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Everything posted by GonneVille

  1. So he came at a guy who was pointing a loaded gun at him? That's not even self-defense, the guy committed suicide.
  2. I didn't think you could get that much fail in one post. That is like a black hole of fail. A fucking huge, black, hole of fail. It's fail so dense, it's sucking in fail from the rest of the board. I think some Kitchen threads have gotten stuck in the fail event horizon. I think it's radiating fail at the poles, though. It's a fail quasar, blinking high-frequency fail to the universe...
  3. I think I remember seeing the Astro a few times. I wondered WTF was in it. Nasty...lol. Nice Vega wagon. +rep, welcome!
  4. They had a casual pic of her on the news, total woof. Dog-face, and fat.
  5. Shit. Kill the bill. There's a loophole you could drive a riverboat through: Casinos owned by companies with their headquarters outside of Ohio would pay their taxes IN THEIR HOME STATE, NOT HERE. None of the companies that want to build their casinos here are headquartered here, so no money would stay in the state. Yes to casinos, no fucking way on this bill.
  6. 28th, AJ. I'll be there for a while, but I won't be racing.
  7. EPIC. So who wants to take odds on whether these incestuous little faggots get their asses kicked by their uncle?
  8. Does a 14.3 already, and the only weight reduction available to me is taking out features or sound deadening. I like my creature comforts, and the damn thing is already loud enough. I love the car, but secretly, I keep hoping somebody will rear-end it, so i can buy a cheap POS to drive, and a Chevette to put the PA motor in...
  9. CURRENT: Yella Terra 1.9:1 roller rockers LS6 medium-load valvesprings CompCams OE-R lifters INTENSE fender-well intake INTENSE 3.4" modular supercharger pulley Purple Dino Motorsports P&P supercharger case. INTENSE PCM SLP headers w/ 3" downpipe SLP high flow cat Hooker Header AeroChamber mufflers INTENSE trans with hardened input shaft 245mm ATI-3250 high-stall torque converter w/drilled flexplate Brembo brake rotors 18"x8" Konig SLR wheels BFGoodrich G-ForceT/A KDWS tires AutoMeter NV-series gauges for boost and air/fuel Aeroforce Interceptor Scan-Gauge Pioneer DEH-P5900ib w/iPod controller Pioneer 6-disc CD Changer SkyFi2 XM SITTING IN THE GARAGE: INTENSE Stage 1x cam Yella Terra 1.6:1 roller rockers 105# valvesprings JP Rolmaster single roller timing set Eaton Gen V M90 supercharger and LIM NEED TO BUY: INTENSE shift kit INTENSE Oil pressure kit ZZP Northstar throttle body kit Dyno Tune session LATER ON: ZZP 2.25" intercooler and porting for the S/C and LIM. INTENSE Stage 3 heads
  10. That Rover in the cat hotel thingy, and Gypsy being a creep in the background. http://gonneville.smugmug.com/photos/378560630_v5Yp8-L.jpg Better pic of Gypsy http://gonneville.smugmug.com/photos/378560072_hQteB-XL.jpg And now for the cuteness... http://gonneville.smugmug.com/photos/378562108_Qm96F-L.jpg
  11. My advice is to let the adjuster look at it, then immediately start tearing into it. Pull the cover off and inspect the bumper structure, the mounts, and the bulkhead and frame around the mounts. If the bulkhead and frame are damaged, write it off and take the total from the insurance company. If the bulkhead and frame aren't damaged beyond a slight wrinkle here and there, DO NOT let them total it. Go to a junkyard and find the right mounts and cover, and do the repair yourself, then pocket the repair or 80% form the insurance company. You could easily come out ahead in this deal.
  12. F that. Douchebag doesn't deserve the privilege of owning an internal combustion engine. Amoebas have more balls.
  13. GonneVille

    Free Cat

    It sounds like someone dumped him in your neighborhood. If you're not going to take him in, then take him to Cat Welfare. They are a no-kill shelter. The only choices you have are put up with him, chase him away, let your neighbor kill it, or take it in yourself. BTW, it's bringing mice to your BF's door as a gesture of submission. He's acknowledging dominance in an effort to tell your BF he won't get in his way. This is a sign of a good personality for a pet, so if you were to take him in, you probably will never have to worry about getting scratched or having it spraying.
  14. If you're looking for a fun gun, get a Ruger .22. They're super-accurate, and you can fire one all damn day without getting tired or going broke. For a defense gun, go for a 10mm or a .45. Glock is good, but some people don't like the ergonomics. The Springfield XD is a little more comfortable to shoot. Do yourself a favor and go out with a large group of people at some point, and try out EVERYTHING.
  15. I seriously challenge you to do one in a Prius. Remember, you said it, not me.
  16. Bill Clinton can't hold any elected office in USA. He can be appointed to certain positions(can't be a judge, either, IIRC).
  17. So, it takes 450hp to do that? That me in the background, no LSD, with a good breeze from down the track. Both wheels are going, but biased slightly to the right tire. http://gonneville.smugmug.com/photos/299954375_vtnkX-L.jpg
  18. After seeing those pics, I'm definitely gonna invest in an LSD and show you guys what real smoke is...
  19. The thing is, it comes to the same no matter which of us is right. You say we won't see it because the big bad oil and car companies are suppressing information(that would make one of the two magnificent amounts of money). I say that it's because 99.99% of high-mileage claims are absolute horseshit. Some of the highly-experimental, multi-million-dollar, university-designed things I can believe, like some of these little tiny pod things that are getting umpteen thousand MPG and weigh about 120lbs WITH the driver. But things like shadetree mechanics with "special carburetors" and no background in engine design are BS. You have to start with a clean sheet and design the motor from beginning to end to get that kind of result.
  20. What? If I read you correctly(doubtful), what you are saying is that there would be so much demand for the car that keeping up with demand might cause harm to the production lines? And yet you also state that the car companies won't touch them because they don't know if there is enough demand? The rest of your post i can't make heads or tails of...
  21. Told him to knock wood...
  22. My Dad takes his Scout Troop there about once a year. I remember going when I was a kid and coming down one section where the trail had turned into drainage for the entire hillside, washing the dirt away from the fist-to head-sized rocks for almost a mile of trail. By the time we made it down, our feet were hamburger. I made the mistake of taking my boots off at the parking lot, and couldn't get them back on, even with the laces out. Me and a few other guys with the same problem ended up waiting there while the rest went to get the cars from the trailhead a couple miles away.
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