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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If you're gonna do something like an all inclusive resort, there are SO many better places in Caribbean/Central America than Mexico. Just stay the fuck out of northern and Baja Mexico.
  2. ITT bandwagon Cavs fans finally start talking shit after a postseason of waiting for the Heat to show some weakness.
  3. I don't know how I ever survived my childhood, what with the lack of booster seats and always sitting in front. Oh right, I remember, its because my parents aren't a couple of turpentine-swilling retards. Anyways, back on topic
  4. I can in no way relate to the loss of such a close loved one, but my now-girlfriend met me 3 days before her dad killed himself. I figured I'd never hear from her again (met her at a concert) but she called me up several weeks later looking for someone to hang out with who didn't know everything about the situation so she could escape. 5 months later we decided we were closer that just friends. Sounds a little bit like what you're going through so I guess my advice is maybe try to reconnect with some good people from your past? All the girls I know who toyed with eharmony or match ended up in weird/bad situations with guys who have serious jealousy and image issues.
  5. Sounds like somebody shady in the ER is handing out info...
  6. have you been to a hospital recently? if it's hospital debt, that probably means it was an ER trip by the thief. but then again, i'm using logic and not any firm facts to reach that conclusion.
  7. Fixed that for you... Show its parents that you care for it, that you're not just trying to get it back to your nest on the first night. Maybe bring it some worms and some water, take it slow. As time goes on the parents will grow to trust you, and then you can make your move. As you and the bird cohabitate, your differences will be resolved.
  8. Dog lives on 150 acre farm in Albany, OH with grandma, kid lives elsewhere. Parents are both in the piucture.
  9. This. My friend has a South African Boerboel that is the sweetest dog I know, but he is not allowed anywhere near the 1 year old member of the family. Not worth the risk just because she thinks/knows her dog is sweet.
  10. Speed doesn't kill, suddenly coming to a stop from a high speed is what kills. Thank you Clarkson. With regards to speed traps, I have no problem with it as a safety issue. In areas where a speed limit suddenly drops due to a residential area, I have no problem with officers camping out. That's obviously to increase safety. What I have a problem with is, for example. coming around the bend on i70W at Livingston and having traffic flow come to a screeching halt momentarily because everyone doing 70-75 sees a cop and slams on their brakes. The speed limit is only a limit as far as anyone follows it. People are going to go the speed that feels comfortable, and modern cars allow for 70-75 as a safe travel speed. What becomes unsafe is a road condition that suddenly makes 70-75 unsafe, SUCH AS A SURPRISE SPEED TRAP WHERE THERE IS NO REASON TO BE ONE.
  11. I think they're 16s...I saw a single tail fin. But yeah, they seem to be right over CMH airspace.
  12. pics w/blacklight over it for proof of "clean" :lolguy: will send this to a friend of mine who just moved
  13. I'm going to Monaco this year... in September :dumb:
  14. Yes, but not much. They'd rather you carry that balance to the end of the billing period, and then pay it off. They want to see that you trust yourself enough to not worry about that balance, but when it comes time to pay that you've got enough money to pay it all off easily. wnaplay, don't ever carry a balance month-to-month if you can help it. source: my dad is a chartered financial analyst
  15. The best way to build your credit is to use as much as your credit limit as possible on a card, and pay it off every month. it shows the bank that not only do you have a very good idea of your cash flow, but that you use it responsibly. "revolving credit" is what its called, and they like to see that you use it and are trustworthy with it. they figure that if you can set a budget for yourself and make payments more than when they are required, you are a good candidate for installment credit where you have mandatory payments.
  16. The right car, for the right price, in pretty much every case is my philosophy. In this day and age, I expect a car to run well for 300k miles if it has been well maintained. The closer you are buying to that 300k mark, the less you know about how well the maintenance is.
  17. With that kind of mileage, they probably gave the guy $3k for it, max. They'll probably message you back accepting the $8k offer as soon as they clean the jizz out of their pants. to clearly answer your question, the value placed on miles varies. Between 0 and 15k miles, devaluation is very steep. A 4k mile car means the same to a dealer/customer as a 15k mile car, generally. From 15-100k, it shallows out significantly. Customers often will compromise several tens of thousands of miles to get the equipment/color they want. Its amazing how fast "I only will buy a car with less than 40k miles" turns into "well, i like the color and moonroof on this one, even though it has 75k miles". 100k-200k miles is a certain kind of buyer. Typically maintain-it-yourself kinda guys, hunting for good deals on a older but good quality car that has plenty of life left in it once it gets a solid once-over. Anything over 200k is junk, IMO. Its worth way less to anyone else than it is to the original owner. Think of it this way, every mile that ticks over is a chance for a car to pick up a problem. When you buy a used car, you buy someone else's problems, whether they've been fixed or not. KennyFKINPowers bought someone's squeaky suspension, and now he's dealing with it. with 240k miles, you're likely buying a fuckton of problems. They may have all been fixed already, but that car's got a lot of history under its' hood and all that history and metal is not worth $12k, its likely not worth $8k, probably closer to $4-5k.
  18. I'll give you an example of when trading > private selling. I recently had a customer come to pick up his Abarth. He wanted NADA Clean value for his trade, a 2009 Honda Fit with 4k miles. He doesn't drive very far to work. We would absolutely agree with his car's "Clean" rating. NADA and KBB were both at around $15,400 for clean trade-in value. Carmax offered him $14,000. We took a look at the retail sale prices around town, including Lindsay Honda who is right down the road from us, and we were floored. Cars with similar miles and Honda Certified Pre-Owned warranty (up to 100k miles) were RETAILING for less than $15,000 and not selling. And these cars were even 2010s and 2011s. He was very reasonable about the process and ended up trading in his car to Carmax when he realized that not only would he go through the hassle of selling the car himself, he'd probably end up getting less for it than if he ran to Carmax to call them on their crazy offer. Do your comparison shopping, and keep emotion out of it. Also, consider if you're trading in on a new vehicle, this equation. V*1.0675 (assuming you are in Franklin county) = ACV where V= the offer made to you by the dealer and ACV = the actual benefit of trading your vehicle in, which includes a tax break. This does not apply to used car deals.
  19. http://www.woot.com/ get shopping, bitches
  20. This needs to be quoted. I buy as much refurb stuff from 1saleaday and woot as anywhere, and my 2 year old 37" vizio has had no hiccups. would highly recommend anything from those sites.
  21. I will never understand why the people who fight so passionately in the name of human rights to save a fetus whose cells have not arranged in a way that allows consciousness, will, as soon as the threshold of the mother's vagina is crossed, fight to limit that child's rights if it is born gay, muslim, to an immigrant mother, or a slew of other qualities deemed threatening to the American way (in their vision of a white Christian gated-community America).
  22. There are more minority babies than majority babies. That statement makes my head explode.
  23. Forgot to mention the tickets are usually for the nordecke
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