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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I've always tried to treat parking lots like showrooms; minimize the amount of trash flying around, make sure there's no fucking shopping carts nearby, and treat every other car like it's new. I also try to have a friendly attitude about my own car. It's junk. It will never be what it was yesterday. It will only increase in mileage, decrease in value, and I will never get out what I put into it. That said, it's reliable conveyance and it keeps me safe. At the end of the day, it's a fancy pile of metal and plastic that is 100% replacable, and not unique.
  2. This would be a cool addon to future Fallout games.
  3. Is this an exclusive scoop? I dig it. Edit: Since I've showed this to friends I've been buried in requests to get one for them. ok I'm done now.
  4. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/29331111.jpg
  5. I am a tall fat white dude, but my last name is pronounced Kah-sheed. Not spelled that way at all, but combine it with a first name like Alex, and it's not a stretch of the imagination to call me al-Kashid. My experience coming back to the country from the south of France (where they looooove Muslims) was creative but not unpleasant. I was basically interviewed 4 different times about my stay in France and the contents of my baggage in very pleasant conversation by well-spoken security agents, with a metal detector scan that seemed more a courtesy to American sensibilities than an actual method of detecting dangerous objects. Just before boarding my plane, I was informed that I'd been flagged for a random check (foreign passport, strange name, single male flying alone with a somewhat recently purchased ticket and minimal baggage RANDOM LOL) where they basically do the pat-down you'd get if you refuse to do that humiliating x-ray at an American airport. So instead of having fucking EVERYONE humiliate themselves, they just have you talk to various people at different stages of check-in and boarding and then select a few people somewhat at random to show everyone else that yep, you might get searched too, so don't fuck around.
  6. I agree with this, I'm just saying this whole scenario reeks of creative interpretation of what is and isn't permitted and what constitutes probable cause for a search. I'll never be caught carrying drugs but if an officer catches me speeding on the way to the airport and mistakes my frustration/arabic-sounding last name for "criminal indicators", I may very well have some cologne in my baggage. It'd be nice to know what I can expect should I ever be in such an unfortunate situation.
  7. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/nov/21/troopers-arrest-michigan-men-seize-counterfeit-per-ar-1248676/ Cliffs: Drug sniffing dogs lead to seizure of counterfeit perfume/cologne. My question for is for anyone more familiar with drug sniffing dogs than I. I've heard that police dogs are not infallible and are occasionally proven to respond more to indicators given by their handlers than actual drugs. This would appear to be the case in this situation. I understand that "criminal indicators" is very subjective, but saying that a police dog that is trained to sniff for drugs indicated on a bunch of perfume doesn't say a whole lot about the actual credibility of these types of searches. Thoughts?
  8. This is pitting my hatred of the use of cars as a platform for politicking against my hatred of fucking with someone's car.
  9. I could come up with a handful of excuses but it really comes down to laziness.
  10. So is Target flat out refusing to give you a dime back? Have you...tried picking up a phone and giving them a ring? Maybe with your order number and calmly explaining your situation? Or is your only attempt to rectify the situation an angry Facebook post?
  11. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/get-security-deposit-back-29695.html that's really all you need to know. lots of good advice and pertinent links where necessary. From my personal experience, my 2 roommates and I moved out a couple years ago (not Ardent) and they apparently left a small pile of garbage in an apartment with cat-torn carpets (near doors), stains, and other minor damage. they charged us $215. You have the right to demand an itemized list of charges. When I moved out of my apt in Boston, they charged us $3000 and itemized an number of man-hours to clean the place. I had given them permission to enter the apartment to clean while we still had time left on our lease since we'd all moved out. As it turned out, they said a 3 person crew had done 120 hours of work over the course of a week to repair everything. What they didn't know is I returned 3 days after we gave them permission to go in to take pictures and the place had already been completely done. We ended up getting back $2800 without going to court. As a side note, I had negotiated with the landlord to leave a sleeper sofa and large kitchen table to the next tenants and they also tried to list "furniture left behind" as a reason to charge us. that came back as part of the $2800.
  12. Did anyone else hear this in Professor Frink's voice?
  13. Not sure what this means exactly...response pending further explanation My thought is that they probably have a process to cancel or refund an order such as this. Just saying your SOL doesn't sound like it'd last very long as a corporate policy.
  14. You didn't know? Unemployment checks have never been handed out until Obama took office. He's burning Saudi jet fuel in Cadillac One driving through the ghetto with a gold-plated cash cannon launching $100 bills straight into drug dealers' laps while praising Allah and redistributing the assault rifles wrapped in green cards to illegal immigrants. When he gets bored of that he takes al-Queda operatives up for flying lessons in Air Force One and presides over weddings between gay men and donkeys as he airlifts FEMA supplies and yellow cake uranium to Tehran and Pyongyang. EDIT: Forgot to mention how much he loves detaining Americans without charge and putting U.S. factories on barges bound for Shenzhen.
  15. In my head, I heard Rush Limbaugh's voice reading this :lolguy:
  16. Verizon 4G on a (FINALLY FUCKING UPDATED TO ICS, JUST AFTER JELLYBEAN ROLLS OUT) Moto Droid Bionic. I'm usually on wifi for both work and home which is substantially slower, but even with that I still use 1GB+ VZW data per month. If I didn't have wifi I'd probably be at 10GB+ :dumb:
  17. as much as the CR army would love to go vigilante on this looney, too much attention could scare him off. do the police have this ad?
  18. OK I gotta wonder how the hell these speeds are possible for you guys. Is it just lack of traffic? Or is that a consistent legit expectation? For instance, I'm at 6MB down and 2MB up on VZW at work, usually a bit better at home.
  19. You never know, someone asks to see ID and he might want to keep it semi-legit. he's also ballsy if he is continually running the same scam throughout the area.
  20. I just did the same. Was your CL post a picture of the guy? If so, would you say 6'2" 200 LBS, white guy 35 years old? If so, Bryan P Wood of 848 S Wayne Ave might be your dude, busted in 2001 doing 44 in a 25. Also, there's an officer in Franklin Co Sheriff's office named Bryan E Wood, so that filters out quite a few of those results.
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