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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. if you want to drive across Botswana, get the Beetle
  2. says the obviously coolest, toughest dude here
  3. There's also no part of me that would want to drive a Ford GT into a lot full of nutswingers. You give me the keys to one of those, I'd go straight to a curvy road in SE Ohio or something.
  4. Screw the Prius, buy a FIAT 500 and enjoy life not driving a soulless econobox. GLWS
  5. :lolguy: at everyone in this thread who believes everything they see advertised.
  6. I would certainly hope that as a Corpsman he doesn't have as much of a problem with authority. He clearly enjoys pushing the limits of authority, as evidenced by the fact that he went out of his way to open carry without identification. Is it his right? Yes. Is it a good idea? No. Would I want to fight alongside someone, putting my life in the hands of someone, who makes a statement by seeing how far he can push a LEO's limits within the law, just to see if he can get the guy to screw up for his own entertainment? Fuck no. Yes, he does need booted from the Marines. In this country we try to recruit the best, not the worst, for our armed services.
  7. Also, needs to get booted from the Corps. <---Considering sending an email to Oceanside PD commending their officer on how he handled being recorded by an obvious troublemaker/clown.
  8. THIS That car is fuckin beautiful.
  9. He wasn't charged with soliciting prostitution. Even if he was, innocent until proven guilty.
  10. And what the Ford dude basically said was exactly that, and then "and even trophy trucks break"
  11. Its too bad the cop couldn't just step back and see that he too was being just a "stupid human being". Of course we don't know what situation the officer was in recently to put him in such a tizzy over that stop, but an explanation is not an excuse. The way he spoke about dropping the guy and executing him was sickening.
  12. US copyright law either just has or is in the process of being changed to "First to file" instead of "first to invent". So basically, Steve Jobs can file a patent for the black rectangle and claim he was the first to patent it so he owns all rights to it.
  13. The police are only going to pull you over specifically for it if they're looking in your car to see whos driving it and they can't see. They do that because A) you're driving like a jackass or B) you drive a very conspicuous car. Don't give them reason to want to look in, you'll be fine going darker than legal. And even if you do get ticketed, its just a luxury tax
  14. If you're complaining about the cost of some bomb ass ribs, you've got bigger problems than waiting in line.
  15. LOL for thinking mods = price increase Since you're at $100k obo, hows $4.50 sound? And you pay my taxes upon registration. This offer is good for 10 days, til 7/29. Think about it. GLWS for a nice car
  16. I think if you're handicapped in that way, you have two choices. You can: A) Choose to be an equal among humans. She lives, she breathes, she has the same ability to succeed in life as everyone else despite her handicap, and in all aspects of life she should not be given special treatment due to her disability. This would mean that she should happily accept the cheerleading squad's decision with the hope that someday someone will reward that kind of understanding and attitude with a bitchin' job or something. or B) Demand special "accomodations" for her disability, accept everyone's sympathy and accept being treated as inferior her whole life. If you want people to accommodate you, you should not have any shame in admitting you require accommodations because you are inferior. Its a tough lesson, but you can't have it both ways. Or she could, you know, get a ton of money, STDs, and self esteem doing amputee porn.
  17. I love my XDm9. As you said, that 19+1 is amazing. I've put quite a few rounds down the barrel by now and I realize I was a fool for ever considering selling it for a 1911 (although I still do want a 1911R1 or SR1911). Like my uncle's passion for his old PPK, I think I'll love and keep this gun forever.
  18. Patsy's Pizzeria, 61 W 74th St. in Manhattan between Columbus and Central Park West. Used to go there with my ex every time I visited her. Its a sit-down classy place with amazing entrees other than pizza (try the linguine pescatore). She's from the Bronx so we drank at Bronx Ale House a lot, up on 238th if you make it up there. Definitely hit the museums; MOMA, Natural History Museum, etc. Spend time in Central Park. Avoid Times Square like the plague, everything there sucks. Visit the Apple store. Go to the South Street Seaport. One of the best dates I've ever been on was getting a couple bottles of wine and riding the Staten Island Ferry there and back. Do not miss the opportunity to go to a Yankee's game. This coming from a Red Sox fan.
  19. Keep in mind that in Ohio they do random insurance checks. Even if your car is not being used, Ohio has the right to demand proof of insurance on all currently registered vehicles. It doesn't matter what your insurance company says is ok, if you cannot provide proof that your car was insured on the date requested, you can get in trouble. If you plan on putting a hold on insurance, also plan on turning in the registration.
  20. You can't rape the willing :gabe:
  21. Depending on where you live, especially if you're by water, this is very good advice. Beware spiders in your exhaust.
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