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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i wish i was a little bit taller i wish i was a baller i wish i had a girl who look good i would call her
  2. I was going to say you probably learned some modicum of time management skill, but judging by the number of posts I see you make on CR thats probably not true.
  3. I want to work as an exec in the auto industry to make sure that cars continue to be fun to drive instead of soulless eco-boxes like the Leaf and Prius. EDIT: Preferably at FIAT S.p.A., or whoever controls Alfa Romeo in the future.
  4. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/04/27/forbes-releases-2011-worst-cars-on-the-road-list/ Escalade and Tahoe Hybrid (cousins of the Yukon) proudly on display on the worst list, along with Nissan Titan (incest half brother of Armada). I'd say screw all of it, get a Buick Roadmaster Estate.
  5. Just sold an Armada; its a really nice truck, very comfortable to drive. SE Offroad 2wd with leather and I think that was the only addon.
  6. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/6/2/128884018418479708.jpg
  7. easiest way to do this would be to find someone to put this on, then youve got a housecleaner for life http://bluediamondring-s.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/engagement-ring.jpg
  8. Fuck BOA. Fuck them long, and fuck them hard. Still have accounts with them because there are no BOA locations here and no Huntington locations on the east coast where my parents and sister live, and BOA is nothing but fees and hassles.
  9. http://www.tinygif.com/data/media/8/busey_clapping_applause.gif
  10. are you shopping for price range? is $12k it?
  11. http://www.scuffletown.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/nou.gif
  12. http://www.monkeyreview.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/1237436885305.jpg
  13. Its only when you think you've got everything under control when you show the greatest weaknesses. Assuming you've thought of every outcome and every solution is the easiest way to get a nasty surprise and find yourself helpless. Thats why you see police officers at their most alert during traffic stops. What appears to be the most common, simplest interaction is also the most prone to erupting in something completely unpredictable.
  14. http://www.internetseriousbiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/internet-serious-business.jpg
  15. The fact that its 3am in a residential area on a weekday. How do you know they arent durka durkas waiting for the next nosy asshole to blow up the bomb they're sitting on? When you don't know, call the people you pay to keep you safe; if the men with guns who are legally allowed to shoot people play it safe, pull their guns, and have the guys exit the car one by one, they might be on to something with this whole "caution before bravado" thing.
  16. 2 nights ago my neighbor was walking through our complex when what looked like an empty car rolled down 2 side windows and some thugs stuck guns out and demanded his money. he took off in the other direction. the last thing you want to do is get yourself closer to a potential situation like this, you did the right thing. and LOL at the internet tough guys here pretending like they would just walk up with a gun.
  17. http://www.meanmugcrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/3-MeanMug.png
  18. he keeps mentioning that he's doing favors because he's fucking up, trying to get money out of you, and knows he has no legal recourse. burn the bridge and start over.
  19. 2nded. Friend with 130 acres down in Albany with a trap thrower > any range.
  20. LOL "Your iPod touch is now set up. You're ready to start using the most advanced iOS ever." Subtle reminders to McSnobs that no matter what anyone says, YOU'RE THE BEST EVER BECAUSE YOU BOUGHT APPLE PRODUCTS.
  21. Hide ya wife, hide ya kids, hide ya husbands CUZ SWAT SERVIN WARRANTS ON ERRBODY IN HERE
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