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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Probably referring to the keyhole. This will be a great race. The track and tiny pit area will lend itself to some fracas too.
  2. new age machines that happen to be predominantly owned by Republican backers. plot twist: it's the Chinese.
  3. This would have been the 2nd part of my post. OP is freaking looney.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect What ACTUALLY happened is that more people in this country favored Obama over Romney. Not sure why it's so hard to understand that not everyone thinks the country should be run the way you think it should. But hey, maybe you should run for POTUS.
  5. looking at their inventory, I think people only buy from them so they can tell their friends they bought their oldass BMW there.
  6. Boot size? and is it a wide board or regular?
  7. Not sure on price, but contact Auto Additions. They do great work.
  8. It was his employer, a plumbing contractor who claims he had no idea the guy had no license. Even disregarding insurance for a moment, how the hell do you hand your keys over to someone without first asking for proof they're legally allowed to drive. Not only did this fucker take the life of this girl, ruin the lives of her man and child, he also just destroyed the life of the business owner who employed this man, probably paid him cash under the table, and is now no doubt partially responsible for this crash.
  9. Ive been reading about this. Makes me sick that scum like that driver could get away with driving for the last 20 years with no license. WTF.
  10. To you this is just noise. To a lot of people --hard working, tax paying, voting Americans with friends and family who care a lot for them -- this is their civil rights, their LIVES. Go to the gun-related areas of CR and look at all the posts of people concerned with their RIGHT to bear arms and how this election will effect them. Then consider that this election spent between 0 and 1 minutes collectively debating gun control. Change "right to bear arms" with "right to marry who you want" or "right to make choices regarding your own body", then factor in the amount of rhetoric spewing from both sides and you can see that, while you may not care, a lot of moderate (and even some partisan) voters care on behalf of those people they care about. I can't trivialize the importance of the economy, but I can't imagine I'm the only one in this country who values fundamental rights before my take-home pay.
  11. I've tried to stay out of this clusterfuck but this hits close to home. You know why I voted Obama this time around? Because snide, derogatory comments like this come pouring down from the right as if that is the best way to swing a moderate voter. It's like you're trying to insult the average moderate into submission. Your first comment is right on, however, the dems are better salespeople. That's basically what a politician is. A salesperson for ideas on how to build a country. Here's the sales pitches I heard, in my opinion. Dems: "Look at that guy. He says he's a moderate, but look at his primary campaign. He's right in line with the Hatches and Cantors and Boehners, the guys who refused to budge and have forced our budget to the brink of destruction in the interest of getting their guy elected. They're not looking out for you unless you're mega-rich. You're not mega rich? You're fucked. He's going to raise your taxes. Also, do you know any women or gays? Value their civil rights? Yeah, vote for us. Just look at this guy, he's a damn Mormon. He believes in aliens and crazy prophets. And pretty much all your jobs are going to go to China, since that's kinda how this guy made his fortune. Oh did we mention fortune? This guy is crazy rich. Like, take what you make a year, add 3 zeros to the end of it, then move the decimal point to the right one more zero. Yeah. But I'm sure he knows what it's like to have to dip in to your savings once in a while when times are tough." Reps: "Look at that guy. He's a goddamn socialist. Can you name a single positive thing he's done in office? Oh, you're 25 and Obamacare is helping you? You must be one of those unemployed n****r liberals. Wait you have a job? And your job's healthcare is more expensive than what you could do on your parents plan? Shit. Well, what about the bailout. That really fucked you, right? You work for FIAT, a company that paid back the bailout loan with interest 6 years early? That's no way to run a business. Well fuck you, you're probably just a socialist foreigner like Obama. You must be that 47%. Oh you receive no government assistance whatsoever, pay your taxes, manage to live a comfortable life, save money, don't cost the community money through social services, and work for a small business? Well if you're not part of the 47%, not a registered Republican, and not an illegal, then WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" Hi, I'm Alex, and I'm a moderate voter, and one of those platforms REALLY bugged me. For context, I was pro-Bush in 2004 (despite not voting), pro-McCain until he hired Her Royal Slutness as his running mate.
  12. Bill Brasky credits cold showers as the source of not only his enormous manhood, but his ability to drink Scotch for all of his meals.
  13. This. I decided to just fly to CT to watch the race with my dad. We went to every USGP together since 2001 and even one at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve during the off years. Couldn't justify the cost and crazy logistics of it this time around. A family friend is going to his brother's house 4 miles from the track and they're just going to ride bicycles from his house instead of waiting on car traffic. Brilliant if you ask me.
  14. At the end of a shower, its not a bad idea to crank the water to ice cold. Wakes your ass up and closes your pores.
  15. The SX4 was basically a rebadged FIAT Sedici, the Verona was a rebadge Daewoo V200, the Forenza was a rebadged Daewoo Lacetti. The Kizashi was, I think, their first non badge engineered car in a long time.
  16. It's too bad...the 6-speed Kizashi isn't a bad car at all, and people seem to love the SX4 for being a cheap 4wd DD.
  17. might want to check your map...Gore Mountain in VT I don't think is a ski resort. The ski resort is in upstate NY. I think my board would work for you, but it's currently in VT at my folks' house. I haven't been riding in a while and I need a new board anyways. It's a Lib Tech board, wide body with some really nice Burton Custom bindings. It might be a little longer than you're looking (163cm IIRC) but not too much of a stretch. It's lightweight and flexible for its size. I'll be visiting them in 2 weeks, I'll bring the board back if you're interested. edit: the board has a chip in it where a junior fuckstick skier slammed into me and gouged the top of the board <1cm long. The core was exposed but was sealed up within 2 hours so there was no rotting or damage.
  18. Not sure on costs for either, but both would be fun and unique. 1) Audi Sport Quattro S1 replica 2) FIAT X1/9 with K20 or some other swap.
  19. It can only be accessed by PC, and you have to hold ALT+F4 while trying to bite your shoulder.
  20. I do wonder what role, if any, the automobile would have had in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, had it existed during the 18th century. You can be certain the British would've tried to tax and/or confiscated automobiles, so I imagine if firearms are a protected right, so would be autos. And that scares the fuck out of me, that any and everyone would have the right to drive.
  21. There's been a couple at NASR. One guy shot himself in the parking lot, and IIRC last year a girl rented a gun, was receiving instruction from one of the guys there, then out of nowhere just put it to her head and pulled the trigger.
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