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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. That has all the makings of a ridiculously fun track car.
  2. play-it-again sports. I was there picking up a putter and they had a bunch of ladies stuff. at least at the one at Rte 3/Polaris pkwy
  3. I don't know about you, but even in my relatively well-lit entranceway, I wouldn't be able to tell an LEO from an armed robber at 1:30am through my peep-hole, and that's the only thing that lets me see what's at my door. That doesn't even take into account an LEO who is trying to remain unannounced. LEOs do not have a free pass to do whatever it takes to arrest people. He's using the need for surprise as an excuse for not IDing himself, he must've been concerned about 1 or more of the following: 1) suspect is armed 2) suspect is a flight risk 3) suspect is a potential murderer If indeed ANY of those are a factor, is it not wise to try to alert the surrounding neighbors? And, you know, maybe make sure you're at the right address?
  4. I disagree with the last part of your statement. In my current living room we have a wall-mounted Vizio 37" LCD and a TV-stand mounted 42" Panasonic plasma. The Panasonic is definitely the better TV all-around (taking sound, overall look of the TV, features, input/outputs into consideration) but at the end of the day, the Vizio has a better picture. They were only about $80 difference in price. This is in a room with 1 large sliding glass door that is usually covered with blinds and no windows other than that.
  5. You know, I'm surprised that the U.S. hasn't caught on to a novel idea I've had. In this country we love doing 2 things in business; privatizing and outsourcing. Lets do both with prisoners. Why should we pay high rates to keep our life-sentence prisoners living in comfort without giving back to society in any way? Lets privatize and outsource. I bet for half of what we pay any domestic incarceration firm we could house our prisoners for life in Siberia and pay the Russian government to keep things in order. I saw Lockup or one of those shows about a Siberian prison for life-sentence offenders. Despite the harsh conditions, prison officials claim that they have 0 annual complaints about prisoner treatment :gabe: Even that is too good for a fuckstick like this though.
  6. Where will the TV be primarily used? Lots of natural light or indoor lighting in a basement? When we had our 50" plasma screen it was BEAUTIFUL unless it had a lot of natural light on it, then it sucked because of the glare off the glass. Conversely, in a darker area with less natural light, the crisp blacks/dark colors of the plasma looked way better than a bright LCD.
  7. came here to post this. sad. hope that fucking murderer isn't dead yet, he needs to rot on death row to get what he deserves.
  8. They can say "put yourself in the deputy's shoes" all day. They need to be told "put yourself in the innocent homeowner/apartment dweller's shoes" first. With all due respect for LEO's, they sign up to get in harm's way for the benefit of innocent people. If not identifying yourself as a LEO for "safety reasons" results in dead innocent people, YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THAT FOR SAFETY REASONS.
  9. That's what I mean, though. "Assuming x, which is the basis for this entire claim and may in no way apply to this situation, then y is true". That's what you get when you take advice on the internet. I'm not saying Eli is dispensing bad facts, I'm just saying taking it at face value ("Under $26k is untaxed") is going to land you in a bad situation.
  10. If you're not a fan of LCD, I'd say go plasma. My friend has a 7-8 yr old Vizio that still looks incredible even after 4 years of college use (aka many hours a day every day). EDIT: If you're not TOTALLY set against LCD, my Vizio LCD has been incredible too. I've lived with Samsung, Panasonic, Phillips, Zenith, Vizio, Sanyo, and LG flat televisions and by far the best brands were Vizio and Samsung, of all those. LG had the best customer service; when my Zenith plasma blew a power supply. LG had purchased Zenith and honored the warranty that the previous owner had purchased at Best Buy. I was floored.
  11. Step 1) Take tax advice from anonymous people on the internet. Step 2) Regret decision in pound-me-in-the-ass federal prison.
  12. Because Valve is, IMO, the only company that truly understands the video game market and I want to give them my money to show them that I support their way of doing business. It boils down to the question "Why do you pirate games?" For a long time, my answer was multidimensional; -I can't afford $60/game. -Even when I can afford it, I'm not sure I'll like it and I don't want to pay for something I can't return. -It's easier to pirate a game because of shitty DRM. -Even if I do like it, I'm not sure I'll play it again and with a digital download, I can't just sell it to a friend/gamestop/whoever when I'm done with it. Over time, Valve was the only boardroom that got together and asked "How do we tackle these issues to make our method of selling the marketplace more attractive than piracy?" instead of what all the other companies did which was more along the lines of "How do we make it impossible to pirate our games?" Some reasons I spend my money on Steam: -Affordability. Most of the games I play are on sale...and it seems they are so permanently. -Minimal DRM. I can usually uninstall/reinstall games as many times as I want on as many different computers (I have 2, Steam allows up to 5 I think) as I want. -Community-based and expansive inclusion of 3rd-party mods being embraced and increasingly popular. In short, I want this model of business to succeed, so I will do whatever I can to tell them to keep doing what they're doing.
  13. CR Consensus: If you wanna read Sci-Fi, read Neuromancer.
  14. this plan is sure to fall flat what she should do is have 4 separate donation cups, labelled "B", "C", "D", and "DD+"
  15. My coworker says his S&W Bodyguard 380 is the best conceal weapon he's ever owned. He also has a Sig SP2022, and he's reserve military.
  16. Orion helped me bigtime with my build, PM him.
  17. If you're looking at a handgun, don't go cheap for home defense. You're going to want to spend a bit more for reliability. A lot of people will tell you that 9mm is a terrible home defense caliber, but IMO as long as it makes a loud noise and shoots straight (and every time you pull the trigger), they're all pretty much equal. Still, a 12ga Remington makes a hell of a lot louder bang . Whatever you own, make sure you know how to tear it down, clean it, and put it back together. I'm glad I started with a shotgun as my first firearm, as it was a hell of a lot easier to DCOA than any of the handguns I've owned.
  18. Its a non-fiction book, but its one of the best I've ever read; "Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story" by Chuck Klosterman. The dude has written for Esquire, GQ, Spin (senior writer), ESPN, Grantland, and he's probably one of the best writers of this generation. His other books, fiction and non, are all great but this is the one that I read first. It's hard to make a synopsis without sounding confusing, anyone else read it that can back me up on its awesomeness?
  19. Clear your PM box, I'm selling the one that Paul linked.
  20. Like Sci-Fi? Get to the roots of science fiction with some classics: "Neuromancer" by William Gibson Cyberpunk dystopia story dealing with a lot of sci-fi topics. "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card Read this when I was a teenager and loved it, but its more for teens I think. I'd compare it to a sci-fi Catcher in the Rye (which I hated). "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by P.K. Dick The protagonist's name is Rick Deckard. Sound familiar? This book was the basis for Blade Runner. Honorable Mentions: "A Scanner Darkly" is also a story you might be familiar with the Hollywoodized version of. "Slaughterhouse-V" by Kurt Vonnegut This is just one of the best books ever and you must read it. "Ralph 124C 41+" by Hugo Gernsback Very old story, kinda crappy but it predicts a HUGE number of modern inventions when it was written in WWI-era. Supposed to indicate "Ralph one to forsee for many (1+ = many)" If you're a fan of racing, and/or have ever met Tommy Byrne at Mid-Ohio, read his autobiography "Crashed and Byrned". Its hilarious as it is depressing at times, but in short its about a stupid, stubborn Irishman who competed with Ayrton Senna to drive Ron Dennis' car at one point in his career, and the hilarious idiocy that comes with being a bottom-level racer with incredible skill.
  21. IMO BMW has gotten away from the Ultimate Driving Machine philosophy since the early 2000s. My dad's '03 530i drives like shit and my mom's '12 135i, while powerful, is not nearly as fun as older BMWs are. Call me nostalgic, but if I wanted the experience the new bimmers try to present, I'd buy a Mercedes or an Audi.
  22. FTFY This month for a 1300 sq ft top floor apartment it was $138. Of course, the AC was running overtime to compensate for the nonstop NHL playoff viewing and heat from the TV running all night every night.
  23. I effin love Steam sales. Sadly, they lost my business on Bioshock and Bioshock 2 as Amazon had them bundled a couple weeks ago for $7.50. Eagerly awaiting Arma II: Combined Ops + DayZ for big discount.
  24. No, its an option. No tach standard. I wish I was kidding.
  25. Don't forget the inevitable massive settlement payout when someone's kid drowns/comes close to drowning because of staffer negligence.
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