever prefer it over a supercharger or turbo combo again Nothing like never needing a full bottle to play!
  7. so do you wana sell me the flowmaster till the kit comes back. i got to do something with my hanging stock exhaust the tips point down toward the ground. i still want to run the kit for shure.
  8. Mattsv8


    Ls swap! My wife wants a driver as well pics didn't load for me on my pos phone.
  9. Wonder if these fit my 88 I have a .96 t6 on now
  10. If I buy ut flowmaster ill have my stocker
  11. I could use this on my car till your kit comes in! I need to ditch the stock cat back I sent u a text too
  12. Any way to know who's bringing what each day?
  13. Car looks great. But that shifter looks like a dildo with a condom ring around it. How do we get pricing for a detail? My 01 needs it.
  14. Awsome video shon. Just fired the s10 up today. Any way to turn back time so I can make the event? I'm shooting for marion not this fri but next.
  15. How would these look on a black 01 z28? If heard of people doing these
  16. Its simple If your car dose not run dont come to a racing forum to find races! i vote ban till car actually runs a number. fucks sake as it sits right now i can smoke your $500000 dollar lambo in my $20000 s10 being as mine runs and has ran a 8 sec pass. only thing u do by bragging about a car thats in peices is to tell all the poor people who to rob. lol. -rep to dr wiggs untill he can prove that his car will actually move with its own power, i dont think 4 human power is evan = to 1 horse.
  17. Wana race a s10 long bed turd ? Hell its purple deff can't be fast!
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