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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. After all that shit, fees, Paypal, lost income due to shady fucks, isn't it just easier to sell at a lower price in a more reliable place such as CR or similar forums? I mean, in the long run you may make more on eBay but I'd guess for small-dollar items that its only a 1 or 2% net gain for a lot more headaches. This coming from someone who has done business numerous times on CR and other forums and only bought one thing on eBay due to crappy experience.
  2. Please, please keep the partisan shit out of this. I know the article highlights that Wisconsin Republicans passed this bill but there are plenty of Democrats who had the opportunity to do the right thing and make a huge deal out of this and didnt. They're all shithead politicians playing pocket pool with each other anyways. http://www.politicususa.com/en/wisconsin-fired-blowing-whistle-poll-tax I thought this was put to rest in 1966.
  3. It depends on the business and the item you need. A lot of things can be done for cheaper online, but if its a difference of a dollar or two I'll happily pay more to go into a store and talk to someone about the product, as well as have the opportunity to mess with it before I buy. I can't tell you how many impulse buys I've avoided simply by visiting a store to check something out that had a great online price but just felt generally shitty or poor quality once it was in my hands. I find this is the case with 99% of the electronics I buy
  4. If you live off Billingsley is it that much of an inconvenience to take your car to Hatfield? I know its a drive, but you may encounter a service team so eager for a conquest customer that they exceed your expectations.
  5. My experience is more with my grandmother, and its from another angle; she blames every single person in the family for everything EXCEPT me, probably because I'm the only one in the family other than her two sons who speaks Portuguese with her. It can be very difficult to say what you want, but accompany most things with a smile and it softens every word. A lot of my defending my parents and uncles involves me simply smiling and telling her that they're simply raising the family in a way that makes sense for their situation. You're going to have different issues with your kids than they had with you, and you just have to calmly explain to them that you're not ignorant of the things they point out, but things are the way they are for a reason. If you need to make a stronger point, you can tell them their advice to you about how to raise your family is about as well-informed and appropriate as you telling them that they are too old to do this or that and that you're making the decision to fix it by doing _____________.
  6. this is somewhat irrelevant, but make sure to mention to her that when, in 6 months after installing 26 more virus toolbars and malware, that it wasn't you "screwing with her computer" that messed it up. she'll inevitably come to that conclusion on her own.
  7. I think the thing I like most is how reminiscent the Reventon's style is to 80s look. I do miss the days of completely bonkers supercar wing styling, like that 747 accessory on the Countach.
  8. "Yeah I just wanna make sure its safe to dig in the middle of the highway?"
  9. if these are still around after labor day i'm interested
  10. THIS. I broke 2, went to my car, grabbed 4 more from the seat back :fuckyeah:
  11. IMO its because of straight line speed vs cornering speed. If your car is a straight line car, you can get bored with it because there are fewer ways to vary your car's driving experience; its always going to need a long straightaway for how its set up. Set up a car for quickness around corners, and you've got any number of variables to make your driving experience more hair raising in terms of where you drive.
  12. I would also like to thank Jason for his help in getting your car broken into. Jason's a good guy and no matter how retarded you or your goals are, he's there to help!
  13. I refuse to live in the 'burbs because I take cabs when I'm out gettin drunk. $20/night to never have to worry abut how i'm gettin home = win
  14. I enjoy TGUS, but i still think "getting teeth pulled" should be an option here
  15. well it turns out my roommate is a giant sissy when it comes to snakes. Would've thought such a macho manlyness-obsessed guy wouldn't get all skurred at the thought of a snake. i may still be interested in the milk snake if he's still around after labor day
  16. I'm not worried about my cat doing the bothering...he's quite stupid. Almost daily he falls off something high up because he got too ambitious about jumping on it. I'm worried that he'll somehow break the enclosure by tipping something into/onto it and releasing the snake.
  17. Thanks for the tips! Gotta talk it over with the roommate, and figure out if a cat would be a co-habitant in my room. I'll get back to you if the pieces fall into place. Either way I probably won't do anything before I get back from a Labor Day vacation, but I'm interested.
  18. what sort of health/care concerns should be noted for someone who is considering a snake but has never owned one before?
  19. Its sad that so many companies have forsaken cars with balls for global volume sales. Kudos to the few makes/models that still manage to pull off something fun to drive and desirable/easy to own.
  20. manual transmission is all but a text-while-driving prevention measure. within 5 minutes of the first time a new driver tries to do it, they'll realize they're better off alive and put the phone away. or they'll keep doing it and die 10 minutes later, whatever.
  21. I don't understand the equipment upgrades on the various models. Split rear seats and height adjustable driver seat to move from L to LE? It like they took a bunch of should-be-standard features and said "what can we get people to pay more for?"
  22. dude you spelled "Monte Carlo" wrong on your leg.
  23. why would usaa acct have huntington's routing number associated with it? and P.S. its the number everyone else (besides linn) posted and is at the bottom of my checks.
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