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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Big thanks to everyone though, I didn't expect the amount of responses in such a short time.
  2. My patience is equal to or less than the patience of my customers :gabe:
  3. Joe from byers is cool too, just called me back. Took long enough, but thanks to Nighthawk for the connection
  4. I swear, she looks around to find an empty desk and transfers me there.
  5. Follow up: Nick at Hatfield is the man. Appreciate the offers for contacts at Byers but after getting 3 different service advisors voicemails, I'm sick of trying.
  6. PICK UP YOUR GODDAMN PHONES. Does anyone here work there? We're trying to get a quote for a customer and to save everyone the hassle of driving all over town to Hatfield or MAG, we're trying to get a hold of Byers. 2 days in a row no one ever picks up their goddamn phone or returns calls. /rant. On another note, is there anyone here who knows how to fix a faulty Tiptronic on an 03 GTI 1.8T? When moved aside into manual shift mode, the display still shows "D" and it won't shift manually.
  7. This. The dummy wallet is essential, and get some traveler's cheques if you can. Its a slight inconvenience to exchange them more often than cash, but if they're lost/stolen you're in the clear. When I traveled I just kept a small billfold on a long chain around my neck. Be prepared to have a LOT of political discussions if you're friendly and open with locals. One of my fondest memories was playing chess with an old man in Austria in some platz (plaza) in the middle of Linz while he told me his experience in rebuilding after the war (in very broken English). That's what got me so interested in military history.
  8. Cue the sunglass removal and "YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
  9. Do this, make the nativity scene, use blowup dolls, profit.
  10. This is correct. Went with my family. Dad picked up his 5-series in Munchen, we broke it in on a trip to Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Linz, and back to Munchen. It was awesome. If you're going to travel to Prague, I think you should also visit Austria. IMO its one of the best places to visit in Europe. Budapest was really cool too but I wish I'd gone to Prague instead :fuuuu:
  11. Guy I worked with had a SERIOUSLY lazy eye. Always told the same joke to take the edge off and prevent teasing. Him: "I ever tell you bout my special blue eyes?" Me: "But...your eyes aren't blue" Him: "Look closer *points to each eye* ...one blew left and one blew right."
  12. are CLEETUS plates included? GLWS for the nicest two-tone paint combo GM ever built (same as my old '59 pickup)
  13. This is the first rational argument I've seen for not helping her out. About 2 hours later a CFP car pulled up behind her and made sure she and whoever was helping her were safe.
  14. Never did I say he was not doing his job. I said he was a cockbag. If you are in a position to easily help someone, why would you not? Cuz its not your job? I'm not asking Officer Shitface to close down a lane, drop down on all fours and get dirty to change a tire. I'm saying that basic human decency would have him at least ask the lady if she needs help getting in touch with AAA or if she's alright. Like I said in the OP, he had been out there scanning for between 45 minutes and an hour without pulling anybody over. You dicks saying its not his job so he has no reason to help are callous at best and utterly dispassionate selfish assholes at worst. Think about what you said here if your car is ever stolen and the police don't seem to care about getting your car back; after all, its not an emergency.
  15. When I was 19 on my way to beavercreek and saw a lady trying to secure a huge chair in the back of her pickup by the side of the hwy. There's a reason people aren't allowed to just stop in the breakdown lane; its a safety hazard. Police are there to make sure that hazard gets cleaned up as quickly as possible.
  16. This may or may not have been done already:gabe:
  17. which means that it is a public safety hazard and must be handled by authorities
  18. I've been sitting at work watching a Franklin County Sheriff clock cars for about 45 minutes to an hour on I-70 E at Brice. He hasn't pulled a single person over. 5 minutes ago, a PT Cruiser broke down/got a flat (surprise) across the highway in the far westbound shoulder. The driver has been waving at the officer for 5 minutes trying to get his attention, to no avail. In my experience I often see CHP on the side of the road helpin people, at least with lights on to keep them safe. This guy is a cockbag.
  19. they did make this guy give his back though http://images.teamsugar.com/files/upl1/1/13255/16_2008/licenseplate.jpg :dumb:
  20. Springfield XDm handguns are loved if for nothing else than great magazine capacity. my 9mm holds 19+1, the .40 holds 16+1, and .45 holds 13+1.
  21. caveat emptor. As was said, its not as if he didn't know about the tick when he bought it, and its not like it happened 2 days later. Shit, 3 months ago was a different season. Its never mean spirited, but I always make sure to include "AS IS" in a bill of sale when privately selling high-dollar items.
  22. My experience is not my own, but my parents. They went to Little Dix Bay (lol) in the British Virgin Islands. If you have a passport, I highly suggest anywhere in the BVI. They described Little Dix Bay as being very quiet and secluded. http://www.littledixbay.com/ Also, I've been to the Bitter End Yacht Club about 6 times and loved it every time. Theres some kids at BEYC but just as many honeymooning couples. It also has the perk of being 1 island away from Necker Island (Sir Richard Branson's private island) so in the winter months, there's a good chance you'll see some royalty or celebrity at BEYC for dinner. Very much a sailing/windsurfing/SCUBA/watersports focus at BEYC and its kiiiinda expensive. still worth a look though. http://www.beyc.com/
  23. Think twice about the 4runner. My buddy loves his older one, but Consumer Reports was not as happy with the new ones. http://news.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/05/test-complete-2010-toyota-4runner.html
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