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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. [too lazy to find the picture] brool story co [/but you get the idea]
  2. my roommate used to have one of the Chicago skyline. worth it.
  3. QFT I'd say this is a pretty big fail by Apple. They didn't do enough to make people want a brand new iPad2 instead of just spending less for a 1st gen. IMO they should've waited to simultaneously release with iPhone 5 on AT&T's 4G network, but I'm no marketing guru so what do I know.
  4. you quoted 25 mi/hr so your estimate is right in between 193000 and 293000 miles...which would you guess?
  5. ACER AL2216W? fucking awesome monitor, posting on one now. no HDMI but an incredible value and mine is 2 or 3 years old I think and no dead pixels or anything. wish this hadn't been scooped up or I'd have me a 2 monitor setup...well, a real one, this 17" secondary monitor sucks
  6. i've heard the trigger pull is heavy for those who haven't fired a CCW-purposed gun before (like myself) but that it's easy to get used to. I wanted to rent one to fire at NASR but they don't rent them out because "they've got enough demand as is"
  7. The compact XDM9 is great as well, you can get a grip extender so it uses a 19rd mag like the fullsize. I prefer the balance of the fullsize, however. SOMEONE BUY THIS GUN I wish it had been for sale when I bought. I got the same price after tax, etc on a used one, but would've much rather helped a CR member
  8. lies. she told me your mushroom was more like a pinhead edit: oh your mom's a lezzy...i couldn't understand "bufhht i lifk gurfffllss" while i was goin balls deep down her throat
  9. "match grade" barrel, interchangeable grip backstraps, ambidextrous mag release, reworked trigger, 4.5" barrel (3.8" compact, as opposed to 3" 4" or 5" for XD) edit: also, 19rd mag capacity which from what i understand is improved from XD
  10. people who hit skip will rot in the worst pits of hell so no, but in that instance the officer is investigating.
  11. my balls are quite comfortable right now, but i think your mom would suffocate if i left them in her mouth all day.
  12. I have very flat, wide feet. New Balance shoes with the NBZip sole always helped ease discomfort in running etc
  13. I try to have respect for officers, especially in traffic stop situations. However, there is "doing things the right way" to try to help the victim, and then there's taking sides as an officer. When you sign a traffic ticket, you are acknowledging you have been charged with the stated offense and if you elect to exercise your right to be heard before a judge, you may do so. Any officer commanding me not to exercise that right by showing up at my doorstep or calling me at night is way out of line, a jackass and abusing his power.
  14. Did you read the thread? I think a lot of people contributed quiet a bit. OP is asking the best way to go about getting this jackass off his back. It doesn't matter if he was completely guilty and in the wrong, this officer's conduct is unprofessional and inappropriate to say the least. I think he just wants to know what he can expect if he doesn't do anything, what he can expect if he does try to do something about it, and the best way to handle either situation. We don't need the whole story because guilt of the charged offense is irrelevant. I'd tear into anyone who calls me at night telling me how to exercise my rights as someone accused of anything.
  15. grannys gone wild 2 hahahaha in for the backstory
  16. mine was a '59 chevy pickup truck. i wouldn't recommend it. it wasn't mine, but for a while I drove a '97 Celica. the clutch might as well have been made of cheese it was so crappy but it got from a to b and it never needed any special maintenance when i drove it between 95k and 110k miles.
  17. It could be something related but not warranting that kind of behavior. I have a friend who got in a "who can cut each other off the best" contest with some psycho bitch, cops were called by other people but couldn't get there before both people had left. so they showed up 2 nights in a row to his parents' house (he was living at his GFs) and threaten to take them to prison for hiding someone wanted for questioning...at 1130pm...and the parents found more officers creeping around their house peeking in windows with flashlights. No prior convictions, a bunch of traffic violations on his history though. No warrants. Of course, this was all in Westerville so thats pretty normal procedure there.
  18. can't emphasize how much i love mine. this is a good deal for anyone interested
  19. True, but our demand also doesn't determine what buyers are willing to trade oil futures for; analysts do. And analysts are so disconnected from reality, they caused Ford stock to go down the moment they reported a $6.6bn annual profit...because those analysts had predicted an $8bn profit.
  20. if you're looking for something CCW, I've been doing some research lately and as far as I've seen, there is no more demand than for the S&W Bodyguard .380. If you're looking in that Sigma price range though, I hear lots of positive comments about the Ruger LCP and Bersa Thunder CC (for the price).
  21. if you're happy with the firearms you received and are happy to be rid of the ones you traded him, then you got a good deal. If you're concerned about the cash value of the swap, i'll let other people chime in.
  22. Unfortunately this has to be a shameless plug for my employer but my coworker and I just spent 4.5 hours last friday doing this with a point and shoot at night: Protip: Easton is DESERTED by 1130 when its cold out and security didn't mind us blocking part of the street for close to 1/2 hour while we took photos. Locations include: Easton (various, but by Nordstrom is very well lit) 92nd Airborn parking lot (by CMH) CMH Arrivals lane (also didnt mind us taking photos for a short time) various alleys on campus in front of RPAC/near Ohio Stadium Iuka(off 4th) and Walhalla (off Indianola) streets The CAP (Hyde Park, Greek Orthodox Church) The arch near Nationwide Arena Northwestern Mutual (near where casino was supposed to be) - there is also a lot with about a dozen SEL and S class benzes, as well as an old Imperial, a Continental, and an old Caddy Confluence Park Huntington Park along Marconi blvd behind what I think is the Police HQ, near the Santa Maria COSI/Genoa Park (obviously) http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5180/5458915500_4db47943cc.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5134/5458923798_c8a588ab2f.jpg We'll be going to do some daytime photos this upcoming Sunday (3/6) in the FIAT, will post those when we do so. EDIT: Images added
  23. yeah, there's a few in Cbus, here's a guide
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