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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Would also consider cash + decent set of golf clubs for trade. I'm 6'3" so they'd have to work in that size range.
  2. daaaaaaaaamn thats a nice ass grand marquis. what you think he paid for it?
  3. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/photobucket-5203-1341937099035.jpg TTT for pic
  4. Are those euro spec or something? My dad's got very similar wheels on his but they don't have the big "BMW Motorsport" text on them, instead they just have a very small "///M3" logo. Either way, they look a helluva lot better than the 5-spokes.
  5. pretty clearly into the body. But you know, whatever makes 0-2 more bearable i guess.
  6. I got a code with a download pack and already have this game, so some lucky schmuck on CR gets it. Don't PM me, don't email me, just state here why you want it. Someone will get the steam activation code via PM sometime tomorrow.
  7. anyone know where to stream this fucker?
  8. If you can't understand that rep is all made up and doesn't matter, what are you doing on the internet? edit: you got trolled hard dude
  9. Who held this event? I went to Toyota direct to test drive the thing and was treated to an awful sales experience. The guy knew absolutely shit-all about the car and didn't seem to want to deal with anyone who did know anything. I've heard good things about my down-the-street competitors (Germain) but so far I can't get any of them to line up with the Abarth :lolguy: Not that the Abarth would stand a chance in a straight line.
  10. GLWS, good quality manual Fusions are fun to drive and hard to find at a good price!
  11. good thing you got one, apparently they've been banned for sale due to copyright claim by crApple!
  12. Its got less to do with current events, and more to do with past events. Over the winter and last fall, the barrel price of oil was massively inflated as people were betting on gas being at an all-time high this summer. Now the price of oil is dropping due to factors listed above, but that has less to do with it. This isn't so much gas prices dropping as it is shedding the artificially inflated prices of the past 6-9 months. Just another indicator that our economy has learned absolutely nothing from previous collapses.
  13. Bought this off Paul a little while ago, just like him I haven't shot it and have had no time to. Its got 2 choke tubes, imp cyl and turkey I think. Comes with 125 rds of ammo. PM or email sportcr620@yahoo.com, I work during the week and saturdays but I can meet pretty much anywhere in Columbus on Thursday or Sunday, and can meet most places on any other day. Possibly interested in trades (compact handguns), but mostly after $220 cash. Can email or txt pics, will have them up when I get home.
  14. I think this is the simplest way I can put it: If there is a path of less resistance offered that doesn't require you to waive any rights, by not taking that path you are participating in pointless resistance. Pointless resistance is the realm of children, not grown men. In my mind, if you pointlessly resist when offered a simpler solution, you should be treated like a child. While it is everyone's right to pointlessly resist, it is my and everyone else's right to treat others as we see fit within our rights, even if that means treating others like a child.
  15. What you did with my quote is the problem with this entire debate. You've taken a single comment out of context, negating the expository statements. By doing so you were able to infer that I believe illegal search & seizures are A-OK. Read the rest of the comment. I clearly said that conversation is the way to diffuse a situation. It's not a legally binding answer, but it is something that this entire country was based on; compromise for the COMMON good, not just the INDIVIDUAL good. I haven't suggested that you waive your right not to be searched, I haven't suggested that you waive your right to walk down the street with a gun on your hip, I simply suggested that you or anyone conducting themselves in this manner should, in the interest of the peace of mind of others, participate in a civil discourse with those who try to keep the peace. Think of others, not just yourself. That's not Constitutionally mandated, nor legally, but its the mandate of a good, productive member of society. EDIT: Keeping an open mind is the foundation of this country, and the drawback of that foundation is that people are free to close their minds to other ways of thinking or participating in democracy.
  16. I didn't say he was wrong to exercise his rights. I think its great that people exercise their rights in ways I disagree with; that's what makes this country great. But a guy standing on a streetcorner yelling "I'M THE NAZI MOTHERFUCKING JESUS SECOND COMING WHO'S GOING TO BANISH ALL THE BLACKS AND JEWS AND NONBELIEVERS TO HELL" is the same in my mind as this guy going out and filming an encounter with police where he spouts off a bunch of laws. A street corner is not a courtroom. IMO this officer would have been in the right to detain this guy for a short period because he seems unstable to me, and an unstable person who wants to shout court cases at a police officer (instead of shouting city ordinances, for instance) while carrying a gun IS a threat to my safety. In the end, I think the police absolutely did the right thing in this situation letting this guy go before it became an issue. I think it boils down to this; the difference between someone legally and illegally carrying a firearm cannot be ascertained at any distance. It requires some human interaction. The officer in this scenario attempted to interact in a polite, humane manner with this guy. The guy refused all attempts to be polite and civil, and while this is his right, it would have caused him absolutely no harm to engage the officer. There's a difference between "NO SIR YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ASK ME FOR MY NAME PLEASE REFER TO CASE X Y OR Z" and "actually officer, I was just trying to make a video for my internet channel followers demonstrating a legal way you can carry a firearm openly and protect yourself while exercising your legal rights. Therefore, I will exercise my rights and not tell you my name or show you my ID, but thank you for being cooperative and helping me in my demonstration." The latter exercised the same rights as the former, but did it in a way that IMO increased public safety by putting a potentially alerted police officer at ease.
  17. I usually find myself using this argument for the first amendment, but i find it works well for this as well. Exercising your right simply because you are free to do so is an abuse of the system. It's entirely masturbatory. Just because you have the right to [speak freely, carry a gun, etc], doesn't make it right to do so. When you do it without trying to benefit anyone else (and don't feed me this "raising awareness" or "education" crap) its entirely selfish and while, yes you are free to be as selfish as you want, you are simply draining society of something because you feel you need to make a point. In this case, this jackass went out not with the purpose of defending himself, but with the purpose of instigating some sort of confrontation with police that he could catch on video.
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